墨头鱼属![]() | |
![]() | |
Garra rufa | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 綱 Actinopteri |
目: | 鲤形目 Cypriniformes |
科: | 鲤科 Cyprinidae |
亚科: | 野鲮亚科 Labeoninae |
属: | 墨头鱼属 Garra F. Hamilton, 1822 |
模式種 | |
Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 | |
異名 | |
Ageneiogarra Garman, 1912 |

Garra blanfordii

Garra cambodgiensis resembles to Crossocheilus siamensis
- Garra abhoyai Hora, 1921
- 埃塞俄比亚墨头鱼 Garra aethiopica Pellegrin, 1927
- 異口墨頭魚 Garra allostoma T. R. Roberts, 1990
- 高体墨头鱼 Garra alticorpora Chu et Cui
- Garra alticaputus Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2013[4]
- 安氏墨頭魚 Garra annandalei Hora, 1921(Annandale garra)
- Garra apogon Norman, 1925
- Garra arunachalensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013[5]
- Garra arupi Nebeshwar, Vishwanath & D. N. Das, 2009[6]
- 巴氏墨頭魚 Garra barreimiae Fowler & Steinitz, 1956
- Garra barreimiae barreimiae Fowler & Steinitz, 1956
- Garra barreimiae shawkahensis Banister & M. A. Clarke, 1977
- Garra bibarbatus V. H. Nguyễn, 2001
- 雙角墨頭魚 Garra bicornuta Narayan Rao, 1920(Tunga garra)
- Garra bimaculacauda Thoni, Gurung & Mayden, 2016 [6]
- Garra birostris Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013[5]
- Garra bisangularis Z. M. Chen, X. Y. Wu & H. Xiao, 2010
- 双刺墨头鱼 Garra bispinosa E. Zhang, 2005
- Garra blanfordii Boulenger, 1901
- 博尼墨頭魚 Garra borneensis Vaillant, 1902
- Garra bourreti Pellegrin, 1928
- Garra buettikeri Krupp, 1983
- 条纹墨头鱼 Garra cambodgiensis Tirant, 1883(Cambodian logsucker),坎寶墨頭魚
- 紋尾盆唇魚 Garra caudofasciatus
- 斯里蘭卡墨頭魚 Garra ceylonensis Bleeker, 1863(Ceylon logsucker)
- Garra chakpiensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2015[7]
- Garra chebera Habteselassie, Mikschi, Ahnelt & Waidbacher, 2010
- Garra compressus Kosygin & Vishwanath, 1998
- 剛果墨頭魚 Garra congoensis Poll, 1959(Congo logsucker)
- 缺鬚盆唇魚 Garra cryptonemus
- Garra cyclostomata Đ. Y. Mai, 1978
- Garra cyrano Kottelat, 2000
- Garra dampaensis Lalronunga, Lalnuntluanga & Lalramliana, 2013[8]
- Garra dembecha Getahun & Stiassny, 2007
- 登比墨頭魚 Garra dembeensis Rüppell, 1835(Cameroon logsucker)
- Garra dulongensis
- 鄧氏墨頭魚 Garra dunsirei Banister, 1987
- Garra duobarbis Getahun & Stiassny, 2007
- 長身墨頭魚 Garra elongata Vishwanath & Kosygin, 2000
- Garra emarginata Kurup & Radhakrishnan, 2011[9]
- 埃氏墨頭魚 Garra ethelwynnae Menon, 1958
- 條尾墨頭魚 Garra fasciacauda Fowler, 1937
- 裂唇墨头鱼 Garra findolabium F. L. Li, W. Zhou & Q. Fu, 2008
- 費氏墨頭魚 Garra fisheri Fowler, 1937
- 熊貓墨頭魚 Garra flavatra S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- Garra fluviatilis Kangrang, Thoni, Mayden & Beamish, 2016[10]
- 泰國墨頭魚 Garra fuliginosa Fowler, 1934
- Garra geba Getahun & Stiassny, 2007
- 約旦墨頭魚 Garra ghorensis Krupp, 1982(Jordanian logsucker)
- Garra gotyla J. E. Gray, 1830
- 戈泰墨頭魚 Garra gotyla gotyla J. E. Gray, 1830(Sucker head)
- Garra gotyla stenorhynchus Jerdon, 1849(Nilgiris garra)
- 細墨頭魚 Garra gracilis Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936
- 沟额墨头鱼 Garra gravelyi Annandale, 1919
- 海南墨头鱼 Garra hainanensis Y. R. Chen & C. Y. Zheng, 1983
- Garra hindii Boulenger, 1905
- 休氏墨頭魚 Garra hughi Silas, 1955(Cardamon garra)
- 伊氏墨頭魚 Garra ignestii Gianferrari, 1925
- Garra imbarbatus V. H. Nguyễn, 2001
- 無鬚墨頭魚 Garra imberba Garman, 1912,高体墨头鱼
- 無髯墨頭魚 Garra imberbis Vinciguerra, 1890
- Garra incisorbis Zheng, Yang & Chen, 2016[11]
- Garra jaldhakaensis Kosygin, Shangningam, Singh & Das, 2021[12]
- 乔丹墨头鱼 Garra jordanica Hamidan, Geiger & Freyhof, 2014[13]
- 克拉肯德墨頭魚 Garra kalakadensis Rema Devi, 1993
- Garra kalpangi Nebeshwar, Bagra & D. N. Das, 2012[14]
- 西藏墨头鱼 Garra kempi Hora, 1921(Kemp garra)
- Garra khawbungi Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2014[15]
- Garra kimini Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2013[4]
- 越南墨頭魚 Garra laichowensis V. H. Nguyễn & L. H. Doan, 1969
- 墨头鱼 Garra lamta F. Hamilton, 1822
- 蘭克墨頭魚 Garra lancrenonensis Blache & Miton, 1960
- Garra lautior Banister, 1987
- 裸吻墨頭魚 Garra lissorhynchus McClelland, 1842(Khasi garra)
- 利頓河墨頭魚 Garra litanensis Vishwanath, 1993
- 長鰭墨頭魚 Garra longipinnis Banister & M. A. Clarke, 1977
- Garra lorestanensis Mousavi-Sabet & Eagderi, 2016[16]
- Garra magnidiscus Tamang, 2013[17]
- 密金墨頭魚 Garra makiensis Boulenger, 1904
- Garra mamshuqa Krupp, 1983
- 曼尼普河墨頭魚 Garra manipurensis Vishwanath & Sarojnalini, 1988
- 麥氏墨頭魚 Garra mcclellandi Jerdon, 1849(Cauvery garra)
- Garra menoni Rema Devi & Indra, 1984
- 小垫墨头鱼 Garra micropulvinus W. Zhou, X. F. Pan & Kottelat, 2005
- Garra minimus Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2013[4]
- 奇额墨头鱼 Garra mirofrontis X. L. Chu & G. H. Cui, 1987
- Garra mlapparaensis Kurup & Radhakrishnan, 2011[9]
- 馬耶墨頭魚 Garra mullya Sykes, 1839(Mullya garra)
- 那加墨頭魚 Garra naganensis Hora, 1921(Naga garra)
- Garra nambulica Vishwanath & Joyshree, 2005
- Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012[18][19]
- 長鬚墨頭魚 Garra nasuta McClelland, 1838(Nose logsucker)
- Garra nethravathiensis Arunachalam & Nandagopal, 2014[20]
- Garra nigricauda Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2013[4]
- Garra nigricollis S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- 顯赫墨頭魚 Garra notata Blyth, 1860(Tenasserim garra)
- Garra nujiangensis Z. M. Chen, S. Zhao & J. X. Yang, 2009
- 东方墨头鱼 Garra orientalis Nichols, 1925
- 飾妝墨頭魚 Garra ornata Nichols & Griscom, 1917
- Garra palaruvica Arunachalam, Raja, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2013[21]
- Garra panitvongi Tangjitjaroen, Randall, Tongnunui, Boyd & Page, 2023 [22]
- Garra paralissorhynchus Vishwanath & Shanta Devi, 2005
- Garra parastenorhynchus Thoni, Gurung & Mayden, 2016 [6]
- Garra periyarensis Gopi, 2001
- 伊朗墨頭魚 Garra persica L. S. Berg, 1914
- 菲氏墨頭魚 Garra phillipsi Deraniyagala, 1933(Philipps' garra)
- Garra pingi
- 墨头鱼 Garra pingi subsp. pingi Tchang
- Garra poecilura S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- Garra poilanei Petit & T. L. Tchang, 1933
- Garra propulvinus S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- 桥街墨头鱼 Garra qiaojiensis H. W. Wu & Yao, 1977
- Garra quadratirostris Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013[5]
- 四斑墨頭魚 Garra quadrimaculata Rüppell, 1835:又稱蒂巴墨頭魚。
- Garra rakhinica S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- Garra regressus Getahun & Stiassny, 2007
- Garra rezai Mousavi-Sabet, Eagderi, Saemi-Komsari, Kaya & Freyhof, 2022[23]
- 羅氏墨頭魚 Garra robertsi R. J. Thoni & Mayden, 2015[24]
- 露西卡墨頭魚 Garra rossica A. M. Nikolskii, 1900
- 圆鼻墨头鱼 Garra rotundinasus E. Zhang, 2006
- 淡红墨头鱼 Garra rufa Heckel, 1843(Reddish logsucker)
- 岩間墨頭魚 Garra rupecula McClelland, 1839(Mishmi garra)
- Garra sahilia Krupp, 1983
- Garra sahilia gharbia Krupp, 1983
- Garra sahilia sahilia Krupp, 1983
- 萨尔温墨头鱼 Garra salweenica Hora & Mukerji, 1934
- Garra smarti Krupp & Budd, 2009
- 雜斑墨头鱼 Garra spilota S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- Garra surendranathanii Shaji, Arun & Easa, 1996
- Garra surinbinnani [25]
- 条纹墨头鱼 Garra taeniata Smith
- Garra tana Getahun & Stiassny, 2007
- 腾冲墨头鱼 Garra tengchongensis E. Zhang & Yi-Yu Chen, 2002
- Garra tashanensis Mousavi-Sabet, Vatandoust, Fatemi & Eagderi, 2016[26]
- Garra theunensis Kottelat, 1998
- Garra tibanica Trewavas, 1941[13]
- 特氏墨頭魚 Garra trewavasai Monod, 1950
- Garra tyao Arunachalam, Nandagopal & Mayden, 2014[15]
- Garra ukhrulensis Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2015[7]
- Garra variabilis Heckel, 1843
- Garra vittatula S. O. Kullander & F. Fang, 2004
- Garra waensis Lothongkham, Arbsuwan & Musikasinthorn, 2014[27]
- 旺氏墨頭魚 Garra wanae Regan, 1914
- 瓦氏墨頭魚 Garra waterloti Pellegrin, 1935
- 彝良墨头鱼 Garra yiliangensis H. W. Wu & Q. Z. Chen, 1977,宜良墨頭魚
- Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2011). Garra ignestii. FishBase. Version 2011-12.
- . 科学网. 2010-12-06 [2010-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- Zheng, Lan-Ping; Yang, Jun-Xing; Chen, Xiao-Yong; Wang, Wei-Ying. . Zoologica Scripta. 2010-11, 39 (6): 559–571 [2021-10-09]. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2010.00441.x. (原始内容存档于2021-10-09) (英语).
- Arunachalam, M., Nandagopal, S. & Mayden, R.L. (2013): Morphological diagnoses of Garra (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from North-Eastern India with four new species description from Brahmaputra River. Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 4 (3): 121-138.
- Nebeshwar, K. & Vishwanath, W. (2013): Three new species of Garra (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from north-eastern India and redescription of G. gotyla. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (2): 97-120.
- Thoni, R. j., Dhan B. Gurung & R. L. Mayden. 2016. A Review of the Genus Garra Hamilton 1822 of Bhutan, including the Descriptions of Two New Species and Three Additional Records (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa. 4169(1): 115–132. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4169.1.5
- Nebeshwar, K. & Vishwanath, W. (2015): Two new species of Garra (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from the Chindwin River basin in Manipur, India, with notes on some nominal Garra species of the Himalayan foothills. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 25 (4): 305-321.
- Lalronunga, S., Lalnuntluanga & Lalramliana (2013): Garra dampaensis, a new ray-finned fish species (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Mizoram, northeastern India. (页面存档备份,存于) Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5 (9): 4368–4377.
- Kurup, B.M. & Radhakrishnan, K.V. (2011): Two new cyprinid fishes under the genus Garra (Hamilton) from Kerala, Southern India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 107 (3) [2010]: 220-223.
- Kangrang, Punnatut, R. j. Thoni, Richard L. Mayden and F. W. H. Beamish. 2016. Garra fluviatilis, A New Hillstream Fish Species (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from the Kwai Noi River system, Mae Khlong basin, Thailand. Zootaxa. 4175(4); 335–344. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4175.4.3
- Lan-Ping Zheng, Jun-Xing Yang and Xiao-Yong Chen. 2016. Garra incisorbis, A New Species of Labeonine from Pearl River Basin in Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters. 26(4); 299-303
- Laishram Kosygin, Bungdon Shangningam, Pratima Singh and Ujjal Das. 2021. Garra jaldhakaensis, A New Cyprinid Fish (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from West Bengal, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India: A Journal of Indian Zoology [Rec. zool. Surv. India]. 121(3); 325–331. DOI: 10.26515/rzsi/v121/i3/2021/158415
- Hamidan, N.A., Geiger, M.F. & Freyhof, J. (2014): Garra jordanica, a new species from the Dead Sea basin with remarks on the relationship of G. ghorensis, G. tibanica and G. rufa (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 25 (3): 223-236.
- Nebeshwar, K., Bagra, K. & Das, D.N. (2012): Garra kalpangi, a new cyprinid fish species (Pisces: Teleostei) from upper Brahmaputra basin in Arunachal Pradesh, India. (页面存档备份,存于) Journal of Threatened Taxa, 4 (2): 2353–2362.
- Arunachalam, M., Nandagopal, S. & Mayden, R.L. (2014): Two new Species of Garra from Mizoram, India (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) and A General Comparative Analyses of Indian Garra. Species, 10 (24): 58-78.
- Hamed MOUSAVI-SABET and Soheil EAGDERI. 2016. Garra lorestanensis, A New Cave Fish from the Tigris River Drainage with Remarks on the Subterranean Fishes in Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). FishTaxa. (2016) 1: 45-54 .
- Tamang, L. (2013): Garra magnidiscus, a new species of cyprinid fish (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 (1): 31-40.
- Shangningam, B. & Vishwanath, W. (2012): A New Species of the Genus Garra Hamilton, 1822 from the Chindwin Basin of Manipur, India (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Labeoninae). International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN Zoology), 2012: 1-6.
- Shangningam, B. & Vishwanath, W. (2012): Validation of Garra namyaensis Shangningam & Vishwanath, 2012 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Labeoninae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 23 (1): 10-10.
- Arunachalam, M. & Nandagopal, S. (2014): A New Species of the Genus Garra Hamilton, (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Nethravathi River, Western Ghats, India. Species, 10 (24): 43-57.
- Arunachalam, M., Raja, M., Nandagopal, S. & Mayden, R.L. (2013): Garra palaruvica, a new cyprinid fish (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from Kerala, Western Ghats, peninsular India. (页面存档备份,存于) International Journal of Zoology Research, 3 (1): 62-68.
- Weerapongse Tangjitjaroen, Zachary S. Randall, Sampan Tongnunui, David A. Boyd and Lawrence M. Page. 2023. Species of Garra (Cyprinidae: Labeoninae) in the Salween River Basin with Description of An Enigmatic New Species from the Ataran River Drainage of Thailand and Myanmar. Zootaxa. 5311(3); 375-392. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5311.3.3
- Hamed Mousavi-Sabet, Soheil Eagderi, Maryam Saemi-Komsari, Cüneyt Kaya and Jörg Freyhof. 2022. Garra rezai, A New Species from Two Widely Disjunct Areas in the Tigris Drainage (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa. 5195(5); 419-436. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5195.5.2
- Thoni, R.J. & Mayden, R.L. (2015): Garra robertsi, a new cyprinid (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) fish species from Borneo. Zootaxa, 3985 (2): 284–290.
- Lawrence M. Page, Brandon C. Ray, Sampan Tongnunui, David A. Boyd and Zachary S. Randall. 2019. Garra surinbinnani, A New Species of Labeonine from the Mae Khlong basin of Thailand (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters. IEF-1117. DOI: 10.23788/IEF-1117
- Hamed Mousavi-Sabet, Saber Vatandoust, Yaser Fatemi and Soheil Eagderi. 2016. Tashan Cave a new cave fish locality for Iran; and Garra tashanensis, A New Blind Species from the Tigris River Drainage (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). FishTaxa. (3); 133-148. fishtaxa.com/index.php/ft/article/view/1-3-3
- Lothongkham, A., Arbsuwan, S. & Musikasinthorn, P. (2014): Garra waensis, a new cyprinid fish (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes) from the Nan River basin of the Chao Phraya River system, northern Thailand. Zootaxa, 3790 (4): 543–554.
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