莫斯科利哈乔夫工厂股份有限公司(俄語:),简称吉尔汽车厂(ЗиЛ, ZiL),是俄罗斯一家汽车与重型装备制造厂。有吉斯(ЗиС, ZiS)和吉尔(ЗиЛ, ZiL)两大汽车品牌,汽车技术更新换代较慢。

AMO ZiL | |
![]() | |
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公司類型 | 股份有限公司 |
公司前身 |
成立 | ![]() |
结束 | 2013年 ![]() |
代表人物 | Igor Zakharov、Konstantin Laptev (2002–现在) |
總部 | 俄罗斯莫斯科 |
产业 | 汽车 |
產品 |
營業額 | 809,851,000 俄罗斯卢布 (2016年) ![]() |
−1,273,561,000 俄罗斯卢布 (2016年) ![]() | |
−1,441,158,000 俄罗斯卢布 (2016年) ![]() | |
母公司 | 莫斯科市政府 ![]() |
网站 | www |
获得奖项 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1915年从意大利菲亚特汽车厂引进卡车生产线,1916年沙俄建设的6家汽车厂之一,时称莫斯科汽车厂 (缩写为AMO,俄語:)。按许可证生产意大利菲亚特的F-15 1.5吨级卡车。虽然到1917年仅完成了三分之二的工程量,但这已是6家中进展最快的一家。由于随后的十月革命与俄国内战,该厂于1924年11月1日生产出第一辆车,AMO-F-15。1926年—1927年工厂只生产425辆汽车。1928年工厂年生产总量只有800辆。
1931年,苏联第一个五年计划期间,该厂得到美国A.J. Brandt Co.的技术改造, 美方还派专家赴苏现场指导,苏方也派人到美国汽车厂实习,援助中国一汽建厂的总专家(专家组组长)希格乔夫就曾在美国实习过。新建起巨大厂房,面积达120万平方米,工厂占地为500公倾,职工2.5万人,年产能力扩大到2.5万辆,1931年10月21日,新建工厂流水线投产。1931年10月1日起,“阿莫”工厂被命名为斯大林汽车厂(缩写为ZIS或ZiS,简称“吉斯”工厂)。1934年到1937年斯大林汽车厂又进行第二次扩建工程,生产新型的3NC—5载重车。1937年产量超过6万辆。1946年3月工厂进行第三次扩建改造,换型产品,新产品为“吉斯—150”,到1948年末日产达到250辆规模。
- ZIS-101 (1936)仿制美国豪华轿车帕克德(Packard)制造出了供政府公务专用的8缸
- ZIS-102 (1938, convertible version of ZIS-101)
- ZIS-110 (1945年8月) 仿制美国1942年款“派克超八”。一说该生产线是美国派克公司“派克180”的淘汰生产线。每年的产量只有十几辆手工定制车。“吉斯-110”还有敞篷版本。采用直列8缸汽油发动机,140匹马力,带同步器的3速手动变速箱,油耗为每百公里23升,最高车速能到达140公里。1958年停产时总产量为2083台。
- ZIS-115 (ZIS-110的防弹型,车身安装8mm厚的装甲,70mm厚的防弹玻璃,底盘也安装了装甲,能经受反步兵地雷的爆炸冲击,车厢内还有一道可升降的中隔玻璃。自重达到7.5吨。)
- ZIL-MZ (prototype sub-compact convertible, 1962)
- ZIL-111 (1958)
- ZIL-114 (1970)
- ZIL-115 (1972)
- ZIL-117 (1972, shortened ZIL-114)
- ZIL-4102 (prototype, 1988)
- ZIL-4104 (1978)
- ZIL-4105 (1988, armoured version of ZIL-41047)
- ZIL-41041 (1985, five-seat version of ZIL-41047)
- ZIL-41042 (station wagon version of ZIL-4104)
- ZIL-41044 (convertible version of ZIL-4104)
- ZIL-41045 (1983, upgraded ZIL-4104)
- ZIL-41047 (1985)
- ZIL-41072 (1988, escort version of ZIL-41047)
- ZIL-4112 (2005?, concept)
- ZIL-4112R (2012)
- ZIS-101
- ZIS-110
- ZIL-111
- ZIL-114
- ZIL-117
- ZIL-4104
- ZIL-41047

ZIL 130

ZIL 5301

ZIL 4331
fire truck AC 3.2-40 (ZiL-4331)
fire truck AC 3,0-40 (ZiL-4334)
- AMO-怀特:建厂后依靠维修美国怀特(White)卡车的过程中所积累的经验,自己开始生产载质量为3t的卡车。使用了该厂自己生产的部件及总成,其中一些还是由该厂设计的。
- AMO F-15 (1924, 菲亚特F-15的生产许可证)4缸化油器式水冷发动机,使用了磁石点火系统。4挡变速箱。后桥横梁与传动轴壳体设计成一个部件。为了防止车轮内胎的磨损加剧,该车型前轮的半轴角度设计为178°。原来变速器的操作杆及手刹均设置在驾驶室外侧,之后该厂对其作了改动,把它们移至靠近司机的地方,并新配备了蓄电池照明系统及喇叭。
- AMO-2 (1930)采用进口的汽车零部件,掌握了生产AMO-2型军用卡车的技术
- AMO-3 (1931)
- AMO-7 (1932, prototype tractor-trailer based on AMO-3)
- ZIS-5:1934年,AMO-3使用了一些新的更为先进的零部件,重新命名为吉斯(ZIS)-5型。可靠性强、维修便利、耐低温性好,6缸化油器发动机,带有蓄电池点火系统。干式双片离合器、4挡变速箱、双级主传动器以及机械传动式刹车装置。1944年,乌拉尔汽车与发动机厂生产的吉斯-5卡车投产,配备了56kW发动机以及轮胎压力更大的新型轮胎。至1948年停产,共生产了532311辆。
- ZIS-6 (1934, 引进了美国Autocar的Dispatch Model SA and Model SD)
- ZIS-10 (1934, tractor-trailer version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-11 (1934, extra long wheelbase version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-12 (1934, long wheelbase version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-13 (1936, gas generator version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-14 (1934, long wheelbase version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-15 (prototype replacement for ZIS-5, 1938)
- ZIS-21 (1939-1941, based on ZIS-5 but powered by wood gas)
- ZIS-22 (半履带车, 1939-1941, based on the ZIS-5)
- ZIS-23 (three axle prototype based on the ZIS-15)
- ZIS-24 (four-wheel-drive prototype based on the ZIS-15)
- ZIS-30 (1940, multifuel version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-32 (1941, 4x4 version of the ZIS-5)
- ZIS-33 (1940, halftrack, based on the ZIS-5)
- ZIS-36 (1944, prototype 6x6 version of ZIS-5)
- ZIS-41 (1940, simplified version of ZIS-21)
- ZIS-42 (Halftrack, 1942-1944, based on the ZIS-5)
- ZIS-43 (1944, armed version of ZIS-42)
- ZIS-50 (1946, re-engined ZIS-5)
- ZIS-120N (1956, tractor-trailer version of ZIS-150)
- ZIS-121 (tractor-trailer version of ZIS-151)
- ZIS-128 (1954, prototype for ZIL-131)
- ZIS-E134 (1955, prototype off road vehicle)
- ZIS-150 (1947,中国引进后为CA-10)
- ZIS-151 (1948, ZIS-150的3轴全驱越野型,中国的对应车型为CA-30
- ZIS-153 (1952?, prototype halftrack based on ZIS-151)
- ZIS-156 (1947, gas generator version of ZIS-150)
- ZIS-253 (prototype)
- ZIS-585 (1949, dump-truck version of ZIS-150)
- ZIL-130 (1962, 1987年生产转移给乌拉尔汽车与发动机厂
- ZIL-131 (1967,3轴全驱越野型,防水发电机、密封性好的起动机以及屏蔽和密封良好的发动机点火系统,能用于气温在零下40℃至零上55℃。保有量较大,在俄罗斯随处可见。1987年生产转移给乌拉尔汽车与发动机厂
- ZIL-132 (1960, prototype off road vehicle)
- ZIL-133 (1975, three-axle version of ZIL-130)
- ZIL-134 (1957, prototype off road vehicle)
- ZIL-135 (1959, prototype off road vehicle) - later built by BAZ
- ZIL-136 (1957, prototype off road vehicle)
- ZIL-137 (prototype off road tractor-trailer based on ZIL-131)
- ZIL-138 (1975, LPG powered version of ZIL-130)
- ZIL-157軍卡 (1958,3轴全驱越野型ZiS-150的改进型,具有了轮胎压力中央控制系统)
- ZIL-157R (1957, prototype off road vehicle based on ZIL-157)
- ZIL-164 (1957, improved ZIS-150)
- ZIL-164N (1957, tractor trailer version of ZIL-164)
- ZIL-165 (1958, prototype for ZIL-131)
- ZIL-166 (1957, gas generator version of ZIL-164)
- ZIL-E-167 (1962?)
- ZIL-169G (prototype for ZIL-4331)
- ZIL-E169A (1964, prototype cab-over truck)
- ZIL-170 (1969, prototype for KAMAZ-5320)
- ZIL-175 (1969, two-axle version of ZIL-170, prototype for Kamaz)
- ZIL-485 (amphibious vehicle based on ZIS-151)
- ZIL-553 (cement mixer based on ZIL-164)
- ZIL-555 (1964, dump truck based on ZIL-130)
- ZIL-585 (1957, dump truck based on ZIL-164)
- ZIL-2502 (dump truck based on ZIL-5301)
- ZIL-3302 (1992, prototype truck based on ZIL-119)
- ZIL-3906
- ZIL-4305 (1983, prototype truck based on ZIL-4104)
- ZIL-4327 (2004?)
- ZIL-4331 (1986)
- ZIL-4334 (2004)
- ZIL-4514 (dump truck based on ZIL-133)
- ZIL-4972
- ZIL-5301 "Bychok" ("Bull") (1992)
- ZIL-5901 (1970)
- ZIL-6404 (1996)
- ZIL-6309 (1999)
- ZIL-6409 (1999)
- ZIL-432720
- ZIL-432930 (2003)
- ZIL-433180 (2003)
- ZIL-436200 (2009)
- ZIS-5
- BM-13-16 on a ZiS-6 chassis
- ZIS-42M
- ZIS-150
- BM-13-16 on a ZiS-151
- ZIL-157
- ZIL 130
- ZIL-131
- ZIL-485 BAV
- ZIL-133
- BM-27 Uragan on ZIL-135
- ZIL 4331
- fire truck AC 3.2-40 (ZiL-4331)
- fire truck AC 3,0-40 (ZiL-4334)
- ZIL 5301 Bychok ("Bull")

interurban bus ZIS-127

- AKZ-1 (1947-1948, based on ZIS-150 truck)
- AMO-4 (1932-1934, based on the AMO-3)
- ZIS-lux (prototype, based on the ZIS-6, 1934)
- ZIS-8 (1934-1938, 基于ZIS-11)
- ZIS-16 (1938-1942, 基于ZIS-5)
- ZIS-17 (prototype, based on the ZIS-15, 1939)
- ZIS-44 (based on the ZIS-5)
- ZIS-127 (1955-1961)
- ZIL-129 (short-range version of ZIS-127)
- ZIS-154 (1946–1950)
- ZIS-155 (1949–1957)
- ZIL-118 "Yunost" (1962-1970, based on ZIL-111)
- ZIL-119 (1971-1994, based on ZIL-118; also called ZIL-118K)
- ZIL-158 (1957-1959, based on ZIL-164)
- ZIL-159 (1959, prototype for LiAZ)
- ZIL-3207 (1991-1999, based on ZIL-41047)
- ZIL-3250 (1998-present, based on ZIL-5301)
- ZIS-8
- ZIS-154
- ZIL-158
- ZIL-119

ZIS-112 Sports
- ZIS-101 Sport (1939)
- ZIS-112/1 (1951, based on ZIS-110)
- ZIS-112/2 (1956)
- ZIS-112/3 (1956)
- ZIL-112/4 (1957)
- ZIL-112/5 (1957, lengthened ZIL-112/4)
- ZIL-112 Sports (1960–62)
- ZIL-412 S (1962)

Astronaut Edward T. Lu, having landed with Soyuz TMA-2, is being recovered with a ZIL-49061 vehicle.
- B-3 half-tracked transporter
- ZIS-152 armored personnel carrier
- PES-1 amphibious vehicle (1966)
- ZIL-PKU-1 pneumatic tracked off-road vehicle (1965)
- ZIL-SHN-1 Amphibious Screw Vehicle (1968)
- ZIL-29061 Amphibious Screw Vehicle
- ZIL-4904 Amphibious Screw Vehicle
- ZIL-49042 prototype for "Bluebird" (1973)
- ZIL-4906 (1975?) "Bluebird" 6-wheeled amphibious vehicle, designed to carry the ZIL-2906. Used for the recovery of Soyuz capsules.[1]
- ZIL-49061 (1975?) Amphibious rescue vehicle, passenger version of the ZIL-4906. Used for the recovery of Soyuz crews.
- 苏联第92火炮厂也以斯大林命名(ZiS)
- GM "old-look" transit bus: Soviet versions (ZIS-154 & ZIS-155)
- Zaloga, Steven J., James Grandsen (1984). Soviet Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War Two, p. 44. London: Arms and Armour Press. ISBN 0-85368-606-8.
- Shelepenkov, Maxim. (PDF). [20 May 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014年10月27日).
- http://www.bert-hein.de(页面存档备份,存于) All about the ZIS-110 and database of existing ZIS cars
- Official web-site of ZIL(页面存档备份,存于)
- History of ZIL at ukcar.com(页面存档备份,存于)
- History of ZIL at digilander.libero.it(页面存档备份,存于)
- English website for Russian Military Trucks(页面存档备份,存于)
- (俄文) History of ZIL at avtomash.ru(页面存档备份,存于)
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