
卓尾貢波藏語གྲོ་བའི་མགོན་པོ威利转写gro ba'i mgon po1508年—1548年)是帕木竹巴王朝的首领,1524年到1548年作为父亲阿旺札西札巴的副王。



  1. Giuseppe Tucci, Tibetan Painted Scrolls. Rome 1949, p. 45.
  2. Giuseppe Tucci, Deb t'er dMar po gSar ma. Rome 1971, p. 232.
  3. His death is indicated in Per K. Sorensen & Guntram Hazod, Rulers on the Celestial Plain. Wien 2007, p. 763. According to Ya Hanzhang, Biographies of the Tibe´tan Spiritual Leaders Panchen Erdenis. Beijing 1994, p. 384, Drowai Gonpo succeeded his father on the Phagmodrupa throne and reigned 1571-1618. This, however, is gainsaid by the sources quoted by Giuseppe Tucci, 1949, pp. 641, 693.
  4. Ya Hazhang, 1994, p. 384.
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