



  • 男孩 (說故事的人)
  • 詹姆斯·福林(James Flynn),往生的神父
  • 艾莉莎·福林 (Eliza Flynn),神父的妹妹
  • 蘭妮·福林 (Nannie Flynn),神父的妹妹
  • 老佃農
  • 男孩的舅媽
  • 男孩的舅舅


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  • Benstock, Bernard, "Joyce's 'The Sisters,'" Explicator, vol. 24 (September 1965), item 1.
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  • Kennedy, Eileen, "'Lying Still': Another Look at 'The Sisters,'" James Joyce Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 4 (Summer 1975), pp. 362–370.
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  • Robinson, David W., "The Narration of Reading in Joyce's 'The Sisters', 'An Encounter', and 'Araby,'" Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 29, no. 4 (Winter 1987), pp. 377–396.
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  • Stein, William Bysshe, "Joyce's 'The Sisters,'" Explicator, vol. 21 (September 1962), item 2.
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  • Zlotnick, Joan, "Dubliners in Winesburg, Ohio: A Note on Joyce's 'The Sisters' and Anderson's 'The Philosopher'," Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 12, issue 412 (Fall 1975), pp. 405–407.


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