

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
亚门: 甲殼亞門 Crustacea
纲: 介形綱 Ostracoda
目: 速足介目 Podocopida
科: 克里介科 Krithidae
属: 克里介属 Krithe
Brady, Crosskey & Robertson, 1874


  • Crithe Bergroth, 1908



  • Krithe adamentina Rosyjeva, 1962
  • Krithe adelspergi Brouwers, 1990
  • Krithe aequabilis Ciampo, 1986
  • Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • Krithe angusta Brady & Norman, 1889
  • Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki, 1966
  • Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky, 1994
  • Krithe araucoensis Bergue, Coimbra & Finger, 2020
  • Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky, 1994
  • Krithe bartonensis (Jones, 1857)
  • Krithe burkholderi Brouwers, 1990
  • Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer, 1990
  • Krithe caudata Bold, 1946
  • Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • 七九克里介 Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Krithe coimbrai Do Carmo & Sanguinetti, 1999
  • Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley, 1999
  • Krithe compressa (Seguenza, 1880)
  • Krithe crassicaudata van den Bold, 1946
  • Krithe crepidus Ceolin & Whatley, 2015
  • Krithe curvidorsalis Mandelstam, 1962
  • Krithe dawnpetersonae Bergue, Coimbra & Finger, 2020
  • Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley, 1999
  • Krithe dolichodeira Bold, 1946
  • 爪杰克里介 Krithe droogeri Keij, 1953
  • Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese, 1976
  • Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby, 1896)
  • Krithe galei Crouch, 1949
  • Krithe gigantea (Mehes, 1941)
  • Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson, 1874
  • Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti, 1999
  • Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky, 1994
  • Krithe gracilis (Reuss, 1850) ienenklaus, 1895
  • Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan, 1988)
  • Krithe hiwanneensis Howe & Law, 1936
  • Krithe hunti Yasuhara, Stepanova, Okahashi, Cronin & Brouwers, 2014
  • Krithe hyalina Brady, 1880
  • Krithe introcurva Hao
  • Krithe japonica Ishizaki, 1971
  • Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • Krithe keyi Breman, 1978
  • Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain, 1978
  • 詭道克里介 Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao, 2008
  • Krithe lambi Bold, 1966
  • Krithe magna (Hartmann, 1986)
  • Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce, 1993
  • Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell, 2009
  • Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky, 1994
  • Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza, 1880)
  • Krithe morkhoveni Bold, 1960
  • Krithe nerudai Bergue, Coimbra & Finger, 2020
  • Krithe nibelaensis Dingle, 1981
  • Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing, 1984
  • Krithe nobilisa Rosyjeva, 1962
  • 橢圓克里介 Krithe ovoidea Ruan
  • Krithe papillosa (Bosquet, 1852) Apostolescu, 1955
  • Krithe (Profundocythere) parva (Hartmann, 1985)
  • Krithe perattica Alexander, 1934
  • Krithe pernoides (Bornemann, 1855)
  • Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce, 1993
  • Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer, 1990
  • Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment, 1993
  • Krithe posticliva (Hao, 1988)
  • Krithe postprojecta Schmidt, 1948
  • Krithe praetexta (Sars, 1866)
  • Krithe producta Brady, 1880
  • Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley, 1999
  • Krithe prolixa Bold, 1966
  • Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley, 1999
  • Krithe radiolata Egger, 1901
  • Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • Krithe reniformis (Brady, 1868)
  • Krithe reversa Bold, 1958
  • Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer, 1990
  • 魯托克里介 Krithe rutoti Keij
  • Krithe saundersi Bold, 1960
  • 澤野克里介 Krithe sawanensis Hanai, 1959
  • Krithe setosa Rudjakov, 1961
  • Krithe similis Müller, 1894
  • Krithe snansoni Milhau, 1993
  • Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer, 1990
  • Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan
  • Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby, 1896
  • 蘇鹿克里介 Krithe surugensis Zhou
  • Krithe swansoni Milau, 1993
  • Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley, 1999
  • Krithe trinidadensis Bold, 1958
  • Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic, 2020
  • Krithe tumida Brady, 1880
  • Krithe turkmenica Rosyjeva, 1962
  • Krithe ukrainica Mandelstam, 1962
  • Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane, 1965


  1. . GBIF. [2023-12-29].
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