

1 羅馬尼亞96.12014[2]
2 立陶宛89.92014[2]
3 斯洛伐克90.32014[2]
4 新加坡90.32014[3]
5 中华人民共和国902014[2]
6 匈牙利88.22014[2]
7 89.72014[2]
8 印度86.62011[4]
9 保加利亚84.32014[2]
9 俄羅斯84.02012[5]
10 波蘭83.52014[2]
11 挪威84.42014[2]
12 拉脫維亞80.92014[2]
13 爱沙尼亚81.52014[2]
14 馬爾他80.02014[2]
15 捷克78.92014[2]
16 墨西哥80.02009[6]
17 泰國80.02002[7]
18 西班牙78.82014[2]
19 冰島78.22014[2]
20 斯洛維尼亞76.72014[2]
21 千里達及托巴哥76.02013[8]
22 希臘74.02014[2]
23 巴西74.42008[9]
24 葡萄牙74.92014[2]
25 賽普勒斯72.92014[2]
26 芬兰73.22014[2]
27 義大利73.12014[2]
28 盧森堡72.52014[2]
29 比利時72.02014[2]
31 愛爾蘭68.62014[10]
32 瑞典69.32014[2]
33 加拿大67.62013[11]
34 土耳其67.32011[12]
35 荷蘭67.02014[2]
36 67.02011[13]
37 新西蘭64.82013[14]
38 英国64.82014[2]
39 美國64.52014[15]
40 法國65.02014[2]
41 丹麥63.32014[2]
42 日本61.62008[16]
43 奥地利57.22014[2]
44 54.22010[17]
45 德國52.52014[2]
46 香港51.02014[18]
47 瑞士44.02013[2]


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  8. Surtees, Joshua. . Trinidad and Tobago Guardian. 25 August 2014 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-10).
  9. Loudiyi, Ihssane. . World Bank. 14 October 2009 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-31).
  10. . Central Statistics Office. 2011 [12 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-13).
  11. . Statistics Canada. 2013 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-17).
  12. . Turkish Statistical Institute. 31 January 2013 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-02).
  13. . Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2011 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-21).
  14. . Statistics New Zealand. 3 December 2014 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015年5月9日).
  15. . http://www.census.gov/housing/hvs/data/ann14ind.html. United States Census. 2014 [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-26). 外部链接存在于|website= (帮助)
  16. . Statistics Bureau of Japan. [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-16).
  17. . Statistics Korea. [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-10).
  18. . Census and Statistics Department (Hong Kong). [14 April 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-13).


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