兵工廠(或稱武器庫、軍火庫)是指私人或公有的任何組合製造,維修,儲藏武器和彈藥的地方。 Arsenal及 armoury(英國英語)或armory(美國英語)大多被視為同義詞[1][2],儘管存在細微的使用差異。


- Soanes, Catherine and Stevenson, Angus (ed.) (2005). Oxford Dictionary of English, 2nd Ed., revised, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, p. 85. ISBN 978-0-19-861057-1.
- The English barrister and heraldist Arthur Charles Fox-Davies meant that the spelling without a u was never used for weapons but only used for armory in the meaning of the science of coats of arms, which is a part of heraldry, in his book The Art of Heraldry: An Encyclopædia of Armory (1904), p. 1
- , Idaho Department of Correction: 2, 2010 [2014-06-12], (原始内容存档于2016-12-24)
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