





A a Ä ä B b C c Ç ç D d E e F f G g Ğ ğ H h I ı İ i Í í J j
K k L l M m N n Ñ ñ O o Ö ö P p Q q R r S s Ş ş T t U u Ü ü
V v W w X x Y y Z z                                        


新土耳其字母 1922-2002

鞑靼语大部分是谐音词,就是说通常可以从拼写推测单词读音。此规则不适用于新近借入单词,如summit and names.

  • A – a as in "ugly"
  • Ä – ä as in "man", but less open
  • B – be as in "bell"
  • C – ce as in "pleasure"
  • Ç – çe as in "usher" or "chocolate" but without first [t]
  • D – de as in "decade" (the tongue touches only the front teeth but not the palate.)
  • E – e as in "six" or "needed"
  • F – fe as in "federal"
  • G – ge as in "get"
  • Ğ – ğı is back version of g, very close to back r in French
  • H – he as in "helicopter"
  • I – ı as in "number"
  • İ – i as in "kiss" or "read"
  • Í – í as in "beyond"
  • J – je as in "garage" pronounced as in French & English)
  • K – ke as in "kettle"
  • L – le as in "leg"
  • M – me as in "men"
  • N – ne as in "never"
  • Ñ – ñe as in "English" and "song"
  • O – o as in "orchestra" and "obligation"
  • Ö – ö as in "urbane" and like German ö
  • P – pe as in "pen"
  • Q – qu as in "Iraq"
  • R – re as in Spanish "carro" (the tongue vibrates doing a few touches of palate during pronunciation of one sound)
  • S – se as in "sell"
  • Ş – şe as in ""slash"
  • T – te as in "telephone" (the tongue touches only the front teeth but not the palate.)
  • U – u as in "oops!"
  • Ü – ü as in "jew" and like German ü
  • V – ve as in "vegetable"
  • W – we as in "wall"
  • Y – ye as in "yes"
  • X – xa close to that in "chemistry", or like Scottish "ch" in "loch"
  • Z – ze as in "zebra"

转换表( Zamanälif为基础)

1A aAАɑ, ʌ
 Á áA hämzä belänА һәмзә беләнɑ
2Ä äÄ , noqtalı AӘ, нокталы Аæ, ə
 Â âA dulqın belänА дулкын беләнæ
3B bБэb
4C cҖэʑ
5Ç çÇéЧэɕ, t͡ʃ
6D dДэd
7E eEЭe
 É éE hämzä belän, ozın EЭ һәмзә белән, озын эɛ
8F fÉfЭфf
9G gГеɡ
10Ğ ğĞéГъэɣ
11H hҺэh
12İ iİИi
13Í íÍЫйɨɪ
14I ıIЫɨ
15J jЖэʒ, d͡ʒ
16K kКеk
17L lElЭльl
18M mÉmЭмm
19N nÉnЭнn
20Ñ ñÉñЭңŋ
21O oOОo, o:
 óO hämzä belänО һәмзә беләнø
22Ö öÖ, noqtalı OӨ, нокталы Оœ
23P pПэp
24Q qQuКуq
25R rÉrЭрr
26S sÉsЭсs
27Ş şŞaШаʃ
28T tТэt
29U uUУu
 úU hämzä belänУ һәмзә беләнʊ
30Ü üÜ, noqtalı UҮ, нокталы УY
31V vВэv
32W wВэ (Уэ)w
33X xÉxЭхx
34Y yЙэj, ɪ
35Z zZetЗетz
 ' - hämzäHämzäҺәмзәʔ


А а Ә ә Б б В в Г г Д д Е е (Ё ё) Ж ж Җ җ З з И и Й й К к Л л
М м Н н Ң ң О о Ө ө П п Р р С с Т т У у Ү ү Ф ф Х х Һ һ Ц ц
Ч ч Ш ш (Щ щ) Ь ь Ы ы Ъ ъ Э э Ю ю Я я                        



Letters and symbols of the Tatar Cyrillic alphabet
大写小写Correspondence to Zamanälif.Earlier Translit.Name (хәреф исеме)发音注释
Ааaaа /a/[a]
Әәääә /æ/[æ]
Ббbbбэ /be/[b]
Ввw, vvвэ /we/[w]
Ггg, ğgгэ /ɡe/[ɡ]; [ɣ]
Ддddдэ /de/[d]
Ееe, ye, yıeйе /je/ , йы /jɯ/[je]; [jɯ]; [e]
Ёёyoëйо /jo/[jo]
Жжjžжэ /ʒe/[ʒ]
Җҗcẓ̌җэ /ʑe/[ʑ]
Ззzzзэ /ze/[z]
Ииiiи /i/[i]
Ййyjкыска и /qɯsˈqa ˈi/[j]
Ккk, qkка /qa/[k]; [q]
Ллllэль /el/[l]
Ммmmэм /em/[m]
Ннnnэн /en/[n]
Ңңñņэң /eŋ/[ŋ]
Ооooо /o/[o]
Өөööө /ø/[ø]
Ппppпэ /pe/[p]
Ррrrэр /er/[r]
Ссssэс /es/[s]
Ттttтэ /te/[t]
Ууu, wuУ /u/[u]; [w]
Үүü, wüҮ /y/[y]; [w]
Ффffэф /ef/[f]
Ххxxха /xa/[x]
Һһhhһэ /he/[h]
Ццts, scцэ /tse/[ts]
Ччçčчэ /ɕe/[ɕ]
Шшşšша /ʃa/[ʃ]
Щщşçščща /ʃɕa/[ʃɕ]
Ъъ'калынлык билгесе /qalɯnˈlɯq bilɡeˈse/ [ʔ]калынлык һәм аеру билгесе
Ыыıyы /ɯ/[ɯ]
Ьь'нечкәлек билгесе /neɕkæˈlek bilɡeˈse/ [ʔ]нечкәлек һәм аеру билгесе
Ээe, 'èэ /e/[e]; [ʔ]
Ююyu, yüjuйу /ju/[ju]; [jy]
Яяya, yäjaйа /ja/[ja]; [jæ]




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