受害者心態是一種後天的人格特質,其中一個人傾向於承認或認為自己是他人負面行為的受害者,並且在面對這種情況的相反證據時表現得好像是這種情況。 受害者的心態取決於清晰的思維過程和歸因。在某些情況下,那些具有受害者心態的人實際上已經成為他人不法行為的受害者,或者因自己的過錯而遭受了其他不幸。 然而,這種不幸並不一定意味著一個人會通過發展一種普遍而普遍的受害者心態來做出回應,在這種心態中,一個人經常或不斷地認為自己是一個受害者。[1]
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Observers engaged in more ultimate justice reasoning for a "good" victim & greater immanent justice reasoning for a "bad" victim. Participants' construals of their bad breaks varied as a function of their self-worth, w/ greater immanent justice reasoning for participants with lower self-esteem.
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those who perceive themselves as a victim attempt to gain social validation by persuading others (family, friends, authorities, etc.) to recognize that the harm occurred & that they are victims...the sense of collective victimhood is related to negative affective consequences of fear, reduced empathy & anger, to cognitive biases such as interpretation of ambiguous information as hostile & threatening, to emergence of the belief that violent action taken is morally justified, to reduced moral accountability & finally to a tendency to seek revenge.
- Christopher Peterson (2006). A Primer in Positive Psychology. Oxford University Press.
- Thomas J. Nevitt: The Victim Mentality. https://web.archive.org/web/20121014034523/http://aaph.org/node/214
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