

The Septuagint: A column of uncial text from 1 Esdras in the Codex Vaticanus, the basis of Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton's Greek edition and English translation.






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1 Genesis創世記
2 Exodus出埃及記
3 Leviticus利未記
4 Numbers民數記
5 Deuteronomy申命記
6 Jesus, the son of Nun
(即"Book of Joshua")
7 Judges
(即"Book of Judges")
8 Ruth
(即"Book of Ruth")
9 Kings I. (1 Samuel)列王一書
10 Kings II. (2 Samuel)列王二書
11 Kings III. (1 Kings)列王三書
12 Kings IV. (2 Kings)列王四書
13 Chronicles I.歷代志
14 Chronicles II.歷代志下
15 Esdras I.以斯拉前書
16 Esdras II. (Ezra)以斯拉後書
17 Nehemiah尼希米記
18 Esther (with Greek additions)以斯帖記(有希腊文增补内容)
19 Judith猶迪記(次經)
20 Tobit多比記(次經)
21 I. Maccabees馬加比一書(次經)
22 II. Maccabees馬加比二書(次經)
23 III. Maccabees馬加比三書(次經)
24 IV. Maccabees馬加比四書(次經)
25 Psalms (151)詩篇(包含东正教承认的第151篇)
26 Odes (with Prayer of Manasseh)瑪拿西禱詞(次經)
27 Proverbs箴言
28 Ecclesiastes傳道書
29 Song of Solomon雅歌
30 Job約伯記
31 Wisdom of Solomon所羅門智訓(次經)
32 Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)便西拉智訓(次經)
33 Hosea何西亞書
34 Joel約珥書
35 Amos阿摩司書
36 Obadiah俄巴底亞書
37 Jonah約拿書
38 Micah彌迦書
39 Nahum那鴻書
40 Habakkuk哈巴谷書
41 Zephaniah西番亞書
42 Haggai哈該書
43 Zechariah撒加利亞書
44 Malachi瑪拉基書
45 Isaiah以賽亞書
46 Jeremiah耶利米書
47 Baruch巴錄書(次經)
48 Lamentations of Jeremiah耶利米哀歌
49 Epistle of Jeremiah耶利米書信(次經)
50 Ezekiel以西結書
51 (with )Daniel (with Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Young Men)但以理書,包括被認為是次經部份的亞撒利雅禱詞和三童歌
52 Susanna蘇珊娜書
53 Bel and the Dragon彼勒與大龍

另外還有《所羅門詩篇》(Ψαλμοί Σαλoμῶντος,Psalms of Solomon)未被東正教和天主教收錄。見梁美心,《第二聖殿猶太教導論》,P85。



  1. Karen H. Jobes and Moises Silva. . Paternoster Press. 2001 [2010-05-15]. ISBN 1-84227-061-3. (原始内容存档于2011-07-21).
  2. Alan F. Segal. . : 363 [2010-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-21).
  3. Kalvesmaki, 2003


  • 张久宣 译(1999年):《宗教文化丛书——圣经后典》(北京:商务印书馆).


  • Timothy Michael Law, When God Spoke Greek, Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Eberhard Bons and Jan Joosten, eds. Septuagint Vocabulary: Pre-History, Usage, Reception (Society of Biblical Literature; 2011) 211 pages; studies of the language used
  • Kantor, Mattis, The Jewish time line encyclopedia: A yearby-year history from Creation to the present, Jason Aronson Inc., London, 1992
  • Alfred Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments, für das Septuaginta-Unternehmen, Göttingen 1914.
  • Makrakis, Apostolos, Proofs of the Authenticity of the Septuagint, trans. by D. Cummings, Chicago, Ill.: Hellenic Christian Educational Society, 1947. N.B.: Published and printed with its own pagination, whether as issued separately or as included together with 2 other works of A. Makrakis in a single volume published by the same film in 1950, wherein the translator's name is identified on the common t.p. to that volume.
  • W. Emery Barnes, On the Influence of Septuagint on the Peshitta, JTS 1901, pp. 186–197.
  • Andreas Juckel, Septuaginta and Peshitta Jacob of Edessa quoting the Old Testament in Ms BL Add 17134 JOURNAL OF SYRIAC STUDIES
  • Martin Hengel, The Septuagint As Christian Scripture页面存档备份,存于), Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004.
  • Rajak, Tessa, Translation and survival: the Greek Bible of the ancient Jewish Diaspora (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
  • Bart D. Ehrman. The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings; 608 pages, Oxford University Press (July, 2011); ISBN 978-0-19-975753-4
  • Hyam Maccoby. The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity; 238 pages, Barnes & Noble Books (1998); ISBN 978-0-7607-0787-6



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