乔治六世及伊丽莎白王太后的碑文 | |
日期 | 1952年2月6日(逝世) 1952年2月15日(葬礼) |
地点 | 英国诺福克桑德林汉姆府(逝世) 英国溫莎城堡圣乔治礼拜堂(葬礼) |
埋葬地点 | 英国溫莎城堡圣乔治礼拜堂皇家墓室 英国溫莎城堡喬治六世紀念禮拜堂 |
- 伊丽莎白王太后,国王乔治六世遗孀
- 玛丽太王太后,国王乔治六世之母
- 温莎公爵爱德华王子,国王乔治六世之兄
- 哈伍德伯爵夫人玛丽长公主,国王乔治六世之妹
- 哈伍德伯爵乔治·拉赛尔斯,国王乔治六世外甥
哈伍德伯爵夫人玛丽恩·斯坦,国王乔治六世甥媳 - 杰拉尔德·拉塞尔斯阁下,国王乔治六世外甥
- 哈伍德伯爵乔治·拉赛尔斯,国王乔治六世外甥
- 格洛斯特公爵亨利王子,国王乔治六世之弟
格洛斯特公爵夫人爱丽丝王妃,国王乔治六世弟媳 - 肯特公爵夫人玛丽娜,国王乔治六世弟媳
- 肯特公爵爱德华王子,国王乔治六世侄儿
- 索瑟斯克伯爵查尔斯·卡内基,国王乔治六世表妹夫
- 詹姆斯·卡内基勋爵,国王乔治六世侄儿
- 石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因的玛丽·路易丝公主,国王乔治六世表姑
- 帕特里夏·拉姆齐夫人,国王乔治六世堂姑
亚历山大·拉姆齐,国王乔治六世堂姑丈- 马尔斯的亚历山大·拉姆齐,国王乔治五世堂外甥
- 卡里斯布鲁克侯爵亚历山大·蒙巴顿,国王乔治六世表叔
卡里斯布鲁克侯爵夫人艾琳·蒙巴顿,国王乔治六世表婶 - 米爾福德黑文侯爵夫人娜傑達·蒙巴頓,国王乔治六世表弟媳
- 米尔福德黑文侯爵大卫·蒙巴顿,国王乔治六世侄儿
- 緬甸的蒙巴頓伯爵路易·蒙巴顿,国王乔治六世表弟
- 剑桥侯爵乔治·剑桥,国王乔治六世表弟
剑桥侯爵夫人多罗西亚·黑斯廷斯,国王乔治六世表弟媳 - 博福特公爵夫人玛丽·萨默塞特,国王乔治六世表妹
博福特公爵亨利·萨默塞特,国王乔治六世表妹夫 - 海伦娜·吉布斯夫人,国王乔治六世表妹
- 希腊国王保罗一世,国王乔治六世表叔
- 国王弗雷德里克九世,国王乔治六世表弟
王后英格丽德,国王乔治六世表妹 - 丹麦的亚斯里王子,国王乔治六世表叔
- 丹麦的格奥尔格·瓦尔德玛王子,国王乔治六世表弟
- 古斯塔夫六世·阿道夫,国王乔治六世表姑丈(前堂姑丈)
- 哈康七世,国王乔治六世表叔兼姑丈
- 汉诺威亲王恩斯特·奥古斯特,国王乔治六世表叔
- 费萨尔二世·本·加齐
- 扎伊德·本·侯赛因王子
- The Prince of Liège, the late King's second cousin once removed (representing the King of the Belgians)
- The Grand Duchess and Prince of Luxembourg, the late King's third cousin and her husband
- The Queen and Prince of the Netherlands
- The Crown Prince of Ethiopia (representing the Emperor of Ethiopia)
- Prince Ali Reza (representing the Shah of Iran)
- Prince Zeid bin Hussein
- Marshall Sardar Shah Wali Khan (representing the King of Afghanistan)
- Prince Bửu Lộc (representing the Chief of State of Vietnam)
- Prince Wan Waithayakon (representing the King of Thailand)
- Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim (representing the King of Egypt)
- Princess Pingpeang Yukanthor (representing the King of Cambodia)
- The Duke of Norfolk
- Duke of Buccleuch
- The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
- The Dowager Duchess of Northumberland
- The Earl of Ancaster
- The Earl of Cork and Orrery
- The Earl Fortescue
- The Earl of Onslow
- The Earl of Leicester
- The Earl of Eldon
- The Earl of Birkenhead
- The Earl of Selkirk
- The Earl of Airlie
- The Viscount Portal of Hungerford
- The Viscount Alanbrooke
- The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
- The Viscount Allendale
- The Lord Douglas of Kirtleside
- The Lord Newall
- The Lord Tedder
- The Lord Ironside
- The Lord Hardinge of Penshurst
- The Lord Tovey
- The Lord Chatfield
- The Lord Plunket
- The Lord Lloyd
- The Lord Tryon
- Viscount Althorp
- The Master of Sinclair
- The Hon. Michael Fitzalan-Howard
- The Hon. Neville Wigram
- The Hon. Martin Charteris
Other guests
- The Hon. Mrs. Andrew Elphinstone, wife of the late king's nephew by marriage
- Sir Thomas White, Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
- Alfons Gorbach, Third President of the National Council of Austria
- Adolfo Costa du Rels, Bolivian Ambassador to France
- José Joaquim Moniz de Aragão, Ambassador of Brazil
- L. Dana Wilgress, Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
- Aureliano Sánchez Arango, Foreign Minister of Cuba
- Hafiz Wahba, Ambassador of Egypt
- José Castellanos Contreras, former Consul General of El Salvador
- General Abiye Abebe of Ethiopia
- Sakari Tuomioja, Foreign Minister of Finland
- Vincent Auriol, President of France
- Alphonse Juin, Chief of the Defence Staff of France
- Robert Schuman, Foreign Minister of France[1]
- Franck Lavaud, former President of Haiti
- V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
- Subandrio, Ambassador of Indonesia
- Frank Aiken, Minister for External Affairs of Ireland
- Frederick Boland, Ambassador of Ireland
- Moshe Sharett, Foreign Minister of Israel
- Giovanni Gronchi, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy
- Leonardo Severi, President of the Italian Council of State
- Ourot R. Souvannavong, representing the King of Laos
- Gabriel Lafayette Dennis, Foreign Minister of Liberia
- Wahbi al-Bouri of Libya
- Joseph Bech, Minister for Defence of Luxembourg
- Baber Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana, former Minister of Defense of Nepal
- Paolo Giobbe, Apostolic Nuncio to the Netherlands
- Sir Philip Nichols, Ambassador to the Netherlands
- Dirk Stikker, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands
- William George Stevens, Secretary to the New Zealand High Commissioner
- Ricardo Rivera Schreiber, Ambassador of Peru
- Georgy Zarubin, Ambassador of the Soviet Union
- Alberto Martín-Artajo, Foreign Minister of Spain
- Celâl Bayar, President of Turkey
- Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of West Germany[1]
- Dean Acheson, United States Secretary of State[1]
- Ivan Ribar, President of the Presidium of the Yugoslav Republic
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