安提丰 (智者)
在其名下的论述中,最重要的要数《论真理》。从天文到数学,乃至道德和伦理,其残篇涉及到了许多不同的主题。[3] 其他的论述残篇诸如《论和谐》和《政治篇》有时会被认为是演说家安提丰而非智者的作品。[4]

归于智者安提丰名下的残篇《论真理》在政治学理论上具有相当的价值。因为这篇论述似乎是自然權利(天赋人权)理论的先驱者。根据其内容中所表述的见解,其作者应该不是演说家拉姆诺斯的安提丰,因为其内容相当强烈地肯定与民主政体相适应的平等主义和自由主义,且与拉姆诺斯的安提丰的寡头政治见解相对。后者在反民主的前411年雅典政变中起到了作用。[6] 然而,鉴于1984年发现的另一段《论真理》 残篇,对其以平等主义做解释应该已经行不通了。[7]
"本性" 需要自由
安提丰还写道:“生命是一场短暂的守夜,其时长犹如一日,睁开双眼,我们便将位置交付给来者”[9] 意大利希腊学家马里奥·昂特斯坦纳对此评论道:“如果死亡是因着自然的,那么为何要折磨其同样自然的生命呢?”通过诉诸这一悲剧性的存在法则,安提丰以一种人性的口吻,希望人能解脱那一切对个性有害之物[10] 据记载,安提丰在集市中建立了一个铺子,而他则在那里安慰丧失亲人的人们。[11]
- G.J. Pendrick, Antiphon the Sophist (2002) p.26
- For a survey of the issues involved, see Pendrick, pp. 2–24. A. Laks and G. W. Most, Early Greek Philosophy vol. IX (2016) pp. 2–3.
- Pendrick, pp. 32-35
- Pendrick, pp. 39-49
- On this issue, see Pendrick, pp. 24–26.
- W. K C. Guthrie, The Sophists, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971; see also Mario Untersteiner who cites Oxyrhynchus Papyrus #1364 fragment 2 in his The Sophists, tr. Kathleen Freeman (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1954), p. 252
- pp. 351, 356, Gerard Pendrick, 2002, Antiphon the Sophist: The Fragments, Cambridge U. Press; also p. 98 n. 41 of Richard Winton's "Herodotus, Thucydides, and the sophists" in C.Rowe & M.Schofield, The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Political Thought, Cambridge 2005.
- Antiphon, On Truth, Oxyrhynchus Papyri, xi, no. 1364, fragment 1, quoted in Donald Kagan (ed.) Sources in Greek Political Thought from Homer to Polybius "Sources in Western Political Thought, A. Hacker, gen. ed.; New York: Free Press, 2965
- Fr. 50 DK, quoted at Stobaeus 4.34.63.
- Mario Untersteiner, The Sophists, tr. Kathleen Freeman (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1954) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971, p. 247
- Michael Gagarin, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, Volume 1 (2010), p. 281.
- Edition, with commentary, by Eduard Maetzner (1838)
- Text by Friedrich Blass (1881)
- R. C. Jebb, Attic Orators
- Ps.-Plutarch, Vitae X. Oratorum or Lives of the Ten Orators
- Philostratus, Vit. Sophistarum, i. 15
- Frank Lovis Van Cleef, Index Antiphonteus, Ithaca, N.Y. (1895)
- "Antiphon" at Swansea University's website.
- Michael Gagarin, Antiphon the Athenian, 2002, U. of Texas Press. Argues for the identification of Antiphon the Sophist and Antiphon of Rhamnus.
- Gerard Pendrick, Antiphon the Sophist: The Fragments, 2002, Cambridge U. Press. Argues that Antiphon the Sophist and Antiphon of Rhamnus are two, and provides a new edition of and commentary on the fragments attributed to the Sophist.
- David Hoffman, "Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law and Justice in the Age of the Sophists/Antiphon the Sophist: The Fragments", Rhetoric Society Quarterly, summer 2006. A review of Gagarin 2002 and Pendrick 2002.
- Jordi Redondo, 'Antifont. Discursos I–II', Barcelona, Fundació Bernat Metge, 2003–2004 (ISBN 84-7225-822-X et 84-7225-840-8). Argues for the identification of both authors.
- Kerferd, G.B. . 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons: 170–172. 1970. ISBN 0-684-10114-9.
- Antiphon's Apology, the Papyrus Fragments, French 1907 edition from the Internet Archive
- Xenophon's Memorabilia 1.6.1–.15 (页面存档备份,存于) presents a dialogue between Antiphon the Sophist and Socrates.
- Speeches by Antiphon of Rhamnus on Perseus
- A bio on Antiphon of Rhamnus by Richard C. Jebb, The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeos, 1876 (页面存档备份,存于) on Perseus
- 約翰·J·奧康納; 埃德蒙·F·羅伯遜, , (英语)
- Antiphon Orations (页面存档备份,存于)
- The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on "Callicles and Thrasymachus" (页面存档备份,存于) discusses the views of Antiphon the Sophist.