信號山 (聖約翰斯)

信號山Signal Hill)是位於加拿大紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省聖約翰斯的一座山峰。因其可俯瞰海港的戰略位置,信號山自17世紀開始就成為了一座砲台。現在信號山是加拿大的國家歷史遺址[1][2]


  1. Parks Canada.Signal Hill National Historic Site 页面存档备份,存于
  2. Signal Hill. Canadian Register of Historic Places. Retrieved 5 August 2012.
  • Zierler, Amy, and Cam Mustard, Signal Hill: An Illustrated History, 1982, reprint 1997, Newfoundland Historic Parks Association, St. John's.
  • Canadian Heritage - Parks Canada, Welcome to Signal Hill National Historic Site brochure, undated (2000 ?).


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