- 争取正义和反对暴君。如《侠盗罗宾汉》、《佐罗的面具》、《星球大战》。
- 悬念和危险的境遇之下,主人公必须逃离。
- 海盗。(如《加勒比海盗》系列电影)
- 旅行或者追寻失落的古堡、城邦、宝藏。(如《印地安纳·琼斯》系列、《九層妖塔》)
- 在过程中,主人公不断成长、成熟,发现并且掌握自己的命运。(如《星球大战》、《指环王》)
- 具有寓意的主题。(如《人猿星球》、《星际迷航》)
- . [2011-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-19).
- . [2011-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-30).
- . [2014-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-30).
- Ken Dancyger (2007) and Jeff Rush Alternative scriptwriting, Fourth edition. quote:
Stereotypes abound in the adventure genre. Examples range from the mad scientist in Dr. No to the mindless thugs in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The racism implicit in the latter film and films such as First Blood are by-products of the stereotyping rampant in the adventure genre
- Thomas Pynchon (1997) Slow Learner. quote: "Modern readers will be, at least, put off by an unacceptable level of racist, sexist and proto-Fascist talk throughout this story [written in the 1950s]. I wish I could say that this is only Pig Bodine's voice, but, sad to say, it was also my own at the time. The best I can say for it now is that, for its time, it is probably authentic enough. John Kennedy's role model James Bond was about to make his name by kicking third-world people around, another extension of the boy's adventure tales a lot of us grew up reading. There had prevailed for a while a set of assumptions and distinctions, unvoiced and unquestioned, best captured years later in the '70's television character Archie Bunker."
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