- 以底色 標示者表示目前尚在上映中(包括重映、二次上映)之電影
排名 | 最高排名 | 片名 | 全球票房 | 年度 | 产地 | 來源 |
1 | 1[T 1] | 狮子王 [ref 1] | $1,656,943,394 | 2019 | ![]() |
[BOM 1] |
2 | 2 | 冰雪奇緣2 | $1,450,026,933 | 2019 | ![]() |
[BOM 2] |
3 | 3 | 超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版 | $1,335,296,149 | 2023 | ![]() ![]() |
4 | 1[T 2] | 冰雪奇緣 | $1,284,540,518 | 2013 | ![]() |
[BOM 3] |
5 | 2[T 3] | 超人特攻隊2 | $1,242,805,359 | 2018 | ![]() |
[BOM 4] |
6 | 2[T 4] | 小小兵 | $1,159,398,397 | 2015 | ![]() |
[BOM 5] |
7 | 5[T 1] | 玩具總動員4 | $1,073,394,593 | 2019 | ![]() |
[BOM 6] |
8 | 1[T 5] | 玩具總動員3 | $1,066,969,703 | 2010 | ![]() |
[BOM 7] |
9 | 4[T 6] | 神偷奶爸3 | $1,034,799,409 | 2017 | ![]() |
[BOM 8] |
10 | 4[T 7] | 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿 | $1,028,570,889 | 2016 | ![]() |
[BOM 9] |
11 | 4[T 8] | 動物方城市 | $1,023,784,195 | 2016 | ![]() |
[BOM 10] |
12 | 3[T 9] | 神偷奶爸2 | $970,766,005 | 2013 | ![]() |
[BOM 11] |
13 | 1[T 10] | 狮子王 [ref 2] | $968,511,805 | 1994 | ![]() |
[BOM 12] |
14 | 1[T 11] | 海底总动员 | $940,350,194 | 2003 | ![]() |
[BOM 13] |
15 | 14 | 小小兵2:格魯的崛起 | $939,628,210 | 2022 | ![]() |
16 | 1[T 12] | 史瑞克2 | $928,760,770 | 2004 | ![]() |
[BOM 14] |
17 | 2[T 13] | 冰原歷險記3:恐龍現身 | $886,686,817 | 2009 | ![]() |
[BOM 15] |
18 | 6[T 14] | 冰原歷險記4:板塊漂移 | $877,244,782 | 2012 | ![]() |
[BOM 16] |
19 | 12[T 7] | 寵物當家 | $875,457,937 | 2016 | ![]() |
[BOM 17] |
20 | 10[T 4] | 腦筋急轉彎 | $857,611,174 | 2015 | ![]() |
[BOM 18] |
21 | 3[T 15] | 史瑞克三世 | $813,367,380 | 2007 | ![]() |
[BOM 19] |
22 | 15[T 6] | 寻梦环游记 | $807,816,196 | 2017 | ![]() |
[BOM 20] |
23 | 7[T 5] | 史瑞克快樂4神仙 | $752,600,867 | 2010 | ![]() |
[BOM 21] |
24 | 9[T 14] | 馬達加斯加3:歐洲大圍捕 | $746,921,274 | 2012 | ![]() |
[BOM 22] |
25 | 11[T 16] | 怪獸大學 | $743,559,607 | 2013 | ![]() |
[BOM 23] |
26 | 6[T 13] | 天外奇蹟 | $735,099,082 | 2009 | ![]() |
[BOM 24] |
27 | 24[T 1] | 哪吒之魔童降世 | $728,993,357 | 2019 | ![]() |
[ref 3] |
28 | 4[T 17] | 冰川时代2 | $667,094,506 | 2006 | ![]() |
[BOM 26] |
29 | 9[T 18] | 功夫熊貓2 | $665,692,281 | 2011 | ![]() |
[BOM 27] |
30 | 16[T 19] | 大英雄天團 | $657,869,461 | 2014 | ![]() |
[BOM 28] |
31 | 22 | 海洋奇缘 | $643,350,610 | 2016 | ![]() |
[BOM 29] |
32 | 23 | 歡樂好聲音 | $634,154,922 | 2016 | ![]() |
[BOM 30] |
33 | 6[T 20] | 功夫熊猫 | $631,746,197 | 2008 | ![]() |
[BOM 31] |
34 | 4[T 12] | 超人特攻隊 | $631,606,713 | 2004 | ![]() |
[BOM 32] |
35 | 7[T 15] | 料理鼠王 | $623,726,085 | 2007 | ![]() |
[BOM 33] |
36 | 19[T 2] | 驯龙高手2 | $621,537,519 | 2014 | ![]() |
[BOM 34] |
37 | 9[T 20] | 馬達加斯加2 | $603,900,354 | 2008 | ![]() |
[BOM 35] |
38 | 14[T 21] | 魔髮奇緣 | $592,461,732 | 2010 | ![]() |
[BOM 36] |
39 | 18[T 22] | 疯狂原始人 | $587,204,668 | 2013 | ![]() |
[BOM 37] |
40 | 2[T 10] | 怪兽电力公司 | $578,981,070 | 2001 | ![]() |
[BOM 38] |
41 | 41 | 小美人鱼 | $569,626,289 | 2023 | ![]() |
[3] |
42 | 16[T 18] | Cars 2:世界大賽 | $559,852,396 | 2011 | ![]() |
[BOM 39] |
43 | 17[T 18] | 穿靴子的猫 | $554,987,477 | 2011 | ![]() |
[BOM 40] |
44 | 14[T 5] | 神偷奶爸 | $543,113,985 | 2010 | ![]() |
[BOM 41] |
45 | 5[T 12] | 马达加斯加 | $542,063,846 | 2005 | ![]() |
[BOM 42] |
46 | 22[T 14] | 勇敢傳說 | $538,983,207 | 2012 | ![]() |
[BOM 43] |
47 | 9[T 15] | 辛普森一家大电影 | $536,414,270 | 2007 | ![]() |
[BOM 44] |
48 | 10[T 20] | 瓦力 | $521,311,860 | 2008 | ![]() |
[BOM 45] |
49 | 41 | 無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走 | $529,323,962 | 2018 | ![]() |
[BOM 46] |
50 | 41 | 尖叫旅社3:怪獸假期 | $528,583,774 | 2018 | ![]() |
[BOM 47] |
排名 | 最高排名 | 片名 | 全球票房 | 年度 | 來源 |
1 | 1[T 1] | 狮子王 [ref 1] | $1,656,943,394 | 2019 | [BOM 1] |
2 | 2 | 冰雪奇緣2 | $1,450,026,933 | 2019 | [BOM 2] |
3 | 1[T 2] | 冰雪奇緣 | $1,280,803,377 | 2013 | [BOM 3] |
4 | 2[T 3] | 超人特攻隊2 | $1,242,805,359 | 2018 | [BOM 4] |
5 | 2[T 4] | 小小兵 | $1,159,398,397 | 2015 | [BOM 5] |
6 | 5[T 1] | 玩具總動員4 | $1,073,394,593 | 2019 | [BOM 6] |
7 | 1[T 5] | 玩具總動員3 | $1,066,969,703 | 2010 | [BOM 7] |
8 | 4[T 6] | 神偷奶爸3 | $1,034,799,409 | 2017 | [BOM 8] |
9 | 4[T 7] | 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿 | $1,028,570,889 | 2016 | [BOM 9] |
10 | 4[T 8] | 動物方城市 | $1,023,784,195 | 2016 | [BOM 10] |
11 | 2[T 9] | 神偷奶爸2 | $970,766,005 | 2013 | [BOM 11] |
12 | 1[T 11] | 海底总动员 | $940,350,194 | 2003 | [BOM 13] |
13 | 1[T 12] | 史瑞克2 | $928,760,770 | 2004 | [BOM 14] |
14 | 2[T 13] | 冰原歷險記3:恐龍現身 | $886,686,817 | 2009 | [BOM 15] |
15 | 5[T 14] | 冰原歷險記4:板塊漂移 | $877,244,782 | 2012 | [BOM 16] |
16 | 11[T 7] | 寵物當家 | $875,457,937 | 2016 | [BOM 17] |
17 | 9[T 4] | 腦筋急轉彎 | $857,611,174 | 2015 | [BOM 18] |
18 | 3[T 15] | 史瑞克三世 | $813,367,380 | 2007 | [BOM 19] |
19 | 14[T 6] | 寻梦环游记 | $807,816,196 | 2017 | [BOM 20] |
20 | 6[T 5] | 史瑞克快樂4神仙 | $752,600,867 | 2010 | [BOM 21] |
21 | 8[T 14] | 馬達加斯加3:歐洲大圍捕 | $746,921,274 | 2012 | [BOM 22] |
22 | 10[T 16] | 怪獸大學 | $743,559,607 | 2013 | [BOM 23] |
23 | 5[T 13] | 天外奇蹟 | $735,099,082 | 2009 | [BOM 24] |
24 | 23[T 1] | 哪吒之魔童降世 | $728,993,357 | 2019 | [ref 3] |
25 | 3[T 17] | 冰川时代2 | $667,094,506 | 2006 | [BOM 26] |
26 | 8[T 18] | 功夫熊貓2 | $665,692,281 | 2011 | [BOM 27] |
27 | 15[T 19] | 大英雄天團 | $657,869,461 | 2014 | [BOM 28] |
28 | 21 | 海洋奇缘 | $643,350,610 | 2016 | [BOM 29] |
29 | 22 | 歡樂好聲音 | $634,154,922 | 2016 | [BOM 30] |
30 | 5[T 20] | 功夫熊猫 | $631,746,197 | 2008 | [BOM 31] |
31 | 3[T 12] | 超人特攻隊 | $631,606,713 | 2004 | [BOM 32] |
32 | 6[T 15] | 料理鼠王 | $623,726,085 | 2007 | [BOM 33] |
33 | 18[T 2] | 驯龙高手2 | $621,537,519 | 2014 | [BOM 34] |
34 | 8[T 20] | 馬達加斯加2 | $603,900,354 | 2008 | [BOM 35] |
35 | 13[T 21] | 魔髮奇緣 | $592,461,732 | 2010 | [BOM 36] |
36 | 17[T 22] | 疯狂原始人 | $587,204,668 | 2013 | [BOM 37] |
37 | 1[T 10] | 怪兽电力公司 | $578,981,070 | 2001 | [BOM 38] |
38 | 15[T 18] | Cars 2:世界大賽 | $559,852,396 | 2011 | [BOM 39] |
39 | 16[T 18] | 穿靴子的猫 | $554,987,477 | 2011 | [BOM 40] |
40 | 13[T 5] | 神偷奶爸 | $543,113,985 | 2010 | [BOM 41] |
41 | 4[T 12] | 马达加斯加 | $542,063,846 | 2005 | [BOM 42] |
42 | 21[T 14] | 勇敢傳說 | $538,983,207 | 2012 | [BOM 43] |
43 | 9[T 20] | 瓦力 | $521,311,860 | 2008 | [BOM 45] |
44 | 40 | 無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走 | $529,323,962 | 2018 | [BOM 46] |
45 | 40 | 尖叫旅社3:怪獸假期 | $528,583,774 | 2018 | [BOM 47] |
46 | 39 | 寶貝老闆 | $527,965,936 | 2017 | [BOM 48] |
47 | 44 | 馴龍高手3 | $521,799,505 | 2019 | [BOM 49] |
48 | 33 | 功夫熊猫3 | $521,170,825 | 2016 | [BOM 50] |
49 | 43 | 鬼靈精 | $511,595,957 | 2018 | [BOM 51] |
50 | 29 | 里约大冒险2 | $498,781,117 | 2014 | [BOM 52] |
排序 | 片名 | 全球票房 | 年度 | 來源 |
1 | 落跑雞 | $224,834,564 | 2000 | [BOM 53] |
2 | 酷狗寶貝之魔兔詛咒 | $194,137,091 | 2005 | [BOM 54] |
3 | 第十四道門 | $124,596,837 | 2009 | [BOM 55] |
4 | 海賊天團3D | $123,054,041 | 2012 | [BOM 56] |
5 | 地獄新娘 | $118,090,836 | 2005 | [BOM 57] |
6 | 怪怪箱 | $109,285,033 | 2014 | [BOM 58] |
7 | 派拉諾曼:靈動小子 | $107,139,399 | 2012 | [BOM 59] |
8 | 笑笑羊大電影 | $106,209,378 | 2015 | [BOM 60] |
9 | 小王子 | $97,571,250 | 2015 | [BOM 61] |
10 | 聖誕夜驚魂 | $91,491,247 | 1993 | [BOM 62] |
11 | 科學怪犬 | $81,491,068 | 2012 | [BOM 63] |
12 | 酷寶:魔弦傳說 | $76,249,438 | 2016 | [BOM 64] |
13 | 犬之島 | $64,241,499 | 2018 | [BOM 65] |
14 | 石器小英雄 | $54,622,814 | 2018 | [BOM 66] |
15 | 了不起的狐狸爸爸 | $46,471,023 | 2009 | [BOM 67] |
16 | 笑笑羊大電影:外星人來了 | $43,091,796 | 2019 | [BOM 68] |
17 | 飛天巨桃歷險記 | $28,946,127 | 1996 | [BOM 69] |
18 | 大冒險家 | $26,565,710 | 2019 | [BOM 70] |
19 | 索兰与路德维格的圣诞节 | $12,345,881 | 2013 | [BOM 71] |
排序 | 片名 | 全球票房 | 年度 | 來源 |
1 | 狮子王 [ref 2] | $968,511,805 | 1994 | [BOM 12] |
2 | 辛普森一家大电影 | $536,414,270 | 2007 | [BOM 44] |
3 | 阿拉丁 | $504,050,219 | 1992 | [BOM 72] |
4 | 鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 | $503,008,391 | 2020 | [6] |
5 | 泰山 | $448,191,819 | 1999 | [BOM 73] |
6 | 美女与野兽 | $440,118,382 | 1991 | [BOM 74] |
7 | 白雪公主 | $418,200,000 | 1937 | [IMDB 1] |
8 | 千与千寻 | $395,580,000 | 2001 | [7] |
9 | 你的名字。 | $380,140,000 | 2016 | [7] |
10 | 森林王子 | $378,000,000 | 1967 | [8] |
11 | 风中奇缘 | $346,079,773 | 1995 | [BOM 75] |
12 | 钟楼怪人 | $325,338,851 | 1996 | [BOM 76] |
13 | 海綿寶寶:海陸大出擊 | $325,186,032 | 2015 | [BOM 77] |
14 | 花木兰 | $304,320,254 | 1998 | [BOM 78] |
15 | 101忠狗 | $303,000,000 | 1961 | [8] |
16 | 星际宝贝 | $273,144,151 | 2002 | [BOM 79] |
17 | 小鹿斑比 | $268,000,000 | 1942 | [NUM 1] |
18 | 公主與青蛙 | $267,045,765 | 2009 | [BOM 80] |
19 | 仙履奇缘 | $263,591,415 | 1950 | [NUM 2] |
20 | 大力士 | $252,712,101 | 1997 | [BOM 81] |
21 | 熊的传说 | $250,397,798 | 2003 | [BOM 82] |
22 | 哈尔的移动城堡 | $236,212,992 | 2004 | [BOM 83] |
23 | 小美人鱼 | $222,299,758 | 1989 | [NUM 3] |
24 | 埃及王子 | $218,613,188 | 1998 | [BOM 84] |
25 | 崖上的波妞 | $203,204,882 | 2008 | [BOM 85] |
26 | 天气之子 | $198,601,403 | 2019 | [ref 4] |
27 | 猫儿历险记 | $191,000,000 | 1970 | [8] |
28 | 小姐与流浪汉 | $187,000,000 | 1955 | [8] |
29 | 亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国 | $186,053,725 | 2001 | [BOM 86] |
30 | 神奇寶貝劇場版:超夢的逆襲 | $172,744,662 | 1998 | [12] |
31 | 魔法公主 | $169,785,629 | 1997 | [BOM 87] |
32 | 变身国王 | $169,327,687 | 2000 | [BOM 88] |
33 | 救難小英雄 | $169,000,000 | 1977 | [8] |
34 | 借物少女艾莉緹 | $149,184,563 | 2010 | [BOM 89] |
35 | 小飛俠 | $145,000,000 | 1953 | [13] |
36 | 海绵宝宝历险记 | $141,067,127 | 2004 | [BOM 90] |
37 | 淘气小兵兵 | $140,894,675 | 1998 | [BOM 91] |
38 | 森林王子2 | $139,924,202 | 2003 | [NUM 4] |
39 | 真假公主-安娜塔西亞 | $139,804,348 | 1997 | [BOM 92] |
40 | 風起 | $136,454,220 | 2013 | [BOM 93] |
41 | 神奇寶貝劇場版:夢幻之神奇寶貝 洛奇亞爆誕 | $133,949,270 | 1999 | [BOM 94] |
42 | 七龍珠超 布羅利 | $122,747,755 | 2018 | [NUM 5] |
43 | 小马王 | $122,563,539 | 2002 | [BOM 95] |
44 | 木偶奇遇记 | $121,892,045 | 1940 | [BOM 96] |
45 | 奥丽华历险记 | $120,872,291 | 1988 | [ref 5] |
46 | 名偵探柯南:紺青之拳 | $119,875,024 | 2019 | [15] |
47 | 夢不落帝國 | $115,121,981 | 2002 | [BOM 98] |
48 | 星银岛 | $110,041,363 | 2002 | [BOM 99] |
49 | 名偵探柯南:零的執行人 | $107,918,046 | 2018 | [NUM 6] |
50 | 放牛吃草 | $103,951,485 | 2004 | [BOM 100] |
年份 | 片名 | 全球票房 | 预算 | 来源 |
1937 | 白雪公主 | $418,200,000 ($8,500,000) | $1,488,423[16] | [IMDB 1][17] |
1938 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1939 | 格列佛游记 | $3,200,000 | $700,000[18] | [19] |
1940 | 木偶奇遇记 | $121,892,045 ($3,500,000) | $2,600,000[20] | [BOM 96][17] |
1941 | 小飞象 | $1,600,000 | $950,000[BOM 101] | [21] |
1942 | 小鹿斑比 | $268,000,000 ($3,449,353) | $1,700,000–2,000,000[22] | [NUM 1][23] |
1943 | 空中制胜 | $799,000 | ~$789,000 | [IMDB 2] |
1944 | 西班牙三紳士 | $3,355,000 | 不適用 | [24] |
1945 | Garbancito de la Mancha | ES€5,595,283 (~$90,000) | 不適用 | [IMDB 3] |
1946 | 为我谱上乐章 | $3,275,000 | $1,370,000 | [24][25] |
1947 | 米奇与魔豆 | $3,165,000 | 不適用 | [24] |
1948 | 旋律时光 | $2,560,000 | $1,500,000[26] | [24] |
1949 | 伊老師與小蟾蜍大歷險 | $1,625,000 | 不適用 | [24] |
1950 | 仙履奇缘 | $263,591,415 ($20,000,000) | $3,000,000 | [NUM 2][27] |
1951 | 爱丽丝梦游仙境 | $2,400,000 | $3,000,000[28] | [29] |
1952 | 国王与小鸟 | $27,513 | 不適用 | [IMDB 4] |
1953 | 小飛俠 | $145,000,000 ($7,000,000) | $3,000,000–4,000,000[30] | [13] |
1954 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1955 | 小姐与流浪汉 | $187,000,000 ($6,500,000) | $4,000,000[31] | [8][32] |
1956 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1957 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1958 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1959 | 睡美人 | $51,600,000 ($5,300,000) | $6,000,000[33] | [BOM 102][34] |
1960 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1961 | 101忠狗 | $303,000,000 | $3,600,000–4,000,000[22][35] | [8] |
1962 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1963 | 石中劍 | $22,182,353 ($4,750,000) | $3,000,000[36] | [NUM 7][37] |
1964 | 瑜伽小熊 | $1,940,903 –2,438,233 ($1,130,000) |
不適用 | [BOM 103][NUM 8][37] |
1965 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
1966 | 召唤摩登石头人 | $2,764,684 | 不適用 | |
1967 | 森林王子 | $378,000,000 ($23,800,000) | $3,900,000–4,000,000[38] | [8][22] |
1968 | 从一个老男人的脑中出来 | SEK1,270,971 (~$245,000) | 不適用 | [39] |
1969 | 查理布朗男孩 | $12,000,000 | $1,100,000[40] | [41][IMDB 5] |
1970 | 猫儿历险记 | $191,000,000 ($26,462,000) | $4,000,000[42] | [8][IMDB 6] |
1971 | 幸运卢克之雏菊镇 | SEK1,202,319 (~$253,000) | 不適用 | [IMDB 7] |
1972 | 怪猫菲力兹 | $90,000,000 | $700,000 | [43] |
1973 | 罗宾汉 | $32,056,467 ($27,500,000) | $5,000,000[44] | [NUM 9][45] |
1974 | Dunderklumpen! | SEK5,813,000 (~$2,675,205) | 不適用 | [IMDB 8] |
1975 | 品契克利夫大奖赛 | $6,439,069 | 不適用 | [IMDB 9] |
1976 | 蓝精灵与魔笛 | $19,000,000 | 不適用 | [46] |
1977 | 救難小英雄 | $169,000,000 ($29,000,000) | $7,500,000[47] | [8] |
1978 | 指环王 | $30,471,420 | $4,000,000[48] | [BOM 104] |
1979 | 银河铁道999 | ¥1,650,000,000$7,612,130) | (不適用 | [49][50] |
1980 | 大雄的恐龍 | ¥2,640,000,000$10,597,335) | (不適用 | [51][52] |
1981 | 狐狸与猎狗 | $63,456,988 ($39,900,000) | $12,000,000[53] | [BOM 105] |
1982 | 鼠谭秘奇 | $14,665,733 | $7,000,000[54] | [BOM 106] |
1983 | 幻魔大战 | ¥1,060,000,000$4,467,662) | (不適用 | [55][56] |
1984 | 大雄的魔界大冒險 | ¥2,810,000,000$12,514,999) | (不適用 | [51][57] |
1985 | 爱心熊宝宝 | $34,000,000 ($22,934,622) | $2,000,000–4,500,000 | [58] |
1986 | 老鼠也移民 | $84,557,295 ($84,542,002) | $9,000,000[59] | [BOM 107] |
1987 | 大雄與龍之騎士 | ¥2,550,000,000$16,640,297) | (不適用 | [51][60] |
1988 | 小脚板走天涯 | $84,576,957 ($84,460,846) | $12,300,000[IMDB 10] | [BOM 108] |
1989 | 小美人鱼 | $222,299,758 ($84,355,863) | $40,000,000[61] | [NUM 3] |
1990 | 救难小英雄澳洲历险记 | $47,431,461 | $30,000,000 | [IMDB 11] |
1991 | 美女与野兽 | $440,118,382 ($351,863,363) | $25,000,000 | [BOM 74] |
1992 | 阿拉丁 | $504,050,219 | $28,000,000[22] | [BOM 72] |
1993 | 怪誕城之夜 | $91,482,584 ($50,003,043) | $18,000,000[62] | [BOM 62] |
1994 | 狮子王 [ref 2] | $968,511,805 ($763,455,561) | $45,000,000 | [ref 6] |
1995 | 玩具总动员 | $404,770,656 ($363,007,140) | $30,000,000[IMDB 12] | [ref 7] |
1996 | 钟楼怪人 | $325,338,851 | $100,000,000 | [BOM 76] |
1997 | 大力士 | $252,712,101 | $85,000,000 | [BOM 81] |
1998 | 虫虫危机 | $363,258,859 | $120,000,000 | [BOM 115] |
1999 | 玩具總動員2 | $497,374,776 ($487,059,677) | $90,000,000 | [BOM 116] |
2000 | 恐龍 | $349,822,765 | $127,500,000 | [BOM 117] |
2001 | 怪兽电力公司 | $578,981,070 ($525,373,250) | $115,000,000 | [BOM 38] |
2002 | 冰川时代 | $383,257,136 | $59,000,000 | [BOM 118] |
2003 | 海底总动员 | $940,350,194 ($867,893,978) | $94,000,000 | [BOM 13] |
2004 | 史瑞克2 | $928,760,770 | $150,000,000 | [BOM 14] |
2005 | 马达加斯加 | $542,063,846 | $75,000,000 | [BOM 42] |
2006 | 冰川时代2 | $667,094,506 | $80,000,000 | [BOM 26] |
2007 | 史瑞克三世 | $813,367,380 | $160,000,000 | [BOM 19] |
2008 | 功夫熊猫 | $631,746,197 | $130,000,000 | [BOM 31] |
2009 | 冰原歷險記3:恐龍現身 | $886,686,817 | $90,000,000 | [BOM 15] |
2010 | 玩具總動員3 | $1,066,969,703 | $200,000,000 | [BOM 7] |
2011 | 功夫熊貓2 | $665,692,281 | $150,000,000 | [BOM 27] |
2012 | 冰原歷險記4:板塊漂移 | $877,244,782 | $95,000,000 | [BOM 16] |
2013 | 冰雪奇缘 | $1.280803377×10 9 | $150,000,000 | [BOM 3] |
2014 | 大英雄天團 | $657,869,461 | $165,000,000 | [BOM 28] |
2015 | 小小兵 | $1,159,398,397 | $74,000,000 | [BOM 5] |
2016 | 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿 | $1,028,570,889 | $200,000,000 | [BOM 9] |
2017 | 神偷奶爸3 | $1,034,799,409 | $80,000,000 | [BOM 8] |
2018 | 超人特攻隊2 | $1,242,805,359 | $200,000,000[63] | [BOM 4] |
2019 | 冰雪奇緣2 | $1.450026933×10 9 | $150,000,000 | [BOM 2] |
2020 | 鬼滅之刃劇場版 無限列車篇 | $501,200,000 | 不適用 | [6] |
- ( ... ) 括号内为首轮放映票房
- *北美票房收入
- ES西班牙票房收入
- SW瑞典票房收入
- NW挪威票房收入
- AU澳大利亚票房收入
- JP日本票房收入
- R分销商租赁费
- TBD有待确定
- H影片包含真人场景
八部动画电影在不同时间保持了最高票房动画电影的纪录。其中四部是迪士尼制作电影,两部是皮克斯动画工作室制作电影。梦工厂动画公司制作的《史瑞克2》和Fairview Entertainment制作的《狮子王》2019年版不是迪士尼或者皮克斯制作。而這些都是英語發音。
片名 | 上映时间 | 总票房 | 来源 |
白雪公主 [ref 8] | 1938 | $8,500,000 | [17] |
1993 | $418,228,683 | [ref 9] | |
阿拉丁 [ref 10] | 1993 | $504,050,219 | [BOM 72] |
狮子王 [ref 2] | 1994 | $763,455,561 | [ref 6] |
2002 | $782,941,776 | [ref 6] | |
海底总动员 | 2003 | $871,014,978 | [BOM 121] |
史瑞克2 | 2004 | $928,760,770 | [BOM 14] |
玩具總動員3 | 2010 | $1,066,969,703 | [BOM 7] |
冰雪奇缘 | 2013 | $1,280,803,377 | [BOM 3] |
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- 重制版本。
- 原版电影。
- 《哪吒之魔童降世》的票房收入:
- 《天氣之子》的票房收入:
- 《奥丽华历险记》的票房收入:
- 原版《狮子王》的票房收入:
- 《玩具总动员》的票房收入:
- 《白雪公主》初次上映时的总票房收入为850万美元,成为当时票房收入最高的有声电影。
- 《白雪公主》截至1993年的票房收入:
- 《阿拉丁》有可能从未取得记录。阿拉丁(1992-93)的发行恰逢《白雪公主》的再发行,《白雪公主》最终的票房可能更高。截至1987年,《白雪公主》的总票房为3.3亿美元,然后从1987年和1993年的发行中又在北美增加了8,800万美元;尚不清楚北美以外地区通过这些再发行获得的白雪公主票房有多少,但如果外国总收入等于或超过北美总收入,那么白雪公主将获得更多的票房收入。
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-25).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-04).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-11).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-28).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-27).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-07).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2019-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-12).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-08).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-05).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-06).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2021-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-01).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-04).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-10).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-11).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-01).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-18).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-03).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-28).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-27).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-15).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-07).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-03).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-30).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-08).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-26).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-03).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21].
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-10).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-14).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-07).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-21).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-08).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2015-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-01).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-29).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-31).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-19).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-16).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-28).
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-05).
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- . IMDB. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-30).
- . IMDB. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-30).
- . IMDB. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-30).
- . IMDB. [2015-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-25).
- . IMDB. [2015-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-30).
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- . IMDB. [2016-02-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-23).
- . IMDB. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-04).
- 其他
- . Box Office Mojo. [2016-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-19).
- . Entgroup. [2019-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-30).
- . Box Office Mojo.
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- Harding, Daryl. . Crunchyroll. [2021-07-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15) (美国英语).
- Anthony D'Alessandro. . Variety. 2003-10-27: 6 [2020-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-04).
- (PDF). 國家電影及視聽文化中心. 2020-07-30 [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-07-30).
- . fxtop.com. [2020-11-09].
¥168,619,925 = $5,414,524
- . Box Office Mojo. [2020-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-24).
- . JP's Box-Office. [2020-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-30).
- . Turner Classic Movies. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-03).
The article also stated that the film had earned $7 million at that point." "...at which point The Wall Street Journal reported the picture's profits as $145 million.
- . Variety. 1990-11-01: 6.
...the first animated feature film to pass the $100 million watermark worldwide (excluding Disney's re-releases)
- (PDF). Golden globes. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-09-25).
- Alex Ben Block & Lucy Autrey Wilson (2010), p. 207."When the budget rose from $250,000 to $1,488,423 he even mortgaged his own home and automobile. Disney had bet more than his company on the success of Snow White."
- Alex Ben Block & Lucy Autrey Wilson (2010), p. 255."On its initial release Pinocchio brought in only $1.6 million in domestic rentals (compared with Snow White's $4.2 million) and $1.9 million in foreign rentals (compared with Snow White's $4.3 million)"
- . Turner Classic Movies. [2015-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
...motivated the Fleischer Studios to produce this animated feature at a budget of $700,000
- Peter Stack. . SF Gate. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03).
Calibrating its $3.2 million domestic gross in today's dollars...
- Michael Barrier (2003), p. 266."The film's negative cost was $2.6 million, more than $1 million higher than Snow White's."
- Michael Barrier (2003), p. 318
- Alex Ben Block & Lucy Autrey Wilson (2010), pp. 712–713.
- Bambi: "Worldwide Box Office: $266.8; Production Cost: $1.7 (Millions of $s)"
- 101 Dalmatians: "Worldwide Box Office: $215.0; Production Cost: $3.6 (Millions of $s)"
- The Jungle Book: "Worldwide Box Office: $170.8"; Production Cost: $3.9 (Millions of $s)"
- Aladdin: "Worldwide Box Office: $505.1"; Production Cost: $28.0 (Millions of $s)"
- Alex Ben Block & Lucy Autrey Wilson (2010), p. 281."Worldwide rentals of $3,449,353 barely recouped the film's nearly $2 million production cost."
- . Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 1994, 14 (1). doi:10.1080/01439689400260041.
- Adam Abraham. . Wesleyan University Press. 2012-03-09: 189. ISBN 9780819572707.
- . Variety: 14. 1948-02-18 [2018-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-17).
- Michael D. Eisner; Tony Schwartz. . Pennsylvania State University. 2009: 91. ISBN 9780786885077.
Cinderella revived its fortunes. Re-released in February 1950, it cost nearly $3 million to make but earned more than $20 million worldwide.
- . Magical Kingdoms. [2014-09-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-06).
The film took five years to produce and cost $3 million...
- . Variety: 70. 1952-01-02.
- . Turner Classic Movies. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-03).
...all other sources estimate the final cost at $4 million.
- . Turner Classic Movies. [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-20).
The final cost of the film reached $4 million.
- . Variety: 1. 1956-01-25.
- Bob Thomas. 1994. New York: Hyperion Press. 1976: 294–295. ISBN 0786860278.
- Richard Schickel. . Chicago: Simon & Schuster. 1968: 299. ISBN 1566631580.
Sleeping Beauty, moreover, which grossed $5.3 million in 1960...
- . Variety. 1960-12-31 [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-09).
Film purportedly is the $4 million end product of three years of work by some 300 artists.
- Bob Thomas. . Sarasota Journal. 1963-11-01 [2018-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-17).
It took three years and a share under $3 million to produce.
- . Variety: 39. 1965-01-06.
- . Toledo Blade. 1970-10-18 [2016-07-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-07).
...which will be three years in the making at a cost of about $4 million.
- . Swedish Film Institute. [2020-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-24).
Kommentarer: Kommentar Svensk filmografi: Enligt Filmårsboken 1969 spelade filmen från premiären fram till mars 1970 in 1.270.971 kronor på biograferna.
- Wayne Warga. . Los Angeles Times. 1970-03-29.
- . Variety: 11. 1971-01-06.
- . Magical Kingdoms. 1970-12-24 [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-09).
The film cost over $4 million, and took four years to make.
- Tasha Robinson. . A.V. Club. 2000-12-06 [2014-09-06]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-30).
And Fritz was a $700,000 picture that made $90 million worldwide, and is still playing.
- John Huddy. . Toledo Blade. 1973-11-07 [2018-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-12).
It cost nearly $5 millions,...
- . Variety. 1975-01-15: 3.
- . Orlando Sentinel. 1986-01-17 [2014-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
As of early December, The Smurfs and the Magic Flute had grossed $19 million
- . Variety. 1977 [2018-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-28).
Four years of work were invested on this $7.5 million production...
- Jerry Beck. . . Chicago Review Press. 2005: 155. ISBN 9781556525919.
The Lord of the Ring cost $4 million to make...
- . キネマ旬報社. 2003: 238-239. ISBN 4873765951.
- . fxtop.com. [2020-10-02].
¥1,650,000,000 = $7,612,130
- . SF MOVIE DataBank. General Works. [2019-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-15) (日语).
- . fxtop.com. [2020-10-02].
¥2,640,000,000 = $10,597,335
- David Ansen. . Newsweek. 1981-07-13: 81.
- John Cawley. . . Image Pub of New York. 1991-10 [2019-12-02]. ISBN 0685503348. (原始内容存档于2019-11-30).
Aurora had given Bluth Production a $7 million budget...
- . Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan. [2018-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-12).
- . fxtop.com. [2020-10-02].
¥1,060,000,000 = $4,467,662
- . fxtop.com. [2020-10-02].
¥2,810,000,000 = $12,514,999
- Gene Hayden. . Maclean's (Maclean Hunter Limited). 1989-08-07: 48.
A year later, Ohio's American Greetings Corp. and Kenner Parker Toys Inc. commissioned Nelvana to produce the animated Care Bears Movie. Earning $34 million in 1985, it became at the time the world's most profitable non-Disney animated movie.
- John Cawley. . cataroo.com. [2020-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-28).
Don recalled "To do AMERICAN TAIL for $9 million...
- . fxtop.com. [2020-10-02].
¥2,550,000,000 = $16,640,297
- James B. Stewart. . Simon & Schuster. 2005: 104. ISBN 0684809931. 网址-维基内链冲突 (帮助)
- Mark Salisbury; Tim Burton. . London: Faber and Faber. 2006: 121–127. ISBN 0571229263.
- . Business Insider. [2018-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-25).
- John Culhane. . The New York Times. 1987-07-12 [2014-06-29]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-04).
By now, it has grossed about $330 million worldwide - so it remains one of the most popular films ever made.
- Alex Ben Block; Lucy Autrey Wilson (编). . HarperCollins. 2010. ISBN 9780061778896.
- Michael Barrier. . New York: Oxford University Press. 2003. ISBN 9780199839223.
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