他生於美國俄勒岡州波特蘭。曾在德國為摩門教宣教,第二次世界大戰期間服役於美國陸軍第101空降師參謀部,參與 D-Day 的諾曼第登陸,並目擊了納粹集中營的實况。
休·尼布理被非摩門教的史家和研究學者讚譽,因著他能引用歷史資料來找出支持摩門教信仰。甚至有項研究報告指出因著休·尼布理的研究的可靠性和學術名聲,大部分休·尼布理的研究是可信賴的,並且鼓勵反摩門教的作家仔細考慮休·尼布理的研究而不是直接拋棄[1]。休·尼布理的研究範圍從古埃及、希伯來和早期基督教歷史,且他常常用以混和 Gregg 速寫、阿拉伯文、希伯來文、希臘文和埃及文的字做註記。休·尼布理堅持直接以原文閱讀相關的第一手或第二手資料,並且能夠讀阿拉伯文、哥普特文、荷蘭文、埃及文、法文、德文、希臘文、希伯來文、義大利文、拉丁文和其他語文。然而,休·尼布理常常太急著考慮這些閱讀材料中和摩門教教義歷史上的相似性,卻沒有留意這些資料在原來史料中的原來地位。一位敏銳的評論者同時也是休·尼布理在楊百翰大學的同事的 William J. Hamblin 評論休·尼布理的方法論時說:『休·尼布理的方法論中比較文學的成分大於歷史[2]』。另外一位 Douglas F. Salmon 在仔細檢驗了休·尼布理的比較方法論,專注在休·尼布理在以諾上下的功夫[3]。
許多休·尼布理專注的課題包括了耶穌基督後期聖徒教會聖殿、歷史上的以諾以及基督教異端諾斯替主義和後期聖徒的信仰中的相似性。他也寫了對於反摩門教的著作的直接回應,包括了對於 Fawn M. Brodie 所著《No Man Knows My History(沒有人知道我的歷史)》的回應並將之稱為《No Ma'am, That's Not History(不,女士,那不是歷史)》。
他的書《Approaching Zion(趨近錫安)》是一本雄辯資本主義罪狀和支持背書共產主義的書,被廣泛的認為是摩門文學的經典。尼布理夫婦二人均公開支持美國民主黨。
許多時候休·尼布理被認為是第一等的摩門教護教學者,常常他被稱為「信仰捍衛者」,一個在摩門教裡除了他和摩門教領袖和歷史家 B. H. Roberts 以外不再有人得以使用的稱號。
一個廣為人知作為休·尼布理在許多文章後署名的名言是:『I KNOW THE GOSPEL IS TRUE.(我知道福音是真的)』。
在他生病之前,他在楊百翰大學的 Harold B. Lee 圖書館裡面有一個小的辦公室,在裡面他寫了他的最後一部名為《One Eternal Round(一個永恆的圈子)》巨著,此書專注在《亞伯拉罕書》的 hypocephalus(即「真跡摹寫二」)。他將這最後一本書的文稿於2002年後半年交給了古代研究和摩門探究基金會。
- Aten - Usually translated "disk of the sun." Nibley pointed out that relief illustrations of the Aten portray it as a sphere, not a flat disk. The correct translation must be "globe, orb, or sphere." (This is even more evident when viewing such reliefs in person, not merely in photographs.)
- Kefa - Dr. Nibley pointed out that in Arabic and Aramaic this word refers to a green crystaline stone used for purposes of divination. Its best translation is perhaps "Seerstone." 在希臘文的《聖經》新約中是以 Kefas 出現,即中文翻譯的磯法。
- Makhshava - This Hebrew word is usually translated as "thought," but Dr. Nibley made a case for translating it as "plan." E.g., in the book of Esther most translations say that Haman "thought" to destroy the Jewish people. It is more accurate to say he planned to exterminate them. He did not just think about it, but made a plan.
比較令人爭議的部分是休·尼布理的女兒 Martha Beck 在2005年出了她的第四本書《離開聖徒》(Leaving the Saints),書寫關於猶他摩門教信仰和對休·尼布理的描繪。書中休·尼布理的女兒 Martha Beck 聲稱小的時候被父親性侵害,但是她的母親和兄弟姊妹都否認這點。一些書評攻擊 Martha Beck 說她太依賴找回來的記憶來做這個指控。
Martha Beck 也指控他父親書中許多的註腳是變更過的或著根本是假造的。她回應了學者 Kent P. Jackson 1988年抱怨的評論聲稱在仔細探索休·尼布理著作中眾多的註腳後他找到許多『斷章取義來建立論點[6]』的例子,並說『太經常我因著找不到書中聲稱的證明而失望[7]』。但是 Kent P. Jackson 寫了個針對《離開聖徒》的書評並且說他從不相信尼布理故意偽造這些資料來源並提及他自己1988年的評論。在書評裡面他說:『在我的評論裡面有說尼布理通常過份地廣義化,看到「簡單來說並不在來源裡面的資料」讓他「預先決定的結論來寫下證據的議程」,並且錯誤地解釋了他提到的作者的意思……但是這樣地違反學術(也很難說只有他一個)是不小心和一廂情願的後果,而非造假和欺騙……在我自己評判他的研究和寫作的過程當中我沒有找到他有任何意思要製造虛構的資料來源。我不相信這發生。[8]』
Gregory Taggart 也寫了針對《離開聖徒》的書評並宣稱說他結論性地證明許多書中 Martha Beck 宣稱的事件並不真實。
- 《Old Testament and Related Studies》,卷1,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-032-1 (Hardcover, 1986)
- 《Enoch the Prophet》,卷2,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-047-X (Hardcover, 1986)
- 《The World and the Prophets》,卷3,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-078-X (Hardcover, 1987)
- 《Mormonism and Early Christianity》,卷4,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-127-1 (Hardcover, 1987)
- 《Lehi in the Desert/The World of the Jaredites/There Were Jaredites》,卷1,底沙雷特書屋,ISBN 0-87579-132-8 (Hardcover, 1988)
- 《An Approach to the Book of Mormon》,卷6,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-138-7 (Hardcover, 1988)
- 《Since Cumorah》,卷7,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-139-5 (Hardcover, 1988)
- 《The Prophetic Book of Mormon》,卷8,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-179-4 (Hardcover, 1989)
- 《Approaching Zion》,卷9,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-252-9 (Hardcover, 1989)
- 《Ancient State: The Rulers & the Ruled》,卷10,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-375-4 (Hardcover, 1991)
- 《Tinkling Cymbals and Sounding Brass: The Art of Telling Tales about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young》,卷11,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-516-1 (Hardcover, 1991) (includes No, Ma'am, That's Not History)
- 《Temple and Cosmos: Beyond This Ignorant Present》,卷12,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-523-4 (Hardcover, 1992)
- 《Brother Brigham Challenges the Saints》,卷13,德撒律書局,ISBN 0-87579-818-7 (Hardcover, 1994)
- 《Abraham in Egypt》,卷14,德撒律書局,ISBN 1-57345-527-X (Hardcover, 2000)
- 《Apostles and Bishops in Early Christianity》,卷15,德撒律書局,ISBN 1-59038-389-3 (Hardcover, 2005)
- 《The Message of Joseph Smith Papyri: An Egyptian Endowment》,卷16,德撒律書局,ISBN 1-59038-539-X (Hardcover, 2006)
- Brian Waterman and Brian Kagel, ‘’The Lord’s University: Freedom and Authority at BYU’’; Signature Books, 1998, ISBN 1-56085-117-1
- IMNO interview: Observer; Possibly Hugh Nibley's Last Interview
- Deseret News interview: Nibley still busy at age 92
- BYU magazine interview: Life sketch
- Nibley explains his comment, "We have met here today clothed in the black robes of a false priesthood", given in a prayer at a 1960 commencement at BYU
- On June 19, 2004 at 8 p.m. MST, BYU-TV will broadcast Boyd Peterson's 2003 talk about his biography on Nibley and Nibley's life accomplishments (页面存档备份,存于)
- FARMS often posts electronic versions of Nibley papers
- Boyd Jay Petersen; Hugh Nibley: A Consecrated Life; Greg Kofford Books; ISBN 1-58958-020-6 (Hardcover, 2002)
- 見網頁 (页面存档备份,存于)
- 原文:"Nibley's methodology consists more of comparative literature than history."見網頁 (页面存档备份,存于)
- 見網頁 (页面存档备份,存于)
- 見網頁 (页面存档备份,存于)
- 原文:"The worst sinners, according to Jesus, are not the harlots and publicans, but the religious leaders with their insistence on proper dress and grooming, their careful observance of all the rules, their precious concern for status symbols, their strict legality, their pious patriotism... the haircut becomes the test of virtue in a world where Satan deceives and rules by appearances."見 Waterman 和 Kagel 合著《The Lord’s University: Freedom and Authority at BYU(主的大學:楊百翰大學裡的自由和權柄)》,Signature Books,1998年,第153頁,ISBN 1-56085-117-1
- 原文:"taking phrases out of context to establish points"
- 原文:"too often I was disappointed by searching in vain in them for proof for the claims made in the text"
- 原文:"Among my critiques was that Nibley often generalized excessively, saw ‘things in the sources that simply don’t seem to be there,’ let his ‘predetermined conclusions set the agenda for the evidence,’ and misinterpreted authors he cited… But the academic transgressions committed by Nibley (hardly unique to him) were the products of carelessness and wishful thinking, not of fraud and deception… Nowhere in my own examination of his research and writing did I find any hint of his making up sources for fictional references. I do not believe it happened."
- 見網頁 (页面存档备份,存于)