

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
亚门: 甲殼亞門 Crustacea
纲: 软甲纲 Malacostraca
目: 十足目 Decapoda
亚目: Pleocyemata
下目: 短尾下目 Brachyura
科: 相手蟹科 Sesarmidae
属: 吸血鬼蟹属 Geosesarma
De Man, 1892
Sesarma noduliferum [1]
de Man, 1892




  • Geosesarma aedituens Naruse & Jaafar, 2009
  • Geosesarma albomita Yeo & Ng, 1999
  • Geosesarma amphinome (De Man, 1899)
  • Geosesarma angustifrons (A. Milne-Edwards, 1869)
  • Geosesarma araneum (Nobili, 1899)
  • Geosesarma aurantium Ng, 1995
  • Geosesarma batak Manuel-Santos, Ng & Freitag, 2016 [6]
  • Geosesarma bau Ng & Jongkar, 2004
  • 二色陆相手蟹 Geosesarma bicolor Ng & Davie, 1995
  • Geosesarma bintan Schubart & Ng, 2014[7]
  • Geosesarma cataracta Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma celebense (Schenkel, 1902)
  • Geosesarma clavicrure (Schenkel, 1902)
  • Geosesarma confertum (Ortmann, 1894)
  • Geosesarma danumense Ng, 2003
  • Geosesarma faustum Ng, 2017[8]
  • 福克斯陆相手蟹 Geosesarma foxi (Kemp, 1918)
  • Geosesarma gordonae (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma gracillimum (De Man, 1902)
  • 婚礼陆相手蟹 Geosesarma hednon Ng, Liu & Schubart, 2003
  • Geosesarma ianthina Pretzmann, 1985
  • Geosesarma insulare Ng, 1986
  • 约翰逊陆相手蟹 Geosesarma johnsoni (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma katibas Ng, 1995
  • Geosesarma krathing Ng & Naiyanetr, 1992
  • 劳伦斯吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma lawrencei Manuel-Santos & Yeo, 2007
  • Geosesarma leprosum (Schenkel, 1902)
  • Geosesarma maculatum (De Man, 1892)
  • 马来吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma malayanum Ng & Lim, 1986
  • 奇异陆相手蟹 Geosesarma mirum Shy & Hg, 2019[9]
  • Geosesarma nannophyes (De Man, 1885)
  • Geosesarma nemesis Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma noduliferum (De Man, 1892)
  • Geosesarma notophorum Ng & C. G. S. Tan, 1995
  • Geosesarma ocypodum (Nobili, 1899)
  • Geosesarma penangense (Tweedie, 1940)
  • Geosesarma peraccae (Nobili, 1903)
  • Geosesarma protos Ng & Takeda, 1992
  • Geosesarma raj Schubart & Ng, 2014[7]
  • Geosesarma rathbunae (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma rouxi (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma sabanum Ng, 1992
  • 沙劳越吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma sarawakense (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma scandens Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma serenei Ng, 1986
  • 所罗门吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma solomonense (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma spectrum P. Y. C. Ng & P. K. L. Ng, 2019[10]
  • Geosesarma starmuhlneri Pretzmann, 1984
  • 苏门答腊吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma sumatraense Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma sylvicola (De Man, 1892)
  • Geosesarma ternatense (Serène, 1968)
  • Geosesarma teschi Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma thelxinoe (De Man, 1908)
  • Geosesarma tiomanicum Ng, 1986
  • Geosesarma todaeng Ng, Yeesin & Promdam, 2023[11]
  • 文森特吸血鬼蟹 Geosesarma vicentense (Rathbun, 1914)


  1. Peter Davie. . WoRMS. 2012 [2012-11-08] (英语).
  2. 施習德. . 2013-09-17 [2014-06-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-08) (中文(繁體)).
  3. Richard G. Hartnoll. . Warren W. Burggren & Brian R. McMahon (编). . Cambridge University Press. 1998: 6–54. ISBN 9780521306904.
  4. Christoph D. Schubart, Hung-Chand Liu & José A. Cuesta. (PDF). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2003, 51 (1): 49–59 [2014-06-10]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-02-06).
  5. S. K. Pati, M. K. Dev Roy & R. M. Sharma. (PDF). Checklist of Indian fauna. Zoological Survey of India. [2012-08-11]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-09-17).
  6. Marivene Manuel-Santos, Peter K. L. Ng and Hendrik Freitag. 2016. Two New Species of Geosesarma De Man, 1892 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) from Palawan, the Philippines. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 64: 335–342
  7. Christoph D. Schubart & Peter K. L. Ng. 2014. Two New Species of Land-dwelling Crabs of the Genus Geosesarma De Man, 1892 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Sesarmidae) from Bintan Island, Indonesia. Raffles. Bull. Zool. 62: 615–619.
  8. Peter K. L. Ng. 2017. On the Identities of The Highland Vampire Crabs, Geosesarma foxi (Kemp, 1918) and G. serenei Ng, 1986, with Description of A New Phytotelmic Species from Penang, Peninsular Malaysia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 65: 226–242.
  9. Jhy-Yun Shy and Peter K.L. Ng. 2019. Geosesarma mirum, A New Species of Semi-terrestrial Sesarmid Crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from central Taiwan. ZooKeys. 858: 1-10. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.858.35198
  10. Paul Y. C. Ng and Peter K. L. Ng. 2019. Geosesarma spectrum, A New Species of Semiterrestrial Vampire Crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) from Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. Zootaxa. 4614(3); 529–540. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4614.3.6
  11. Peter K. L. Ng, Pun Yeesin and Rueangrit Promdam. 2023. A New Species of Vampire Crab (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarmidae: Geosesarma) from A Freshwater Swamp Forest in Narathiwat Province, Southern Thailand, with A Note on Geosesarma serenei Ng, 1986. Tropical Natural History. 23(1); 97–104.
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