

時間 | 影片名稱 | 說明 | |
1990 | U | 《未解之谜》 | 第3季第1集[10][11] |
2003 | T | 《新羅斯威爾:凱克斯堡事件》 | Syfy電視頻道紀錄片[12] |
2008 | N | 《納粹飛碟陰謀》 | 探索頻道歷史紀錄片[13] |
2009 | U | 《UFO猎人:外星人墜毀》 | 歷史頻道紀錄片[14] |
2011 | A | 《遠古外星人:外星人與第三帝國》 | 歷史頻道紀錄片[15] |
2014 | I | 《尋找外星人:納粹時間旅行者》 | 歷史2頻道紀錄片[16] |
2019 | T | 《浩瀚的夜晚》 | 電影[17] |
2021 | U | 《飛碟目擊者:外星人墜毀秘密》 | 第1季第2集[18] |
- E.g., space expert and skeptic James Oberg proposed the Kosmos 96 explanation in 1991 and advocated it in a 1998 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article on the Kecksburg case (页面存档备份,存于)
- Dinkel, Matthew. . Pennsylvania Center for the Book. Pennsylvania State University. [28 October 2019]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-01).
- 多人目擊巨大幽浮墜毀還幫救火!凱克斯堡傳奇UFO事件遭美軍強硬掩蓋56年 (页面存档备份,存于) - 鏡週刊
- Metal debris fall and recoveries were reported in or near Elyria, Ohio, and Livonia, Jackson, and Battle Creek, Michigan. Example sources were Chicago Tribune and Baltimore Sun, December 11, 1965 (Livonia), Elyria Chronicle-Telegram, December 11, 1965, and UPI story in Kalamazoo (MI) Gazette, December 11, 1965 (Jackson & Battle Creek)
- E.g., The Spokesman-Review, December 10, 1965, p. 1, "U.F.O. Starts Many Fires" (页面存档备份,存于), Chicago Tribune December 11, 1965, "Flaming Streak Across Sky Identified as Great Meteor: Blamed for Grass and Woods Fires in North States", Cleveland Plain-Dealer, December 10, 1965, "Fireballs Are Blamed in Elyria Grass Blazes", Philadelphia Inquirer, December 10, 1965, "'Flaming Ball' Crashes South of Pittsburgh, Sets Fires in 3 States". Grass fires associated with falling debris were widely reported in AP and UPI stories in Elyria, Ohio, Eaton Township, Ohio, near Columbus, and near Lapeer, Michigan, 40 miles (64 km) north of Detroit; smoke in the woods was also reported by witnesses and in the press to what landed near Kecksburg.
- E.g., Pittsburgh astronomer Nicholas Wagman was quoted by UPI December 10 saying he believed the fireball to be a Geminid meteor and that "there were reports of a shock wave in parts of Western Pennsylvania at the time of the sighting" similar to a meteorite found in Pennsylvania in 1938.
- . Sky & Telescope. Vol. XXXI no. 2. February 1966: 78 [2022-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-28).
- Von Del Chamberlain; David J. Krause. . 加拿大皇家天文學會期刊. 1967, 61: 184–190. Bibcode:1967JRASC..61..184C.
- E.g., . debunker.com. [2022-10-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-12).
- YouTube上的《未解之謎》第3季第1集,節目主持人羅伯·史塔克(Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack - Season 3, Episode 1 - Full Episode)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Unsolved Mysteries Episode #3.1, Episode aired Sep 19, 1990 TV-PG 48m》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed, TV Movie, 2003, 2h》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Nazi UFO Conspiracy, TV Movie, 2008, 1h》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Alien Crashes, Episode aired Feb 18 2009, TV-PG, 45m》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Aliens and the Third Reich, Episode aired Nov 25 2010, TV-14, 45m》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Nazi Time Travellers, Episode aired Aug 1 2014, TV-PG, 43m》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed, TV Movie, 2003, 2h》的资料(英文)
- 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Alien Crash Secrets, Episode aired Jan 14 2021, TV-14, 42m》的资料(英文)
- 不明飛行物事件列表
- 羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件
- 納粹鐘
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