

Kanawha River
[[File: Kanawha River.jpg|300px|none|卡诺瓦河一景,位于西弗吉尼亚州聖奧爾本斯 {{|}}]]
国家  美國
省/州/邦  西弗吉尼亚州
 - 左侧支流 Coal River
 - 右侧支流 Elk RiverPocatalico River
源头 新河 [1]
 - 位置 北卡罗来纳州阿什縣
 - 海拔 2,546 ft(776 m
次源 高利河 [2]
 - 位置 西弗吉尼亚州波卡洪塔斯縣Three Forks of Gauley
 - 海拔 2,917 ft(889 m
 - 位置 西弗吉尼亚州高利布里奇
 - 海拔 653 ft(199 m
河口 俄亥俄河 [3]
 - 位置 西弗吉尼亚州Point Pleasant
 - 海拔 538 ft(164 m
长度 97 mi(156 km
流域面积 12,236 mi²(31,691 km²
流量 查尔斯顿,距离河口56.8 mi(91.4 km)
 - 平均流量 15,240 ft³/s(432 /s[4][5]
 - 最大流量 216,000 ft³/s(6,116 /s
 - 最小流量 1,100 ft³/s(31 /s
Map of the Kanawha River and its tributary the New River, with the Kanawha River highlighted in darker blue.



維基文庫在1905版《新國際百科全書》有Great Kanawha的描述。(英文)
  • Arthur Benke & Colbert Cushing, Rivers of North America, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005 ISBN 0-12-088253-1
  • Atkinson, George W. 1876. History of Kanawha County, From. . . 1789 Until the Present Time, Charleston: West Virginia Journal Office.
  • Braley, Dean. . St. Albans. 1993. ISBN 0-9638377-0-2.
  • Dayton, Ruth Woods. 1947. Pioneers and Their Homes on Upper Kanawha, Charleston: West Virginia Publishing Company.
  • Dickens, Roy S., Jr.; Mckinley, James L. . LaGrange, Georgia: Frontiers Publishing Company. 1979 [2017-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-19).
  • Laidley, W. S. 1911. History of Charleston and Kanawha County, West Virginia, Chicago: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company
  • Lewis, Thomas M. N. and Madeline Kneberg. 1958. Tribes That Slumber, Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee Press
  • McMichael, Edward V. 1968. Introduction to West Virginia Archeology, Morgantown, WVA: West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
  • Nabokov, Peter; Easton, Robert. . New York: Oxford University Press. 1989. ISBN 0-19-503781-2.
  • Potter, Eloise F.; Funderburg, John B. . Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. 1986. ISBN 0-917134-10-9.
  • Rhodes, Captain Rick, The Ohio River in American History and Voyaging on Today's River. Heron Island Guides, 2007, ISBN 978-0-9665866-3-3
  • Thomas, Cyrus. 1894. Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology. Smithsonian Institution Press
  • Wavra, Grace. . Huntington: University Editions, Inc. 1990. ISBN 1-56002-007-5.
  • Weatherford, Jack M. . New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1988. ISBN 0-449-90496-2.
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