伊斯兰国呼罗珊省(英語:,簡稱ISIS-K、ISIL–KP、IS-K或ISKP;阿拉伯语:,羅馬化:ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām – Wilayah Khorasan[1])自称是伊斯兰国在中亚及南亚的分支,与叙利亚的伊斯兰国领导层有联系,活跃于阿富汗、巴基斯坦西北部、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦等地。呼罗珊是中亞圖蘭、波斯、阿富汗及巴基斯坦等地的古統稱[2]。
呼罗珊省 | |
ولاية خراسان | |
![]() 伊斯兰国呼罗珊省使用的標誌 | |
領導人 | 沙哈卜·穆哈吉爾 (呼罗珊省埃米爾) |
活躍期 | 2015年1月26日 | – 至今
活跃地区 | 阿富汗 塔吉克斯坦 巴基斯坦 |
意識形態 | 瓦哈比主義 薩拉菲主義 聖戰主義 |
隸屬於 | ![]() |
對手 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
戰役、戰爭 | 阿富汗戰爭 (2001年) |

聲稱和據稱的恐襲 | ||||||
日期 | 恐怖攻擊 | 地點 | 備註 | 死亡人數 | 受傷人數 | |
2015年4月18日 | 2015年賈拉拉巴德自殺式炸彈襲擊 | 阿富汗賈拉拉巴德 | 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在贾拉拉巴德的一家银行外引爆。 | 33 | 100 | |
2015年5月13日 | 2015年卡拉奇巴士槍擊案 | 巴基斯坦卡拉奇 | 8 名枪手在卡拉奇袭击了一辆公共汽车。 Claim disputed. | 45+ | Dozens | |
2016年1月13日 | 阿富汗賈拉拉巴德 | 属于伊斯兰国的三名袭击者对巴基斯坦驻阿富汗领事馆发动了袭击。这次袭击导致阿富汗安全部队的 7 名成员死亡。[8] | 7 | 0 | ||
2016年6月20日 | 喀布爾加拿大大使館警衛襲擊 | 阿富汗喀布尔 | 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了加拿大大使馆保安的车队。事后伊斯兰国和塔利班均声称对此负责。 | 15+ or 16 (+1) | 9 | |
2016年7月23日 | 2016年7月喀布尔爆炸袭击 | 阿富汗喀布尔 | 两名自杀式炸弹袭击者在哈扎拉少数民族的抗议中引爆,这是喀布尔自 2001 年以来最致命的袭击事件 | 80+ | 260 | |
2016 年 8 月 8 日 | 2016年8月奎达袭击 | 巴基斯坦奎達 | 多名袭击者在律师聚集的政府医院进行自杀式爆炸和枪击。 (Also claimed by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar)[9] | 94 | 130+ | |
2016 年 10 月 24 日 | 巴基斯坦恰爾薩達 | 一名情报人员被枪杀。伊斯兰国后来在Amaq上发表的一份声明中声称发生了这次袭击。[10] | 1 | 0 | ||
2016 年 10 月 24 日 | 2016年奎达警察培训学院袭击 | 巴基斯坦奎達 | 三名武装人员在奎达警察培训学院的警察学员熟睡时对他们进行了大规模射击。一名袭击者在行动中丧生,另外两人自爆,造成 61 名学员死亡。 (Also claimed by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi)[11][12][13] | 61 | 160+ | |
2016 年 10 月 26 日 | 阿富汗古爾省 | 武装分子在阿富汗古尔省绑架了至少 30 名平民,造成至少 30 名平民死亡。[14] | 30 | 0 | ||
2016 年 10 月 26 日 | 阿富汗賈拉拉巴德 | 一名伊斯兰国自杀炸弹手炸死了一些阿富汗部落长老。[15] | 4–15 | 25 | ||
2016 年 11 月 4 日 | 阿富汗古爾省 | 伊斯兰国在古尔省处决了 31 名平民。[16] | 31 | 0 | ||
2016 年 11 月 5 日 | 阿富汗古爾省 | 伊斯兰国在古尔省绑架了至少6名平民。[16] | 0 | 6人 被绑架 | ||
2016 年 11 月 12 日 | 2016年胡茲達爾自殺式炸彈襲擊 | 巴基斯坦胡兹达尔 | 巴基斯坦俾路支省拉斯贝拉区哈布镇拥挤的沙阿诺拉尼(Shah Noorani) 神殿发生自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少 55 人死亡,其中包括妇女和儿童。[17] | 55 (+1) | 102+ | |
2016 年 11 月 16 日 | 阿富汗喀布尔 | 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在国防部附近与阿富汗国家安全部队成员的车队中引爆了自己。[18] | 6 (+1) | 15 | ||
2016 年 11 月 21 日 | 阿富汗喀布尔 | 喀布尔什叶派清真寺“Baqir-ul-Olum”发生自杀式爆炸。[19] | 30 (+1) | 15 | ||
2016 年 11 月 25 日 | 阿富汗賈拉拉巴德 | 多枚炸弹在贾拉拉巴德市爆炸。[20] | 6 | 27 | ||
2016 年 12 月 10 日 | 巴基斯坦白沙瓦 | 伊斯兰国声称对在巴基斯坦西北部城市白沙瓦杀害一名反恐警察并打伤他的儿子负责。[21] | 1 | 1 | ||
2017 年 2 月 7 日 | 阿富汗喀布尔 | 阿富汗喀布尔最高法院发生自杀式爆炸。[22] ISIL claimed responsibility.[23] | 22 | 41 | ||
2017 年 2 月 8 日 | Qush Tepa District, 阿富汗 | 伊斯蘭國在阿富汗庫什特帕區殺害了紅十字國際委員會的6名當地僱員。襲擊者還帶走了另外兩名工人。[23] | 6 | 2被绑架 | ||
2017 年 2 月 16 日 | 2017 Sehwan suicide bombing | Sehwan, 巴基斯坦 | 巴基斯坦南部一座神殿發生自殺式爆炸。[24] | 88 | 250 | |
2017年3月8日 | 2017年3月喀布尔攻击 | 喀布尔, 阿富汗 | 一群身著白色醫院長袍的槍手襲擊了Sardar Daud Khan醫院。[25] | 49 | 63 | |
2017年4月12日 | 喀布尔, 阿富汗 | 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在喀布尔政府办公室附近进行袭击。伊斯兰国声称对这次袭击负责。 | 5 (+1) | 10 | ||
2017年5月3日 | 喀布尔, 阿富汗 | 一名自杀式炸弹袭击者在喀布尔美国大使馆附近的一个北约车队旁边引爆炸弹 | 8 (+1) | 28 | ||
2017年5月17日 | 贾拉拉巴德, 阿富汗 | Four civilians and two police officers were killed when ISIL militants stormed a TV station in Jalalabad. Two militants blew themselves up and the other two have taken hostages. They were later killed by the police.[27] | 6 (+4) | 17 | ||
2017年6月1日 | 贾拉拉巴德, 阿富汗 | 一辆汽车炸弹在贾拉拉巴德外的机场引爆[28] | 1 | 5 | ||
2017年6月30日 | Achin District, Afghanistan | Seven civilians were killed and five others wounded when a bomb planted by ISIL militants blew up in the Achin district of Nangarhar province.[29] | 7 | 5 | ||
25 July 2017 | Sar-e Pol city, Afghanistan | Militants affiliated with ISIL have beheaded a man allegedly over sorcery in the capital of the northern province of Sar-e-Pol.[30] | 1 | 0 | ||
31 July 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | ISIL militants committed an attack on the Iraqi Embassy in the Afghan capital Kabul. One terrorist blew himself up and another three entered the embassy. Two Afghan guards were killed and three others injured in the attack.[31] | 2 (+4) | 3 | ||
1 August 2017 | 2017 Herat mosque attack | Herat, Afghanistan | Two suicide bombers attacked a Shia mosque in Herat. One of the bombers shot at worshipers with a rifle before detonating himself. | 33 (+2) | 66 | |
30 August 2017 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in front of the house of an Afghan MP in Jalalabad. The explosion killed two guards and injured another one. A second attacker was killed before he could detonate himself.[32] | 2 (+2) | 1 | ||
20 October 2017 | Du Layna District, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing in a Sunni mosque of Ghor Province. The main target of the attack was a local commander from the anti-Taliban Jamiat party.[33][34] | 33 (+1) | 10 | ||
20 October 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber attacked inside a Shia mosque in Kabul.[35] | 56 (+1) | 55 | ||
31 October 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | An ISIL suicide bomber blew himself up in Kabul. | 14 (+1) | 13 | ||
7 November 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A TV building was attacked in downtown Kabul by three militants. An employee and a security guard were killed. At least one militant blew himself up while the others were killed during a gunfight with security forces. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[36] | 2 (+3) | 20 | ||
16 November 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | At least 19 people including eight police officers and ten civilians were killed in a bomb explosion outside a restaurant in Kabul.[37][38][39] | 19 | 10 | ||
18 December 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Gunmen attacked a training center of the National Directorate of Security in Kabul, injuring two policemen. All three attackers were gunned downed.[40] | 0 (+3) | 2 | ||
25 December 2017 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomb attack near the compound of Afghanistan's intelligence agency in Kabul.[41] | 10 (+1) | 5 | ||
28 December 2017 | December 2017 Kabul suicide bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber stormed a Shi‘ite cultural center and news agency in the Afghan capital, killing and wounding some including a number of students attending a conference. Two other bombs were detonated in the zone.[42][43] | 50 (+1) | 80 | |
4 January 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing targeted a mobile police checkpoint in Kabul.[44] | 20 | 30 | ||
7 January 2018 | Kunar Province, Afghanistan | Insurgents stormed a security checkpoint in Afghanistan's eastern Kunar province.[45] | 3 | 8 | ||
24 January 2018 | 2018 Save the Children Jalalabad attack | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A complex attack began with a suicide car bomb outside the Save The Children offices in the city of Jalalabad followed by gunmen entering the compound and fighting Afghan special forces.[46][47] | 6 | 27 | |
29 January 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | 11 Afghan soldiers were killed and 16 others were injured when five ISIL militants attacked an army post in Kabul. Four attackers were later killed by the security forces and another was arrested.[48] | 11 (+4) | 16 | ||
24 February 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide blast in the Shash Darak area of Kabul.[49][50] | 3 (+1) | 6 | ||
7 March 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber killed three people including the local head of the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs.[51][52] | 3 (+1) | 16 | ||
9 March 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber set off explosives in a crowd of Shiite Muslims near a mosque complex in Kabul.[53] | 10 (+1) | 22 | ||
19 March 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A motorcycle bombing in Jalalabad in the Afghan province of Nangarhar.[54] | 4 | 11 | ||
21 March 2018 | March 2018 Kabul suicide bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing near a Shiite shrine in Kabul occurred as Afghans celebrated the Persian New Year.[55][56] | 33 (+1) | 65 | |
25 March 2018 | Herat, Afghanistan | Two suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in Herat, killing three including the two bombers.[57][58] | 1 (+2) | 9 | ||
30 March 2018 | Watapur District, Afghanistan | A member of the provincial council of Kunar and a religious scholar were killed in a suicide bombing in the Watapur district of Kunar province. A security guard was also wounded in the attack.[59][60] | 2 (+1) | 1 | ||
17 April 2018 | Darzab District, Afghanistan | ISIL fighters beheaded a 12-year-old boy in Darzab district in the northern Afghan province of Jowzjan.[61] | 1 | 0 | ||
22 April 2018 | 22 April 2018 Kabul suicide bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomb attack at a voter registration centre in the Afghan capital Kabul. The casualties were all civilians most of whom had been waiting outside the office to apply for their IDs in order to register to vote in the upcoming elections.[62][63][64] | 69 (+1) | 120 | |
22 April 2018 | Chaparhar District, Afghanistan | Three brothers were beheaded by ISIL militants in Chaparhar district in Nangarhar province in Afghanistan.[65] | 3 | 0 | ||
29 April 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | At least seven people including children and policemen were injured in a bomb attack near a voter registration center in Jalalabad, the capital of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar.[66][67] | 0 | 7 | ||
30 April 2018 | 30 April 2018 Kabul suicide bombings | Kabul, Afghanistan | Two suicide bombings in the Afghan capital Kabul.[68][69] | 29 (+2) | 50 | |
4 June 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives targeting a gathering of Afghanistan's top clerics in Kabul. Afterwards, a magnetic bomb attached to a police car exploded and as a result three people were wounded. | 14(+1) | 22 | ||
11 June 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives at an Afghan ministry in Kabul. | 17(+1) | 40 | ||
16 June 2018 | Rodat District, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber attacked at a gathering of Taliban and Afghan armed forces in the Rodat district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. | 36(+1) | 65 | ||
17 June 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives near the governor's compound in Afghanistan's eastern city of Jalalabad. | 25(+1) | 50 | ||
30 June 2018 | Khogyani District, Afghanistan | ISIL militants beheaded at least three people working as attendants for a local school in the Khogyani district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. The school building was also set on fire. | 3 | 0 | ||
1 July 2018 | July 2018 Jalalabad Suicide Bombing | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives in the center of the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, killing at least 20 people including several members of the Sikh minority. | 20(+1) | 20 | |
5 July 2018 | Khogyani District, Afghanistan | Three Taliban militants including one commander were killed and four civilians injured in a bomb blast in the Khogyani district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. | 0 (+3) | 4 | ||
9 July 2018 | Chaparhar District, Afghanistan | At least nine civilians including two children were injured in a bomb explosion in the Chaparhar district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. | 0 | 9 | ||
9 July 2018 | Khogyani District, Afghanistan | A Taliban insurgent and a civilian were killed in the Khogyani district of the Afghan province of Nangarhar. | 1(+1) | 0 | ||
10 July 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives near a petrol pump, killing two officials working for Afghanistan's intelligence agency and 10 civilians including children and sparking a fire that burned eight cars in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad. Five other people were taken to hospital. | 12 (+1) | 5 | ||
11 July 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A militant attack on the building of the provincial education department in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad. One suicide bomber detonated his explosives while two more were shot dead by the security forces in a gunfight lasting several hours. | 12(+3) | 9 | ||
13 July 2018 | 13 July 2018 Pakistan bombings | Mastung, Pakistan | At least 131 people were killed[70] and more than 300 others injured in a suicide bombing at election rally.[71] | 131 | 300+ | |
15 July 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber blew himself up near a government ministry in Kabul. | 8(+1) | 17 | ||
17 July 2018 | Sayyad District, Afghanistan | 27 including some Taliban militants were killed in a suicide bombing that targeted a funeral for a deceased person in the Sayyad district of the northern Afghan province of Sar-e Pol. | 27 (+1) | 23 | ||
20 July 2018 | Bagrami District, Afghanistan | A child was injured when a suicide bomber blew himself up before reaching his target in the Bagrami district of Kabul province, Afghanistan. | 0(+1) | 1 | ||
22 July 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | At least 23 people including an AFP driver were killed in a suicide bombing near Kabul International Airport as scores of people were leaving the airport after welcoming home Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum from exile. | 23 (+1) | 107 | ||
22 July 2018 | Surkh-Rōd District, Afghanistan | A gunman opened fire in a mosque in the Surkh-Rōd district in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar, killing four people and injuring three others, including the mosque's religious leader. | 4 | 3 | ||
25 July 2018 | 2018 Quetta Suicide Bombing | Quetta, Pakistan | At least 31 people including five policemen and two children were killed after a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a polling station in the Pakistani city of Quetta. | 31 (+1) | 40 | |
28 July 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | Two security guards and a driver were killed after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives and another attacker stormed into a training center for midwives in Jalalabad, the capital of the Afghan province of Nangarhar. The second attacker was shot in an hour-long battle with the security forces. | 3(+2) | 8 | ||
30 July 2018 | Rodat District, Afghanistan | A local tribal elder and three of his family members were killed in a suicide car bomb attack in the Rodat district of the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. The son of the tribal leader also underwent some injuries in the attack. | 4(+1) | 1 | ||
31 July 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber blew up a car near the entrance to the Department of Refugees and Returnees in the Afghan city of Jalalabad and then two armed men stormed the building. The attackers took several hostages during the attack. Security killed both gunmen after about six hours. | 14(+3) | 26 | ||
3 August 2018 | Gardez, Afghanistan | Two militants dressed in burqa entered a Shiite mosque in the town of Gardez in the province of Paktia and opened fire. Both attackers later blew themselves up. | 48(+2) | 70 | ||
5 August 2018 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | Three officers of the Afghan National Army were killed and three others injured when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives in front of an army checkpoint in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad. | 3(+1) | 3 | ||
15 August 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing in an educative academy of Kabul. | 48 | 67 | ||
5 September 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Suicide blasts targeted a Kabul Wrestling club and emergency teams, two journalists were among the dead, ISIL claimed responsibility for the bombing.[72][73][74][75] | 26(+2) | 91 | ||
9 September 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up near a group of people commemorating the death anniversary of a resistance leader in Kabul on Sunday, killing at least seven people and injuring an additional 25, officials said, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[76][77] | 7(+1) | 25 | ||
26 September 2018 | Kalat, Pakistan | Two Pakistani soldiers were killed in the Kalat area of Manghochar Balochistan when they clashed with ISIL militants in a compound, all 3 ISIL militants were killed.[78] | 2 (+3) | 6 | ||
2 October 2018 | Kama District, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated at an election rally in the Kama district of the Nangarhar Province, ISIL claimed responsibility through Amaq.[79][80] | 14 (+1) | 40 | ||
4 October 2018 | Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan | A bomb blast at an office of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[81] | 2 | 9 | ||
10 October 2018 | Momand Dara District. Afghanistan | Three civilians were publicly executed by ISIL in a desert court in the Momand Dara District of Nangarhar Province.[82] | 3 | 0 | ||
29 October 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber targeting an Independent Election Commission (IEC) in Kabul detonated, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[83][84] | 2 (+1) | 7 | ||
31 October 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber targeting a bus carrying employees of Afghanistan's biggest prison in Kabul detonated, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[85][86] | 7 (+1) | 5 | ||
12 November 2018 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber detonated his explosives near Pashtunistan Square, in Kabul city center among a crowd of Hazaras who were protesting violence against them, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[87][88] | 6 (+1) | 20 | ||
23 November 2018 | 2018 Orakzai bombing | Kalaya, Pakistan | A suicide bomber detonated in a market in the Shi'ite dominated region of Kalaya, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, northern Pakistan, ISIL claimed responsibility.[89][90][91][92][93][94] | 34 (+1) | 56 | |
23 November 2018 | Khost Province, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing left 27 Afghan National Army personnel dead in a mosque at an army base in the Khost Province, Afghanistan, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.[95][96][97][98] | 27 (+1) | 57 | ||
15 January 2019 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A car driver was killed in Kabul's PD9 when a magnetic bomb exploded while attached to the car. ISIL claimed responsibility and said that the person killed was an Afghan intelligence officer.[99][100] | 1 | 0 | ||
5 February 2019 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A policeman was shot and killed by multiple gunmen in a targeted killing in the city of Jalalabad. The gunmen took the man's weapon away and ISIL took responsibility for the attack.[101][102] | 1 | 0 | ||
13 February 2019 | Alingar District, Afghanistan | Two Taliban members were killed in an attack by ISIS Khurasan members in Laghman's Alingar District.[103] | 2 | 0 | ||
6 March 2019 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | A suicide bomber attacked a building company near the Jalalabad Airport, later four gunmen attacked the area. All five attackers were killed in the attack. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[104][105] | 16 (+5) | 10 | ||
7 March 2019 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Shelling at a gathering commemorating the death anniversary of Shia leader Abdul Ali Mazari. ISIL has claimed responsibility for the attack. One of the attackers was arrested.[106][107] | 3 | 22 | ||
12 April 2019 | 2019 Quetta bombing | Quetta, Pakistan | A suicide blast took place in a potato stall in Shia dominated Hazarganji vegetable market.[108] | 22 | 48+ | |
20 April 2019 | Kabul, Afghanistan | An explosion followed by gunfire targeted the Afghan Ministry of Information, killing 10 (7 civilians, 3 security personnel). The four attackers were all eventually killed.[109] | 10 | 5 | ||
17 August 2019 | 17 August 2019 Kabul bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide blast took place in the men's reception area of a wedding hall in Kabul, in a Shia neighbourhood, packed with people celebrating a marriage.[110] | 80 | 160+ | |
6 November 2019 | Rudaki, Tajikistan | Around 20 ISIS militants from Afghanistan conducted an attack on a border post in Tajikistan after crossing into Tajikistan from Afghanistan. The attack resulted in death of a Tajik border guard and a police officer. In the ensuing firefight 15 ISIS militants were killed and five were arrested.[111][112] | 17 (incl. 15 militants) | |||
6 March 2020 | 6 March 2020 Kabul shooting | Kabul, Afghanistan | Two gunmen fired from a building that was under construction.[113][114] It happened during a ceremony to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the murder by the Taliban of Afghan Shia leader Abdul Ali Mazari.[113] The ceremony was attended by Afghan politician Abdullah Abdullah who escaped unharmed.[113] The two gunmen were killed later the same day.[113] ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[113][115][116] | 32 | 81 | |
25 March 2020 | Kabul gurdwara attack | Kabul, Afghanistan | A suicide blast and an armed assault took place at a Sikh shrine in Kabul, Afghanistan. During the attack there were 200 worshippers inside the shrine, among them also Indian citizens. Attackers hold hostages inside which caused a 6 hours lasting shootout. The attack resulted in 25 Sikh whorkshippers killed. After the attack, Afghan and NATO soldiers helped with the clearance operation.[117] | 25 | 8+ | |
12 May 2020 | May 2020 Afghanistan attacks | Kuz Kunar District, Nangarhar, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing took place in Kuz Kunar District, Nangarhar Province at the funeral of Shaikh Akram, a police commander who died of a heart attack a day before.[118][119][120][121] | 32 | 133+ | |
12 May 2020 | May 2020 Afghanistan attacks | Kabul, Afghanistan | 16 mothers and eight children and babies are killed after Islamic State militants targeted the maternity unit of a hospital in the predominately Shi'ite Hazara neighborhood of Dashte Barchi Kabul, moving through the 55-bed maternity unit. The three gunmen were later killed during a battle with security forces. The mothers were specifically the main target of the attack according to authorities.[122] | 24 (+3) | 16 | |
3 August 2020 | Jalalabad prison attack | Jalalabad, Nangarhar, Afghanistan | An attack was launched by ISKP-affiliated gunmen in Jalalabad prison, in which 200 ISKP-affiliated prisoners managed to escape. Three gunmen also died.[123] | 29 (+3) | 50+ | |
25 October 2020 | Kabul, Afghanistan | An Islamic State suicide bomber struck near an education centre in the Afghan capital Kabul on Saturday.[124] | 18 (+3) | 57 | ||
10 December 2020 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | TV and radio presenter Malalai Maiwand and her driver were killed in a shooting attack on their vehicle in the regional capital Jalalabad. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.[125] | 2 | 0 | ||
2 January 2021 | Machh, Pakistan | 11 Hazara coal miners are kidnapped near their mine and then killed by Islamic State militants in Machh, Pakistan.[126] | 11 | 0 | ||
2 March 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | Three female media workers are shot dead in Jalalabad.[127] | 3 | 1 | ||
8 May 2021 | 2021 Kabul school bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | A car bombing followed by two more improvised explosive device (IED) blasts occurred in front of Sayed al-Shuhada school in Dashte Barchi, a predominantly Shia Hazara area in western Kabul, Afghanistan. The majority of the casualties were girls between 11 and 15 years old. The attack took place in a neighborhood that has been attacked by militants belonging to ISIL over the years. The Taliban blamed the attack on IS–KP.[128] | 90 | 220 | |
10 May 2021 | Pul-e-Matak, Afghanistan | A bus was hit by an IED, leaving 2 civilians dead. IS–K claimed the attack, stating that the Shia's on the bus were the target.[129] | 2 | 9 | ||
13 May 2021 | Sardawra, Afghanistan | Two civilians including a child were killed after a remote-controlled explosive was detonated. IS–K later claimed responsibility.[129] | 2 | 14 | ||
14 May 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | 12 people were killed including an Imam whilst worshipping in a mosque when an IED exploded within the mosque. ISIS later claimed responsibility.[130][131] | 12 | 15 | ||
2 June 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Two bombs were detonated targeting two different buses in Kabul. Both buses were transporting passengers of the Hazara ethnic group. ISIS later claimed the attack via Telegram.[132] | 10 | 12 | ||
8 June 2021 | Baghlan, Afghanistan | ISIS–K claimed responsibility for attacking de-mining workers in Baghlan Province (north of the Afghan capital Kabul), 10 de-miners were shot dead.[133] | 10 | 16 | ||
12 June 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | ISIS–K claimed responsibility for planting sticky bombs onto two vans carrying Shi'ites in a part of Kabul, creating two car bombs.[134] | 7 | 4+ | ||
26 June 2021 | Kurram district, Pakistan | ISIS–K along with TTP claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of 16 Jazz Telecom Workers, 10 of the workers were later released but one man was beheaded and the militants demanded a ransom for the last 5. They were released after ransom was provided to the group.[135] | 1 | 0 | ||
13 July 2021 | Kurram district, Pakistan | In a joint operation with TTP, ISIS–KP carried out a ambush in Kurram District, a Section of 15 Pakistan Army soldiers who were carrying out a relief operation for recently kidnapped telecom workers, were killed in the attack.[136] | 15 | 0 | ||
20 July 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | ISIS–K took responsibility for three rocket attacks which landed outside Afghan government presidential palace. Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani and other government and security officials were taking part in prayer at the time of the attack. No casualties were reported in the attack.[137] | 0 | 0 | ||
27 July 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for the assassination of a NDS operative.[138] | 1 | 0 | ||
28 July 2021 | Kunduz, Afghanistan | ISKP operatives abducted an Afghan police officer and released a video of them executing him with a pistol in the Kunduz area.[138] | 1 | 0 | ||
29 July 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for assassinating an employee of the Pakistani embassy in Jalalabad.[139] | 1 | 0 | ||
1 August 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for the assassination of a rival Taliban operative in Jalalabad.[138] | 1 | 0 | ||
2 August 2021 | Herat, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for detonating an explosive device targeting a bus full of Shias in the city of Herat.[140][141] | 3 | 10 | ||
9 August 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for assassinating a former officer of the Afghan army in Jalalabad.[142] | 1 | 0 | ||
2021年8月26日 | 2021年喀布爾機場襲擊 | 阿富汗喀布尔哈米德·卡尔扎伊国际机场 | An ISKP suicide bomber blow himself up at the Kabul airport, killing 162 Afghan civilians and 13 US military personnel. The killed Americans were identified as 10 US Marines, two soldiers and one US Navy Medic. Three of the killed Afghans were British citizens. More than 200 other people were wounded, including a number of Taliban members and 18 Americans.[143] | 175 | 200+ | |
18 September 2021 | Jalalabad and Kabul | A series of bomb attacks in Jalalabad and Kabul city killed 7 people, including 2 taliban fighters, and injured 30 others. ISIS took responsibility for the series of bomb attacks and claimed that it killed or wounded more than 35 Taliban fighters in those bomb attacks.[144][145] | 7 | 30 | ||
22 September 2021 | Jalalabad, Afghanistan | Two Taliban fighters and a civilian were killed in a attack by gunmen affiliated with Islamic State on security checkpoint in Jalalabad City, according to eyewitness and security officials.[146] | 3 | 0 | ||
3 October 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | An explosion at the entrance to the Eidgah Mosque in Kabul left at least five people dead, where a memorial service was held for the mother of Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid. ISKP later claimed responsibility, saying it targeted and killed several Taliban operatives.[147] | 5 | 7 | ||
6 October 2021 | Khost, Afghanistan | ISKP claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on a religious school in the city of Khost, killing at least 7 people including at least one Taliban fighter.[148][149] | 7 | 15+ | ||
8 October 2021 | 2021 Kunduz mosque bombing | Kunduz, Afghanistan | On October 8, an Uyghur Islamic State militant, by the name of Muhammad al-Uyghuri killed 55-100 people and injured dozens more after launching a suicide bombing on a Shi'ite mosque in the city of Kunduz.[150][151][152][153] | 55 | 100+ | |
15 October 2021 | 2021 Kandahar bombing | Kandahar, Afghanistan | A suicide bombing occurred at the Imam Bargah mosque, a Shia mosque during Friday prayers in Kandahar, Afghanistan, killing at least 65 people and wounding more than 70 others. The Islamic State – Khorasan Province claimed responsibility for the attack via their Amaq News Agency.[154] | 65 | 70+ | |
2 November 2021 | 2021 Kabul hospital attack | Kabul, Afghanistan | On 2 November 2021, bombers and gunmen attacked Daoud Khan Military Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan. Militants attacked the hospital at its entrance gate by explosion and caused another explosion nearby, then continued the attack using guns. The Taliban said that they killed four attackers and arrested another. | 25 | 50+ | |
13 November 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | At least 2 killed and at least 5 injured in IED explosion which struck a bus in traveling on the main avenue in Kabul Dashti Barchi neighborhood. | 2 | 5 | ||
17 November 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Twin blasts in western Kabul's Dasht-e Barchi neighborhood killed one and wounded six others.[155] | 1 | 6 | ||
24 November 2021 | Rawalpindi, Pakistan | On 24 November 2021, IS delineates "Khorasan Province" from "Pakistan Province" in attack claims, one involving targeted killing in Rawalpindi.[156] | 1 | 0 | ||
23 December 2021 | Kabul, Afghanistan | A car bomb exploded near the gate outside the main passport department office in Kabul.[157][158] Islamic State later claims responsibility for the attack.[158] | 0 | 0 | ||
4 March 2022 | 2022 Peshawar mosque bombing | Peshawar, Pakistan | On 4 March 2022, an Islamic State suicide bomber blew himself up at a Shiite mosque in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, killing at least 63 people.[159] | 63 (+1) | 196 | |
8 March 2022 | Sibi District, Pakistan | On 8 March 2022, a suicide bomber detonated a suicide vest killing six Pakistani paramilitary men and injuring 22 more.[160] | 6 (+1) | 22 | ||
21 April 2022 | 2022 Mazar-i-Sharif mosque bombing | Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan | A bomb exploded at a Shiite mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif during Friday prayers, killing 31 people and wounding 87. | 31 | 87 | |
3 August 2022 | Kabul, Afghanistan | Two Taliban police officers were killed and four were wounded during a gunbattle with Islamic State gunmen at a hideout in Kabul. Three Islamic State militants were also killed.[161] | 2 (+3) | 4 | ||
5 August 2022 | Kabul, Afghanistan | On 5 August 2022, eight people were killed and 18 others were injured when a bomb hidden in a cart exploded near a Shiite mosque in Kabul. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.[162] | 8 | 18 | ||
30 September 2022 | September 2022 Kabul school bombing | Kabul, Afghanistan | a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Kaaj education center in Dashte Barchi, a Hazara neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least 52 people.[163] | 52+ | 110 | |
12 December 2022 | 2022 Kabul hotel attack | Kabul, Afghanistan | 3 IS militants set off explosives and set fire to the Longan Hotel in Kabul due to its ties to the Chinese government. 6 people were killed, including the attackers, and another 18 were injured, including foreign and Afghan civilians and Taliban soldiers.[164] | 3 (+3) | 18 | |
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1 January 2023 | 2023 Kabul airport bombing | Kabul | An attacker detonated a bomb outside the entrance to the military portion of Kabul International Airport.[165] | 20 (claimed) | 30 (claimed) |
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11 January 2023 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan bombing | Kabul | A suicide bomber detonated outside the Taliban foreign ministry office in Kabul, reportedly during the visit of a Chinese delegation.[166] | 20+ | |
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30 July 2023 | 2023 Khar bombing | Khar, Bajaur | An ISIS-K suicide bomber detonated an explosive at a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) rally in Khar. | 55+ | 200+ |
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4 September 2023 | Inayat, Bajaur | ISIS-K assassinated an alleged Pakistani spy using a pistol | 1 | 0 | |
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7 September 2023 | Mamond, Bajaur | An ISIS-K attacker detonated an explosive on a motorcycle carrying to Taliban killing both.[167] | 2 (claimed) | 0 | |
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25 September 2023 | Suki, Kunar | ISIS-K assassinated a Talib using rifles | 1 | 0 | |
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29 September 2023 | 2023 Mastung bombing | Mastung, Balochistan | A suspected ISIS-K suicide bomber detonated an explosive during an Eid Milad-ul-Nabi procession. ISIS-K did not claim responsibility | 60 | 50–70 |
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29 September 2023 | Hangu mosque bombing | Hangu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | One vehicle of explosives detonated at the entrance to a packed mosque, a suicide bomber detonated inside the mosque, other attackers shot at police | 5 | 12 |
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3 October 2023 | Mazar Valley, Kunar | ISIS-K assassinated a Talib using a rifle | 1 | 0 | |
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9 October 2023 | Suki, Kunar | ISIS-K assassinated an alleged spy of the Afghan government using a pistol | 1 | 0 | |
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13 October 2023 | 2023 Pul-i-Khumri bombing | Pul-e-Khumri, Baghlan | An ISIS-K suicide bomber detonated a suicide vest in the Hazarat Shia Imam Zaman Mosque in Pul-e-Khumri, capital of Baghlan Province.[168] | 7+ | 15 |
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24 October 2023 | Salarzi, Bajaur | An attacker assassinated a reported Pakistani intelligence officer in a market using a pistol[168] | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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26 October 2023 | Dasht-e-Barji, Kabul | An ISIS-K attacker detonated a suitcase bomb in a Shia gathering in Kabul City[168] | 30 (claimed) | ||
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27 October 2023 | Inayat, Bajaur | ISIS-K assassinated a leader of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (affiliate of Lashkar-e-Taiba) with a pistol | 1 | 0 | |
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29 October 2023 | Mamond, Bajaur | ISIS-K assassinated a Talib using a pistol | 1 | 0 | |
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5 November 2023 | Inayat, Bajaur | ISIS-K assassinated a Pakistani spy using a pistol[169] | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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7 November 2023 | Kabul | ISIS-K detonated an explosive planted in a Shia-filled bus in Kabul City[169] | 30 (claimed) | ||
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10 November 2023 | Narnak, Kunar | ISIS-K assassinated a Talib using an explosive[170] | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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11 November 2023 | Mamond, Bajaur | ISIS-K detonated a suicide vest assassinating an alleged Pakistani intelligence officer[170] | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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12 November 2023 | Inayat, Bajaur | ISIS-K assassinated a Talib with a pistol[170] | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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21 December 2023 | Khar, Bajaur | ISIS-K bombed a vehicle killing a vehicle claiming to kill a Pakistani intelligence officer | 1 (claimed) | 0 | |
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21 December 2023 | Mamond, Bajaur | ISIS-K detonated two explosives in Douma Dula claiming to have killed four Pakistani spies | 4 (claimed) | 0 | |
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2 January 2024 | Suki, Kunar Province | ISIS-K killed a supposed spy of the Afghan government using a pistol.[171] | 1 | 0 | |
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3 January 2024 | 2024 Kerman bombings | Kerman, Kerman province | Two explosives were detonated during a commemorative ceremony marking the assassination of Qasem Soleimani at his tomb in eastern Kerman, Iran.[172] | 94 | 284 |
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6 January 2024 | Dasht-e-Partish, Kabul | An explosive placed inside a bus crowded with Shia Muslims detonated west of Kabul killing or injuring up to 20 Shia[173] | 20 (claimed) | ||
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7 January 2024 | Mamund, Bajaur | An explosive was detonated on a Pakistani police vehicle, ISIS claims to have destroyed the vehicle, killed 5, and wounded 25 others[173] | 5 (claimed) | 25 (claimed) | |
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9 January 2024 | Kabul | ISIS–K attackers detonated a vehicle-born improvised explosive device on a vehicle carrying employees of the Pul-e-Charki maximum security prison.[173] | 10 (claimed) | 0 | |
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12 January 2024 | Ali Zai, Bajaur | ISIS-K wounded a supposed Pakistani spy using a bomb.[174] | 0 | 1 | |
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19 January 2024 | Suki, Kunar Province | ISIS-K beheaded a supposed spy from the Afghan government.[175] | 1 | 0 | |
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31 January 2024 | Siddiqabad, Bajaur | An independent candidate of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) political party was assassinated shortly before the 2024 Pakistani general election[176][177] | 1 | 3 | |
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7 February 2024 | 2024 Balochistan bombings | Pishin District and Qilla Saifullah District, Balochistan | Twin bombings occurred at two political offices in Balochistan province a day before the Pakistani general election.[178] | 30 | 28+ |
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27 February 2024 | Mamond, Bajaur | ISIS-K killed two alleged Pakistani intelligence spies with a pistol[179] | 2 | 0 | |
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5 March 2024 | Bara, Khyber | ISIS-K assassinated a member of the Afghan Taliban with a pistol[180] | 1 | 0 | |
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21 March 2024 | Police District 1, Kandahar | An ISIS-K suicide bomber detonated outside the Kabul Bank in Kandahar City. ISIS-K claimed the attack and published the attacker's alias, Muawiya Panjshiri | 3 | 12 | |
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22 March 2024 | 2024 Crocus City Hall attack | Krasnogorsk | Potentially the group's first attack outside southwest Asia, at least four gunman launched an attack on a concert hall and shopping mall in Krasnogorsk, with rifles and incendiaries, killing 62.[181] ISIS claimed responsibility but not yet attributed the attack to ISIS-K. | 62+[182] | 145+[183] |
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