死亡喪鐘(英語:Death Knell)是教堂裏在有人去世後敲響的三次鐘中的第二次。以英國來説,它前面一個為Passing Bell(臨終之鐘)[1][2],在臨死時敲響;後面一個為Lych Bell或Corpse Bell(葬禮之鐘),在舉行葬禮時敲響[3][4],後者也就是今日喪禮中的喪鐘。按19世紀時的傳統,死亡喪鐘要在牧師得知信徒逝世後馬上敲響。但是若此時已經入夜,那麽則在第二天一早敲整整一小時的死亡喪鐘。[5] [6]
- Walters P156. He also notes " ..there was sometimes the inconvenience that though the Passing Bell had been duly rung, the dying person might recover"
- Timbs, John. . New York. 1863 [2017-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-27).
- Brand, John; Ellis, Sir Henry; Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. . Bohn. 1849-01-01 (英语).
- Walters P 160
- E.g. Thomas Hood's poem "Faithless Sally Brown"; "His death which happened in his berth, At forty-odd befell: They went and told the sexton, and The sexton tolled the bell"
- Walters P157
- H B Walters, The Church bells of England. published 1912 and republished 1977 by Oxford University Press.
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