卡林西亞 (斯洛維尼亞)

卡林西亞英語:斯洛維尼亞語 [kɔˈɾóːʃka] 德語:),又稱為斯洛維尼亞卡林西亞英語:斯洛維尼亞語[notes 1],是斯洛維尼亞北部的一個傳統地區[notes 2]。當地為前卡林西亞公國東南部的小地區,第一次世界大戰後,根據1919年的聖日耳曼條約,該地區被分配給斯洛維尼亞人、克羅埃西亞人和塞爾維亞人國。它的中心城鎮和最大的城镇是拉夫內納科羅什凱姆,而是在森林茂密的山區裡有三個河谷,各有其局部的中心城鎮。[2]:14







  1. In geographic sources, the terms Pohorje Drava Region (), Upper Drava Region (), and Hilly Drava Region () have been used as well.[1] In popular sources, the most prominent has been the name Carinthian region (), particularly from 1955 until 1994.[1]
  2. The term Slovene Carinthia may also refer to the southern part of the Austrian State of Carinthia settled by Slovenes.[1] In this case, the term Southeastern Carinthia has been used, encompassing Carinthia in Slovenia and the Jaun Valley (Slovene: ) in Austria.


  1. Keber, Štefan. . Kronika (Zveza zgodovinskih društev za Slovenijo, sekcija za krajevno zgodovino [Section for the History of Places, Union of Historical Societies of Slovenia]). 2008, 56 (2) [2021-12-14]. ISSN 0023-4923. (原始内容存档于2019-04-21) (Slovenian、English及German).
  2. . (PDF) 9. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2000 [2021-12-14]. ISBN 92-828-9404-5. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-04-21).
  3. Buhvald, Peter. [Diploma Thesis: The State Border in Carinthia - a Bridge or a Barrier between the Municipalities of Bleiburg and Prevalje] (PDF). 2010: 8. COBISS 42500706 (Slovenian及English).

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