1785年版佛蒙特铜币的正反两面。其中正面图案为耕地用的犁杖以及绿山上升起的太阳,此外还写有拉丁文“VERMONTS. RES. PUBLICA”,意为佛蒙特共和国。而反面的图案则为被十三颗星星环绕的上帝之眼,上面还写有拉丁文“STELLA. QUARTA. DECIMA”,意为第十四颗星
- 资料来源
- Carlotto, Tony. The Copper Coins of Vermont and Those Bearing the Vermont Name. C-4: 1998. ASIN B0006QZJNQ.
- Doty, Richard G., Eric P. Newman, Kenneth Bressett, et al.. Studies on Money in Early America. The American Numismatic Society: 1996. ASIN B000KT1BDQ.
- Doyle, William T. "The Vermont Political Tradition and Those Who Helped Make It." Doyle Publisher: 1987. ISBN 0-9615486-1-4.
- Duffy, John J., et al. The Vermont Encyclopedia. University Press of New England: 2003. ISBN 1-58465-086-9.
- Mussey, Barrows. Vermont Heritage, a Picture Story. A.A. Wyn, Inc.: 1947.
- Orton, Vrest. Personal Observations on the Republic of Vermont. Academy Books: 1981. ISBN 0-914960-30-X.
- Potash, P. Jeffrey, et al. Freedom and Unity: A History of Vermont. Vermont Historical Society: 2004. ISBN 0-934720-49-5.
- Ryder, Hillyer. Colonial Coins of Vermont. Durst: 1982. ISBN 978-0-915262-65-6.
- Van de Water, Frederic Franklyn The Reluctant Republic: Vermont 1724–1791. The Countryman Press: 1974. ISBN 0-914378-02-3.
- Zieber, Eugene, Heraldry in America: A Classic Surverry of Coats of Arms and Insignia. Greenwich House: 1974. ISBN 0-8383-0322-6.
- 注释
- Van DeWater, Frederic F. . The Countryman Press. 1974: 195, 218–219 [1941]. ISBN 0-914378-02-3.
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