剑水蚤科![]() | |
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Cyclops bicuspidatus | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
亚门: | 甲殼亞門 Crustacea |
纲: | 橈足綱 Copepoda |
目: | 劍水蚤目 Cyclopoida |
科: | 剑水蚤科 Cyclopidae Rafinesque, 1815[1] |
異名 | |
過往本科的分類單元尚可再分為三個亞科,即:剑水蚤亚科(Cyclopinae)、真剑水蚤亚科(Eucyclopinae)及咸水剑水蚤亚科,但現時普遍都將各屬歸入到劍水蚤科去[1],被視為本科的異名。截至2019年8月30日 ,WoRMS紀錄本科只有11個屬棲息於海洋[1];但ITIS包括有更多分類單元,分別如下[3]:
- Abdiacyclops Karanovic, 2005[4]
- 刺剑水蚤属 Acanthocyclops Kiefer, 1927[3]
- 非洲劍水蚤屬 非洲劍水蚤屬 G. O. Sars, 1927:淡水物種[5][1]。
- Allocyclops Kiefer, 1932
- Ancheuryte Herbst, 1989[1]
- Anzcyclops Karanovic, Eberhard & Murdoch, 2011
- Apocyclops Lindberg, 1942[1][3]
- Australocyclops Morton, 1985
- Australoeucyclops Karanovic
- Austriocyclops Kiefer, 1964
- Bacillocyclops Lindberg, 1956
- Bryocyclops Kiefer, 1927[3]
- Caspicyclops Monchenko, 1986[1]
- Cochlacocyclops Kiefer, 1955
- Colpocyclops Monchenko, 1977[1]
- Cryptocyclops G. O. Sars, 1927[3]
- 剑水蚤属 Cyclops Müller, 1785
- Diacyclops Kiefer, 1927[3]
- Dussartcyclops Karanovic, Eberhard & Murdoch, 2011[6]
- 外剑水蚤属 Ectocyclops Brady, 1904[3]
- 真剑水蚤属 Eucyclops Claus, 1893[3]
- Euryte Philippi, 1843[1][3]
- Faurea Labbé, 1927
- Fierscyclops Karanovic, 2004
- Fimbricyclops Reid, 1993
- Goniocyclops Kiefer, 1955
- Graeteriella Brehm, 1926
- 咸水剑水蚤属 Halicyclops Norman, 1903[1][3]
- Haplocyclops Kiefer, 1952
- Hesperocyclops Herbst, 1984
- Heterocyclops Claus, 1893
- Homocyclops S. A. Forbes, 1897[3]
- Idiocyclops Herbst, 1987
- Itocyclops Reid & Ishida, 2000[3]
- Kieferiella Lescher-Moutoue, 1976
- Macrocyclops Claus, 1893[3]
- Megacyclops Kiefer, 1927[3]
- Menzeliella Lindberg, 1954
- Meridiecyclops Fiers, 2001
- 中剑水蚤属 Mesocyclops G. O. Sars, 1914[3]
- Metacyclops Kiefer, 1927[3]
- 小剑水蚤属 Microcyclops Claus, 1893[3]
- Mixocyclops Kiefer, 1944
- Muscocyclops Kiefer, 1937
- 新剑水蚤属 Neocyclops Gurney, 1927[1]
- Neutrocyclops Kiefer, 1936[3]
- Ochridacyclops Kiefer, 1937
- Orbuscyclops Karanovic, 2006
- Orthocyclops Forbes, 1897
- Palaeocyclops Monchenko, 1972
- Paracyclops Claus, 1893
- Paragraeteriella Rylov, 1948
- Pareuryte Herbst, 1952
- Pescecyclops Karanovic, Eberhard & Murdoch, 2011
- Pilbaracyclops Karanovic, Eberhard & Murdoch, 2011
- Ponticyclops Reid, 1987[1]
- Prehendocyclops Rocha C.E.F., Iliffe, Reid & Suárez-Morales, 2000[1]
- Protocyclops Lindberg, 1952
- Psammocyclops Kiefer, 1955
- Psammophilocyclops Fryer, 1956
- Reidcyclops Karanovich, 2000
- Rheocyclops Reid, Strayer, McArthur, Stibbe & J. Lewis, 1999
- Rybocyclops Reddy & DeFaye, 2008
- Smirnoviella Monchenko, 1977[1]
- Speocyclops Kiefer, 1937
- Stolonicyclops Reid, 1998
- Teratocyclops Plesa, 1981
- Thaumasiocyclops Kiefer, 1933
- 温剑水蚤属 Thermocyclops Kiefer, 1927
- Troglocyclops Rocha C.E.F. & Iliffe, 1994[1]
- Tropocyclops Kiefer, 1927
- Yansacyclops Reid, 1988
- Zealandcyclops Karanovic, 2005
- T. Chad Walter & Geoff Boxshall. Walter TC, Boxshall G , 编. . World of Copepods database. 2011 [2019-08-30] –WoRMS.
- F. Stoch. . . 2009 [2019-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-17) (英语).
- . ITIS. [2019-08-30].
- T. Chad Walter & Geoff Boxshall. Walter TC, Boxshall G , 编. . World of Copepods database. 2011 [2019-08-30] –WoRMS.
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:剑水蚤科 |
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