馬來西亞裔澳大利亞人 Melayu Australia Malaysian Australians | |
總人口 | |
174,000 (馬來西亞出生, 2018)[1][2] | |
分佈地區 | |
墨爾本、雪梨、伯斯、布里斯班、阿得雷德 | |
語言 | |
澳洲英語、馬來西亞英語 馬來語 漢語(粵語、閩語、新馬華語) 坦米爾語、印度語言 | |
宗教信仰 | |
基督宗教 (43%)、佛教 (26%)、印度教、錫克教、伊斯蘭教 (5%)[3] | |
相关族群 | |
新加坡裔澳大利亞人、科科斯群島馬來人、澳大利亞華人、印度裔澳大利亞人 |

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- Cleland, Bilal. The Muslims in Australia: A Brief History. Melbourne: Islamic Council of Victoria, 2002.
- JPS Bach, 'The pearlshelling industry and the "White Australia" policy', Historical Studies, Australia and New Zealand, vol. 10, no. 38, May 1962, pp. 203–213
- Bilal Cleland, Muslims in Australia: A Brief History, www.icv.org.au/history.shtml
- Nahid Kabir, Muslims in Australia: Immigration, Race Relations, and Cultural History, Kegan Paul, London, 2004
- Nahid Kabir, 'Muslims in Western Australia, 1870–1970', Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, vol. 12, part 5, 2005, pp. 550–565
- L Manderson, 'Malays' in James Jupp (ed.), The Australian People, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1988, pp. 691–93
- Daniel Oakman, Facing Asia: A History of the Colombo Plan, Pandanus Press, Canberra, 2004
- Gwenda Tavan, The Long, Slow Death of White Australia, Scribe, Melbourne 2005
- History of immigration from Malaysia (页面存档备份,存于)
- Muslim Journeys – Arrivals – Malays
- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES – "there was a place called 'Malay Town' set up in Cairns ..."
- Malay boy, Broome
- Terri McCormack. . Dictionary of Sydney. 2008 [4 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-20). [CC-By-SA] (History of Malaysians in Sydney)
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