吊球草属![]() | |
![]() | |
Hyptis emoryi | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | Tracheophyta |
演化支: | 被子植物 Angiosperms |
演化支: | 真双子叶植物 Eudicots |
演化支: | 菊类植物 Asterids |
目: | 唇形目 Lamiales |
科: | 唇形科 Lamiaceae |
族: | 罗勒族 Ocimeae |
亚族: | 吊球草亚族 Hyptidinae |
属: | 吊球草属 Hyptis Jacq., 1787 |
異名[1] | |
- Hyptis actinocephala Griseb.
- Hyptis acutifolia Glaz.
- Hyptis adamantium A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
- Hyptis alpestris A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis alutacea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis amaurocaulis Briq.
- Hyptis amaurocaulos Briq.
- Hyptis ammotricha Kuntze, 1891
- Hyptis ammotropha C.Wright
- Hyptis ammotropha Griseb.
- Hyptis angulosa Schott ex Benth.
- Hyptis angustifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis apertifolia Epling, 1936
- Hyptis arenaria Benth.
- Hyptis argentea Epling & Mathias
- Hyptis aristata Benth.
- Hyptis armillata Epling
- Hyptis asteroides A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis atrorubens Poit.
- Hyptis australis Epling
- Hyptis bahiensis Harley
- Hyptis balansae Briq.
- Hyptis benthamiana Briq., 1897
- Hyptis besckeana Kunze
- Hyptis bicolor Epling
- Hyptis brachiata Briq.
- Hyptis brachypoda Epling
- 短柄吊球草 Hyptis brevipes Poit.
- Hyptis caduca Epling
- Hyptis caespitosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis campestris Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis canescens Benth., 1833
- Hyptis capitata Jacq.
- Hyptis capitellata Sessé & Moc.
- Hyptis caronensis R.Knuth, 1927
- Hyptis chamissonis Benth.
- Hyptis cinerascens Epling
- Hyptis coccinea Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis colligata Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis colubrimontis Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis comaroides (Briq.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis complicata A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis conferta Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis corrugata Epling
- Hyptis corymbosa Benth.
- Hyptis crassipes Epling
- Hyptis crenata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis criocauloides A.Rich., 1850
- Hyptis cruciformis Epling
- Hyptis cualensis J.G.González & Art.Castro
- Hyptis cymulosa Benth.
- Hyptis cyrtostoma Briq., 1897
- Hyptis deliculata Harley, 1985
- Hyptis deminuta (Epling) Epling
- Hyptis dictyodea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis dilatata Benth.
- Hyptis discolor Lehm.
- Hyptis ditassoides Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis divaricata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis dumetorum Briq.
- Hyptis dumetorum Morong
- Hyptis duplicata Pohl
- Hyptis elata Briq.
- Hyptis eriocauloides A.Rich.
- Hyptis fallax Harley
- Hyptis ferruginosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis florida Benth.
- Hyptis frondosa S.Moore
- Hyptis ganevii Harley
- Hyptis gardneri Briq.
- Hyptis ghiesbreghtii Briq., 1897
- Hyptis glechomoides Weinm.
- Hyptis goyazensis A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis grisea Harley
- Hyptis guanchezii Harley
- Hyptis hamatidens Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis hassleri Briq.
- Hyptis havanensis Britton ex Epling
- Hyptis heterophylla Benth.
- Hyptis hilarii Benth.
- Hyptis hirsuta Kunth
- Hyptis hispida Benth.
- Hyptis homalophylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis huberi Harley
- Hyptis humilis Benth.
- Hyptis hygrobia Briq.
- Hyptis imbricata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis imbricatiformis Harley
- Hyptis imitans Epling
- Hyptis inodora Schrank
- Hyptis intermedia Epling
- Hyptis involucrata Benth.
- Hyptis juruana Loes., 1905
- Hyptis kempffiana Harley
- Hyptis kramerioides Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis laciniata Benth.
- Hyptis lacustris A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lagenaria A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lamiifolia Weinm.
- Hyptis lanceolata Poir.
- Hyptis langlassei Fernald
- Hyptis lantanifolia Poit.
- Hyptis lanuginosa Glaz. ex Epling
- Hyptis lanuginosa Glaz., 1911
- Hyptis lappacea Benth.
- Hyptis lappulacea Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis laurifolia A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis lautenoides Poit.
- Hyptis lavandulacea Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lavoisierifolia A.Soares, J.F.B.Pastore & Harley[3]
- Hyptis leptoclada Benth.
- Hyptis linarioides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lobata A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis loeseneriana Pilg.
- Hyptis longiflora Pohl
- Hyptis longifolia Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lorentziana O.Hoffm.
- Hyptis lucida Pohl
- Hyptis lucida Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis lutescens Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis luticola Epling
- Hyptis macrocephala M.Martens & Galeotti
- Hyptis marrubioides Epling
- Hyptis marrubioides Epling ex Hoehne
- Hyptis maya Harley
- Hyptis meridensis R.Knuth, 1927
- Hyptis meridionalis Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis michelii Briq., 1897
- Hyptis microphylla Pohl
- Hyptis microphylla Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis microsphaera Epling
- Hyptis minutifolia Griseb.
- Hyptis mollis Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis monticola Mart.
- Hyptis monticola Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis moritzii R.Knuth, 1927
- Hyptis muelleri Briq.
- Hyptis mulleri Briq., 1889
- Hyptis multibracteata Benth.
- Hyptis nepalensis Lehm.
- Hyptis nepalensis Lehm. ex Steud., 1840
- Hyptis nepetifolia R.Br.
- Hyptis nigrescens Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis normalis Gand.
- Hyptis nudicaulis Benth.
- Hyptis obtecta Benth.
- Hyptis obtusiflora C.Presl ex Benth.
- Hyptis obtusifolia R.Br.
- Hyptis obusata Benth.
- Hyptis odorata Benth.
- Hyptis orbiculata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis origanoides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis ovalifolia Benth.
- Hyptis ovata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis pachyarthra Briq.
- Hyptis pachycephala Epling
- Hyptis pachyphylla Epling
- Hyptis paludosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis pannosa Epling
- Hyptis parkeri Benth.
- Hyptis passerina Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis pastorei Harley & Antar
- Hyptis paupercula Epling
- Hyptis pedicellata Sessé & Moc.
- Hyptis penaeoides Taub. ex Ule
- Hyptis perpucher Epling, 1939
- Hyptis personata Epling
- Hyptis petiolaris Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis proteoides A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis psammophila Mart. ex Colla
- Hyptis pseudolantana Epling
- Hyptis pseudosinuata Epling
- Hyptis pulchella Briq.
- Hyptis pulegioides Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis pusilla (Pohl) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis pycnocephala Benth.
- Hyptis pyriformis Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis quadrangularis Glaz., 1911
- Hyptis radicans (Pohl) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
- Hyptis ramosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis recurvata Poit.
- Hyptis remota Pohl ex Benth.
- 吊球草 Hyptis rhomboides Mart. et Gal., 1844,白冇骨消
- Hyptis rhypidiophylla Briq.
- Hyptis rhytidea Benth.
- Hyptis rigidifolia Epling
- Hyptis riparia Harley
- Hyptis rondonii Epling
- Hyptis rondonii Epling ex Hoehne
- Hyptis rotundifolia Benth.
- Hyptis rubiginosa Benth.
- Hyptis salicina J.A.Schmidt
- Hyptis salvioides (Zahlbr.)
- Hyptis salvoides (Zahlbr.)
- Hyptis salzmanniana Benth.
- Hyptis savannarum Briq.
- Hyptis saxatilis A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis sclerophylla Briq.
- Hyptis secunda Briq.
- Hyptis selloi Benth.
- Hyptis sericea Benth.
- Hyptis shaferi Britton
- Hyptis sinuata Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis sinuta Pohl
- Hyptis sorida Pohl
- Hyptis stereocaulos Briq., 1897
- Hyptis subviolacea Briq.
- Hyptis tetracephala Bordignon
- Hyptis tetragona Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis tricephala A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis triconeura Briq., 1897
- Hyptis tuberosa Harley
- Hyptis tumidicalyx Epling & Játiva
- Hyptis turnerifolia Mart. ex Benth.
- Hyptis tweediei Benth.
- Hyptis tweedii Benth.
- Hyptis uliginosa A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.
- Hyptis uncinata Benth.
- Hyptis valenciensis R.Knuth, 1927
- Hyptis velutina Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis vilis Kunth & C.D.Bouché
- Hyptis villosa Pohl
- Hyptis villosa Pohl ex Benth.
- Hyptis viminea Epling
- Hyptis winkleri Gand.
- Hyptis woodii Harley
- Hyptis xanthiocephala Mart. ex Benth.
- Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
- . GBIF. [2023-07-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-20).
- Arthur de Souza Soares, José Floriano Barêa Pastore, Guilherme Medeiros Antar and Raymond Mervyn Harley. 2021. Hyptis lavoisierifolia, A New Species from the Noteworthy Hyptis subsect. Pachyphyllae (Lamiaceae—Hyptidinae) endemic to Chapada dos Veadeiros Region, Goiás, Brazil. Phytotaxa. 507(2); 175–182. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.507.2.5
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