循證實踐(英語:,簡稱為:EBP),或循證實務,是一種跨學科的臨床醫學實踐之方法,在1992年正式引入臨床醫學實踐之後一直在不斷的發展。循證實踐始於醫學上之循證醫學(英語:),並已扩展應用到聯合衛生專業、教育、管理、立法及公共政策等相关领域。[1] 循證實踐傳統上是根據三條基本原則,所謂的“三足凳(three legged stool)原則”來定義的:(1).關於治療是否以及為何起作用的最佳研究證據,(2).臨床的專業知識(臨床判斷與經驗),以快速確定每個患者的獨特健康狀況及診斷結果、即如患者們的個人健康風險與潛在醫療處置效益,以及(3).患者的偏好與價值觀。[2][3]
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- DiCenso, A.; Cullum, N.; Ciliska, D. . Evidence Based Nursing. 1998, 1 (2): 38–40 [2018-08-07]. doi:10.1136/ebn.1.2.38. (原始内容存档于2019-10-16).
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- Spring, B.; Neville, K. . Barlow, D.H. (编). . Oxford Library of Psychology Series. Oxford University Press. 2014: 128–49 [2018-08-07]. ISBN 978-0-19-932871-0. (原始内容存档于2020-09-30).
- 循證醫學
- 臨床醫學期刊(Clinical Medicine)
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- NREPP National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices
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- Evidence Based Practice Definitions
- The Joanna Briggs Institute – International Collaborative on Evidence-based Practice in Nursing.
- Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice: A JBI Collaborating Center (页面存档备份,存于)
- Evidence – Communicate leading research in order to promote international cooperation and evidence-based treatments
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- Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice (CAEP) at Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation
- The National Nursing Practice Network (页面存档备份,存于)
- Website about Evidence-Based teaching
- Improvement Science Research Network (页面存档备份,存于)
- Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice
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