
双叉趾虎属学名Diplodactylus)是澳洲蜥虎科的一属。原属的部分种类分到新属斯切澳虎属Strophurus Fitzinger, 1843),部分种类移到新属卢氏虎属(Lucasium Wermuth, 1965)。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
科: 澳洲蜥虎科 Diplodactylidae
属: 澳虎属 Diplodactylus
Gray, 1832


  • Eremiastrophrurus Wells & Wellington, 1985
  • Eremiastrophurus
  • Turnerdactylus Wells & Wellington, 1989



  • Diplodactylus (Crottyoides) allengreeri Hoser, 2017
  • Diplodactylus ameyi Couper & Oliver, 2016[2]
  • Diplodactylus barraganae Couper, Oliver & Pepper, 2014[3]
  • Diplodactylus bilybara Couper, Pepper & Oliver, 2014[3]
  • Diplodactylus calcicolus Hutchinson, Doughty & Oliver, 2009
  • Diplodactylus capensis Doughty, Oliver & Adams, 2008
  • 大尾澳虎 Diplodactylus conspicillatus Lucas & Frost, 1897
  • Diplodactylus custos Couper, Oliver & Pepper, 2014[3]
  • Diplodactylus fulleri Storr, 1978
  • 叉尾澳虎 Diplodactylus furcosus Peters, 1863
  • Diplodactylus galaxias Doughty, Pepper & Keogh, 2010
  • 盔澳虎 Diplodactylus galeatus Kluge, 1963
  • 西部澳虎 Diplodactylus granariensis Storr, 1979,西部珠宝守宫
  • Diplodactylus hillii Longman, 1915
  • Diplodactylus kenneallyi Storr, 1988
  • Diplodactylus klugei Aplin & Adams, 1998
  • Diplodactylus laevis (Sternfeld, 1925)
  • Diplodactylus lateroides Doughty & Oliver, 2013
  • Diplodactylus mitchelli Kluge, 1963
  • Diplodactylus nebulosus Doughty & Oliver, 2013
  • 饰纹澳虎 Diplodactylus ornatus Gray, 1845
  • Diplodactylus platyurus Parker, 1926
  • 眼斑澳虎 Diplodactylus polyophthalmus Günther, 1867
  • 美丽澳虎 Diplodactylus pulcher (Steindachner, 1870),美丽珠宝守宫
  • Diplodactylus rosssadlieri Hoser, 2017
  • 萨氏澳虎 Diplodactylus savagei Kluge, 1963
  • 粗糙澳虎 Diplodactylus squarrosus Kluge, 1962,为Lucasium squarrosum (Kluge, 1962)的异名
  • 侧纹澳虎 Diplodactylus steindachneri Boulenger
  • 棋斑澳虎 Diplodactylus tessellatus (Günther, 1875)
  • 波纹澳虎 Diplodactylus vittatus Gray, 1832
  • Diplodactylus wiru Hutchinson, Doughty & Oliver, 2009


  1. . GBIF. [2023-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-14).
  2. Paul M. Oliver and Patrick J. Couper. 2016. A New Species of Gecko from Arid Inland Regions of eastern Australia (Diplodactylus; Diplodactylidae). Zootaxa. 4093(4) DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.4.4
  3. Paul M. Oliver, Patrick J. Couper and Mitzy Pepper. 2014. Independent Transitions between Monsoonal and Arid Biomes Revealed by Systematic Revision of A Complex of Australian Geckos (Diplodactylus; Diplodactylidae). PLoS ONE. 10(4): e0126682. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111895
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