
名譽司令荣誉司令英語:)在英聯邦國家軍隊是指一個軍團的守護人,傳統上是由皇室成員來擔任。[1] 荣誉司令不需要像正式的司令一樣負責團內的職務,但是他有必要瞭解團內正在進行的重要活動,並不定時到團內巡視,維持軍隊與皇室之間的聯繫。目前的英國陸軍,有兩位外國君主在英國的團內擔任這個職位:

  • 約旦國王輕龍騎兵團[2]
  • 丹麥女王威爾斯親王皇家團(女王親轄與王室漢普郡)[3]



  • 空軍荣誉司令
  • 海軍荣誉司令


  1. . The Royal Anglian Museum. [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-18). On joining, all members of the British Army swear an oath of allegiance to the ruling Sovereign, as by tradition the loyalty of the Army is to the Monarch and not the State. It is also traditional to have a member of the Royal Family as the honorary head, or Colonel-in-Chief, of the Regiment.
  2. Richard Eden. . The Telegraph. 2011-05-29 [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-28).
  3. . The Queen's Royal Surrey Regimental Association. [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
  4. Edmonton Journal. . Canada.com. 2007-02-04 [2014-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-18).
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