
北方刺鱥學名Lepidomeda copei)為輻鰭魚綱鯉形目雅羅魚科的其中一,被IUCN列為近危保育類動物,分布於北美洲美國懷俄明州愛達荷州猶他州蛇河熊河流域,主要特徵為體延長且側扁,眼大,口端位鱗片小,外觀似皮革,側線鱗片68-85枚,銀藍色背面和側面有黑色斑點,背鰭具8條鰭條,臀鰭有8條射線,咽齒1,4-4,1至2,5-4,2,繁殖期時雄魚臀鰭基部、尾鰭下部和鰓蓋上緣紅色,體長可達15公分,它的棲息地是涼爽的小溪和水流適中的河流,成魚聚集在水池或淺灘中,而幼魚則喜歡靠近岸邊有灌木叢的安靜區域。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Actinopteri
目: 鲤形目 Cypriniformes
科: 雅罗鱼科 Leuciscidae
属: 刺鱥属 Lepidomeda
北方刺鱥 L. copei
Lepidomeda copei
(D. S. Jordan & C. H. Gilbert, 1881)
  • Squalius copei Jordan & Gilbert, 1881
  • Cheonda copei (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)
  • Gila copei (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)
  • Snyderichthys copei (Jordan & Gilbert, 1881)


  • Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2006). Snyderichthys copei. FishBase. Version 2006-11.
  • Simons, Andrew M. & Mayden, Richard L. (1997): Phylogenetic Relationships of the Creek Chubs and the Spine-Fins: an Enigmatic Group of North American Cyprinid Fishes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). Cladistics 13(3): 187–205. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.1997.tb00315.x (HTML abstract)
  • Sigler, William F. & Sigler, John W. (1987): Fishes of the Great Basin: 173–175. University of Nevada Press, Reno.
  • Johnson, J. B., Dowling, T. E., & Belk, M. C. (2004). Neglected taxonomy of rare desert fishes: congruent evidence for two species of leatherside chub. Systematic Biology, 53(6), 841–855.
  • Page, L. M., Espinosa-Pérez, H., Findley, L. T., Gilbert, C. R., Lea, R. N., Mandrak, N. E., ... & Nelson, J. S. (2013). Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication, 34.
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