
现代式样的盾徽是红色的,饰有剑柄圆球的空心克莱希十字(或称帕泰十字)(概括来说,是在一片红色区域里,一个由钥匙(或爪子)和球体/苹果组成的黄金十字;奥克语:de golas a la crotz voidada, clechada(orpatèa)e pometada d'aur),也被描述为帕泰布托内十字、波米提十字、图卢兹十字[2]、空心(或骷髅)弗勒里十字[3]。 在阿尔比十字军之歌里,它的名称变为”雷蒙丁十字“(crotz ramondenca).[4]

- 15世纪图卢兹空心T型十字纹章
- 中世纪晚期,佛罗伦萨的莫齐家族的帕拉佐 莫齐纹章
- 图卢兹公爵纹章 (1509)
- 图卢兹市纹章(1515)
- 法王亨利四世(1572–1610在位)时期的图卢兹纹章
- 18世纪图尔女士,瓦尔贝尔的玛格丽特-德尔菲娜女士(d.- 1784年)纹章局部
- 塞瑟利十字
- After the coat of arms of thecounts of Toulouse. "The first known Cross of Toulouse is shown on Count Raimond VI's seal, dated from 1211. Then widely used all over Languedoc, the Cross of Toulouse appeared on the municipal arms of Toulouse and the provincial arms of Languedoc in the 14th century. Pierre Saliès (Archistra, December 1994) claims that the Cross of Toulouse is a modification of the Latin Cross, attributed to Count Raimond VI. In 1099, Raimond VI took part to the reconquest of Jerusalem with the Crusaders. As a Crusaders' chief, Raimond would have adapted a cross slightly different from the Latin Cross bore by the low-rank Crusaders. According to this theory, the edges of the arms of the cross were cut into two pieces and curved. To be fixed on a shield, such a cross required twelve rivets. The design would have progressively evolved towards the Cross of Toulouse." (Ivan Sache, 24 April 2003, crwflags.com (页面存档备份,存于))
- Thomas Robson,The British Herald(1830), p. 336.
- Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett Duchess of Cleveland,The Battle Abbey Rollvol. 3 (1889), p. 182.
- La Cançon de la crosada,laisse109 (v. 2300),Per la crotz Ramondenca que contral vent resplant, see L. Macé in: Marcus Graham Bull, Catherine Léglu (eds.),The World of Eleanor of Aquitaine: Literature and Society in Southern France Between the Eleventh and Thirteenth Centuries(2005), p. 152.
- . crwflags.com. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-25).
- . [2007-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-18).
- . [2007-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-21).
- . [2007-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2007-10-19).
- (GIF). vexil.prov.free.fr. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03).
- . www.vaucluse.fr. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容 (GIF)存档于2007-03-07).
- (GIF). www.crwflags.com. [2019-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-25).
- . [2007-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-27).
- . [2007-06-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-12).
- . languedoc-wines.com. [31 December 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-02).