奧莫河(Omo River)是埃塞俄比亞西南部的重要河流,整條河道在埃塞俄比亞境內,進入與肯雅接壤的圖爾卡納湖。奧莫河是內流盆地流域的主要河流。根據埃塞俄比亞中央統計局資料,奧莫河全長760公里。[1]1980年,靠近图尔卡纳湖地区的谷地列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产,登录名称为奥莫低谷。

- "Climate, 2008 National Statistics (Abstract)" (页面存档备份,存于), Table A.1. Central Statistical Agency website (accessed 26 December 2009)
- Crandall, Ben. . eMuseum @ Minnesota State University, Mankato. 2007 [2007-10-31]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-10) (英语).
- Butzer, Karl W. (1971). Recent history of an Ethiopian delta: the Omo River and the level of Lake Rudolph, Research paper 136, Department of Geography, University of Chicago, 184 p., LCCN 70-184080
- Camerapix (2000). Spectrum Guide to Ethiopia, First American Ed., Brooklyn: Interlink, ISBN 1-56656-350-X
- Hurd, W. (2006). "Rangers by Birth (页面存档备份,存于)", Cultural Survival Quarterly, 30.2, website accessed 31 October 2007
- UNESCO World Heritage Centre (2007). Lower Valley of the Omo (页面存档备份,存于), World Heritage List, website accessed 31 October 2007
- Vannutelli, L. and Citerni, C. (1899). Seconda spedizione Bòttego: L'Omo, viaggio d'esplorazione nell'Africa Orientale, Milano : Hoepli, 650 p.
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:奧莫河 |
- Omo National Park (页面存档备份,存于)
- Early Homo sapiens Remains from the Omo River Region of South-west Ethiopia: Faunal Remains from the Omo Valley (页面存档备份,存于)
- The Oldest Homo sapiens (页面存档备份,存于)
- The African Tribes of OMO
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