29 30 31
Factorization2 × 3 × 5
Divisors1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
Greek numeralΛ´
Roman numeralXXX

30 (thirty) is the natural number following 29 and preceding 31.

In mathematics

30 is a square pyramidal number.

30 is an even, composite, pronic number. With 2, 3, and 5 as its prime factors, it is a regular number and the first sphenic number, the smallest of the form , where r is a prime greater than 3. It has an aliquot sum of 42, which is the second sphenic number.

It is also:


In a group G, such that , where p does not divide m, and has a subgroup of order , 30 is the only number less than 60 that is neither a prime nor of the aforementioned form. Therefore, 30 is the only candidate for the order of a simple group less than 60, in which one needs other methods to specifically reject to eventually deduce said order.

The SI prefix for 1030 is Quetta- (Q), and for 10−30 (i.e., the reciprocal of 1030) quecto (q). These numbers are the largest and smallest number to receive an SI prefix to date.

In science


In other fields

Thirty is:

History and literature

  • At about age 30 (according to Luke 3:23), Jesus of Nazareth was baptized by John the Baptist, signaling the beginning of his public ministry of teaching and healing. It was also the age when David became King (2 Samuel 5:4) and Ezekiel and John the Baptist began their own ministries, (based on Ezekiel 1:1 and John the Baptist's age in comparison to Jesus.)
  • Age 30 is when Jewish priests traditionally start their service (according to Numbers 4:3).
  • One of the rallying cries of the 1960s student/youth protest movement was the slogan, "Don't trust anyone over thirty".
  • In The Myth of Sisyphus the French existentialist Albert Camus comments that the age of thirty is a crucial period in the life of a man, for at that age he gains a new awareness of the meaning of time.
  • In Franz Kafka's novel The Trial Joseph wakes up on the morning of his thirtieth birthday to find himself under arrest for an unspecified crime. After making many futile attempts to find the nature of the crime or the name of his accuser, Joseph dies on the eve of his thirty-first birthday.
  • The number of uprights that formed the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge, also the supposed number of holes forming the arrays of Y and Z Holes at Stonehenge.
  • Western Christianity's most prolific 20th-century essayist, F. W. Boreham in 'Life at Thirty' ('Cliffs of Opal') mentions that in addition to Jesus commencing ministry at 30 (Luke 3:23), Joseph was 30 when he stood before Pharaoh, King of Egypt (Genesis 41:46), King David was 30 when he began to reign (2 Samuel 5:4), and the Levites were numbered from the age of 30 and upward (1 Chronicles 23:3). Also in that essay Boreham writes "It was said of [the English poet] Keats, that 'he ensphered himself in thirty perfect years and died, not young'."



See also


  1. "Sloane's A005835 : Pseudoperfect (or semiperfect) numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  2. "Sloane's A002110 : Primorial numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  3. "Sloane's A005349 : Niven (or Harshad) numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  4. "Sloane's A000330 : Square pyramidal numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  5. Barnes, Richard (June 2006). "Report of the 7 July Review Committee" (PDF). BBC News. Retrieved 18 December 2011.
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