尼波山(阿拉伯语: Jabal Nībū; 希伯來語: Har Nevo)是约旦的一个山岭,海拔约680米。圣经中提到,这是摩西得以观看他永远不会进入的应许之地的地点。从山顶可以看到圣地的全景,约旦河西岸的耶利哥,在晴天甚至可以看到耶路撒冷。

根据基督教的传统,摩西被安葬在尼波山,虽然没有指定他的埋葬地点是。一些伊斯兰传统也表示同样的,[2] ,虽然在耶利哥以南11公里、耶路撒冷以东20公里处的旷野有摩西的坟墓[3]。
- Stone marking the entrance to historic Mount Nebo
- Plaque showing the distance from Mount Nebo to various locations
- Structure protecting excavated remains of a church
- Baptismal Font
- Mosaic inscription inside (Offering of Caesarion, at the time of Alexios and Theophilos priests)
- The Brazen Serpent, Mount Nebo.
- Detail of Brazen Serpent statue
- Mosaic at the Basilica of Moses
- Nebo Mountain
- Nebo Mountain
- Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
- Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
- Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
- Mosaics, Nebo Mountain
- 申命记34:1
- Islamic sites in Jordan 的存檔,存档日期2013-11-10.
- Amelia Thomas, Michael Kohn, Miriam Raphael, Dan Savery Raz. . Lonely Planet. 2010: 319 [2013-12-25]. ISBN 9781741044560. (原始内容存档于2014-01-07).
- . [2009-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-15).
- . [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-27).
- Piccirillo, Michele (2009). Mount Nebo (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Guide Books, 2) pp. 107.
- . [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-24).
- Piccirillo, Michele (2009). Mount Nebo. page 17.
- Piccirillo, Michele (2009) Mount Nebo (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Guide Books, 2) pp. 14/15—extract from Fr Sylvester Saller The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo Jerusalem 1941, pp. 15–18.
- Mount Nebo: New Archaeological Excavations: 1967-1997, Michele Piccirillo and Eugenio Alliata
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