

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 直翅目 Orthoptera
科: 螽斯科 Tettigoniidae
亚科: 蛩螽亚科 Meconematinae
族: 蛩螽族 Meconematini
属: 吟螽属 Phlugiolopsis
Zeuner, 1940




  • Phlugiolopsis (Omkoiana) aculeata (Sänger & Helfert, 2002)
  • 缺齿吟螽 Phlugiolopsis adentis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • Phlugiolopsis (Uncinata) angustimarginis Bian & Shi, 2018
  • Phlugiolopsis (Omkoiana) bilobulata Gorochov, 2020
  • Phlugiolopsis (Longiloba) bispinata Bian & Shi, 2018
  • 短尾吟螽 Phlugiolopsis brevis Xia & Liu, 1993
  • 隆线吟螽 Phlugiolopsis carinata Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 察隅吟螽 Phlugiolopsis chayuensis Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 圆叶吟螽 Phlugiolopsis circolobosis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 扁刺吟螽 Phlugiolopsis complanispinis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 大明山吟螽 Phlugiolopsis damingshanis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • 指突吟螽 Phlugiolopsis digitusis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • 长突吟螽 Phlugiolopsis elongata Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 凹缘吟螽 Phlugiolopsis emarginata Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 格氏吟螽 Phlugiolopsis grahami (Tinkham, 1944)
  • Phlugiolopsis henryi Zeuner, 1940
  • 黄氏吟螽 Phlugiolopsis huangi Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • Phlugiolopsis (Uncinata) latusiprocera Bian & Shi, 2018
  • 长角吟螽 Phlugiolopsis longiangulis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 长尾吟螽 Phlugiolopsis longicerca Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 小吟螽 Phlugiolopsis minuta (Tinkham, 1943)
  • Phlugiolopsis mistshenkoi (Gorochov, 1993)
  • 山地吟螽 Phlugiolopsis montana Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 篦尾吟螽 Phlugiolopsis pectinis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • 五角吟螽 Phlugiolopsis pentagonis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • Phlugiolopsis (Uncinata) platylobosis Bian & Shi, 2018
  • 刻点吟螽 Phlugiolopsis punctata Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 台湾吟螽 Phlugiolopsis taiwanensis Wang, Chen & Shi, 2019
  • 三支吟螽 Phlugiolopsis tribranchis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • Phlugiolopsis (Omkoiana) trilobulata Gorochov, 2020
  • 镘叶吟螽 Phlugiolopsis trullis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2012
  • 瘤突吟螽 Phlugiolopsis tuberculata Xia & Liu, 1993
  • 钩尾吟螽 Phlugiolopsis uncicercis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • 黑腹吟螽 Phlugiolopsis ventralis Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • Phlugiolopsis vietnamica Wang, Li & Liu, 2012
  • 新安吟螽 Phlugiolopsis xinanensis Bian, Shi & Chang, 2013
  • Phlugiolopsis yaeyamensis Yamasaki, 1986
  • 云南吟螽 Phlugiolopsis yunnanensis Shi & Ou, 2005


  1. . GBIF. [2023-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-06).
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