

希腊人几乎不推崇动物头像式样的物品,因此其偶像采用希腊风格的拟人雕塑,并宣布与当时十分流行的阿匹斯地位同等。[10] 它被命名为Userhapi(即“Osiris-Apis”,奥西里斯-阿匹斯),后来成为希腊语中的Sarapis,据称是奥西里斯的完全形态,而不仅仅是他的卡(灵魂)。
- "Sarapis" in The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15th edn., 1992, Vol. 10, p. 447.(英文)
- Youtie, H. 1948. “The Kline of Serapis”. The Harvard Theological Review, vol 41, pp. 9–29.
- Life of Alexander, 76
- Anabasis, VII, 26, 2
- Stambaugh, John E. . Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1972: 1–13 [2019-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-07).(英文)
- 詹姆斯·M·莫里斯. . [2019-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-02).
- Consulting the unabridged Lewis and Short Latin lexicon shows that "Serapis" was the most common Latin version of the name in antiquity: Serapis (页面存档备份,存于). Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project. Lewis, Charlton; Short, Charles. . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1879: 1630. . : 1678. On the Internet Archive.(英文)
- E.g. CIL 03, 07768; CIL 03, 07770; CIL 08, 12492. All known occurrences can be found at http://db.edcs.eu/epigr/epi.php?s_sprache=de (页面存档备份,存于).(德文)
- "Of the Egyptian sanctuaries of Serapis the most famous is at Alexandria", Pausanias noted (Description of Greece, 1.18.4, 2nd century AD), in describing the Serapeion at Athens erected by Ptolemy on the steep slope of the Acropolis: "As you descend from here to the lower part of the city, is a sanctuary of Serapis, whose worship the Athenians introduced from Ptolemy."
- According to James George Frazer's note to the Biblioteca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, 2.1.1: "Apollodorus identifies the Argive Apis with the Egyptian bull Apis, who was in turn identified with Serapis (Sarapis)"; Pausanias also conflates Serapis and Egyptian Apis: "Of the Egyptian sanctuaries of Serapis the most famous is at Alexandria, the oldest at Memphis. Into this neither stranger nor priest may enter, until they bury Apis" (Pausanias,Description of Greece, 1.18.4).