

出生1388年9月7日 编辑维基数据
逝世1412年5月16日 编辑维基数据 (23歲)
San Gottardo 编辑维基数据
職業政治人物 编辑维基数据
配偶Antonia Malatesta of Cesena 编辑维基数据
Dynasty維斯孔蒂家族 编辑维基数据


  1. Adams, John. . London: John Stockdale. 1794: 153–155 [6 November 2010]. OCLC 2678599. ... the duke John Maria grew every day more cruel: he imprisoned his own mother, Catharine Visconre, in the castle of Monza, and caused her to be there strangled. ... John Maria Visconte, duke of Milan, while he was at mass, was murdered by Trivulcio, Guerrino, and Baruchino, and other conspirators of several conspicuous families, ...
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