


「劇本論述」的定義源自於製片人詹姆斯·卡麥隆,時間大約是在他參與《蜘蛛人》系列電影製作期間。在1984年的《魔鬼終結者》獲得成功後,製作過程中卡麥隆為《蜘蛛人》撰寫了一份57頁的劇本論述,之後編劇大衛·科普(David Koepp)以此為基礎撰寫了第一版的劇本草稿,其中幾乎逐字引用了這份劇本論述。[1]



劇本論述的內容綜合了一般劇本和電影論述的特質,與步驟大綱(step outline)十分相似:主要的文字內容與進一步闡述後的論述(treatment)草稿近似,但僅有重要橋段包含場景標題(slug lines),與一般劇本包含大量場景標題的格式不同,一般劇本裡幾乎每一場景的描述或對話都以「室內/室外 日/夜」(INT./EXT. DAY/NIGHT)格式的場景標題起頭。然而,如同電影論述篇幅可長可短,劇本論述的內容詳盡程度會因撰寫者投入的時間而有所不同,一份更完整發展的劇本論述可能包含所有的場景標題、更大量的對話,並只需要製作人(或共同編劇夥伴)的對於內容方向的共識,即可進一步發展成最後的劇本。



一篇劇本論述可能以左上角的「淡入」(FADE IN)一詞起頭,並以置中「結束」(THE END)為結尾。其中可能如同正式劇本和長篇電影論述般包含一張標題頁。與正式劇本相同,劇本論述的通常是以單行斷句格式書寫,段落和其他內容彼此之間以空行分隔,頁數則加註在每頁的右上角。


  1. . Total Film (special supplement) (London UK: Future Publishing Ltd). January 2010 issue (pub. Dec 2009): p. 30. "After the success of The Terminator, Cameron was announced as writer and director of a $60 m big-screen adaptation of the comic book classic. But thanks to a tangled web of litigation, studio bankrupticies, and wrangling over screenplay credits, that movie never saw light. . . . What remains, however, is Cameron's tantalising 57-page Spidey 'scriptment', a compacted screenplay-cum-narrative that mapped out his entire film in brief. . . . Koepp's first draft is taken often word-for-word from Cameron's story, though later versions were heavily rewritten by numerous screenwriters. Despite this—and much to Cameron's chagrin— Koepp's name is the only one on the screenplay."
  2. Jermyn, Deborah; Redmond, Sean. . London UK: Wallflower Press. 2003: 190. ISBN 1-903364-42-6. Cocks (Last Temptation of Christ, Age of Innocence, [uncredited] Titanic) entered into the writing process when Cameron finished his 131-page 'scriptment' and turned his attention to True Lies.
  3. . Total Film magazine (London UK: Future Publishing Ltd). January 2010 issue (pub. Dec 2009), cover story: p. 74. "This 80-page scriptment was about a paralysed man who can control an alien body with his mind. It flowed out of him, wrote itself in just two weeks."
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