2023年2月11日,英国沃灵顿镇伯奇伍德一名16岁跨性别少女布丽安娜·柴(英語:,/dʒaɪ/ JY[2][3],2006年 - 2023年2月11日)于库尔切斯的库尔切斯线性公园(Culcheth Linear Park)遭到杀害[4][5][6][7]。柴郡警方已拘留一男一女两名15岁的嫌疑人[1]。目前,嫌疑人的作案动机还不明确;警方称他们正在探索各种可能性,包括将这起事件作为一宗仇恨犯罪调查[8]。
布丽安娜·柴之死 | |
![]() 柴郡警方发布的柴的照片 | |
位置 | ![]() |
日期 | 2023年2月11日 |
類型 | 刺伤、谋杀 |
死亡 | 1人 |
受害者 | 布丽安娜·柴(Brianna Ghey) |
動機 | 正在调查 |
被告 | 2 |
指控 | 谋杀[1] |
外部 | |
![]() |
2023年2月11日下午,柴在库尔切斯线性公园的一条小路上被人发现,当时身上有多处刀伤[19]。紧急服务于下午3点13分获悉这一情况,而她被当场宣布死亡[19]。英国内政部尸检将会确定死因[19]。2023年2月15日,检察官莉安·加拉格尔(Leanne Gallagher)表示,嫌犯对柴的袭击是“极其残忍且极具惩罚性质的”[1][20][21]。
由于英国法律禁止未成年人获取性别承认证书,柴的死亡证明将很可能对她性别错称[38]。美国民权律师亚历杭德拉·卡拉巴洛写道:“性别批评者不断为之斗争的性别承认法案,以及他们恐怖化、妖魔化的语言,意味着布丽安娜·柴的死亡证明无法将她的性别列为女性。作为最后的侮辱,英国政府官方在她死后也要对她性别错称。”[39] 性别批评者(英语:gender criticals)指那些认为生物性别是真实的、最重要且不可改变的,且不应该和性别认同混淆的女性主义者。他们认为女性主义应当基于生物性别,而非社会性别[40][41][42][43]。推特上有用户发起运动,呼吁英国政府向柴颁发性别承认证书,“这样她才能在死后维持自己的尊严——对这世上其他人来说理所当然的尊严。”[44]
两名15岁的嫌疑人(Scarlett Jenkinson, Eddie Ratcliffe)于2023年2月12日晚被柴郡警方逮捕并拘留[46][47];这其中一名男孩来自利,而另一名女孩来自沃灵顿[48]。警方称该事件为“有针对性的袭击”[11] 并在先前表示没有证据显示该案件为仇恨犯罪之后[8],自2月14日起将该事件作为潜在的仇恨犯罪调查[8]。
2月15日,两名嫌疑人都被法官拒绝保释,被关押于未成年犯管教所,并于次日上午在利物浦皇家法院出庭[48][49]。此次出庭,大卫·奥布里(David Aubrey)法官将其还押于未成年犯管教所,直到预定5月2日举行的预审听证会为止[50]。两名嫌疑人可以但并非必须在这场听证会上选择无罪抗辩或是认罪。他们被还押直至5月11日的另一场听证会[51]。2023年6月的报道称,两名嫌疑人的审判预定于2023年11月27日开始[52]。2023年7月20日的一场预审听证会中,其中一名嫌疑人提出无罪抗辩[53][54]。另一名嫌疑人在同年10月4日的预审听证会上也提出无罪抗辩[55]。审判预计将持续大约三周时间[56]。
柴之死引来她的家人、当地社区、政治家、慈善机构、社会活动家和音乐家的回应。柴的家人称她的死“给我们的家庭留下了一个巨大的空洞”[57]。伯奇伍德社区高中的校长艾玛·米尔斯(Emma Mills)说:“听到布丽安娜的死讯后,我们感到无比震惊和悲痛。”[57] 据英国《独立报》报道,柴学校一位朋友的家长批评警方最初的声明,说:“说实在的,她已经因为她的性取向而被霸凌了。这当然是一起仇恨犯罪。”[14]
英国工党议员道恩·巴特勒发推文说“媒体中任何对她弃名错称,企图抹去布丽安娜的身份的人,都应该为自己感到羞耻。”[58] 另一位工党议员纳蒂亚·惠托姆说“布丽安娜本应有机会长大成年,成为一位漂亮的女性,活着看到一个跨性别者可以安全生活并受到尊重的世界。”[12] 工党前领袖杰里米·科尔宾回应:“她因想做自己而被杀,”“我的心与布丽安娜的家人,以及为安全、尊严和自由而战的跨性别社区同在。”[59]
英国音乐人Yungblud说这场谋杀使他“心碎”。他呼吁“每时每刻都要保护跨性别儿童,并和我们邪恶的政府所推动的反跨情绪和法案进行斗争。”[58][62] 朋克乐队Big Joanie对这起谋杀表达厌恶,并声援“所有仅仅因为其存在而不得不每天为自己的安全和生命感到担忧和恐惧的人们”[58][63]。摇滚乐队Reverend and the Makers说:“布丽安娜·柴的死使我感到非常难过”;他们还发问“为什么就不能对他人友好、尊重一点了呢?”[58][64]
英国部分媒体对柴之死的报道受到了谴责[12][16][65]。跨性别权益组织Trans Safety Network表示,英国一些媒体在报道柴死讯时对她“公开侮辱”[66][67]。BBC新闻和天空新闻台最初的报道中都没有提到柴的跨性别身份[66]。而《泰晤士报》由于从其原先报道中删除了“女孩”(girl)一词并加上了柴的弃名而受到猛烈批评[16][66]。《泰晤士报》后来又对其文章修改,去除了柴的弃名并加回了“女孩”一词[68]。
《玛丽苏》网站谴责英国媒体中的恐跨氛围以及对柴之死的恐跨式报道[16]。人权法教授森托伦·拉杰(Senthorun Raj)说:“我们都有责任挑战媒体和政客将跨性别者非人化的阴险行为。”[39] Novara Media记者阿什·萨卡称她“无法想象一个人该是有多么冷酷,才能选择做出这样的编辑,以在柴死后还要践踏她的尊严。”[66] 工党议员夏洛特·尼科尔斯表示,她将向《泰晤士报》和独立新闻标准组织提交投诉;她说:“无论是谁都完全没有必要在她已经在媒体报道中被标识为跨性别者的情况下对她弃名错称。”[66]
- . Sky News. [2023-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15) (英语).
Prosecutor Leanne Gallagher told the court Brianna's death was 'extremely brutal and punishing'.
- . Sky News. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15) (英国英语).
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- Lynch, Niamh. . Sky News. 2023-02-12 [2023-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
- Kelly, Kieran; Solomons, Adam. . LBC. 2023-02-12 [2023-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
- Humphries, Will; Sandeman, George.
. The Times. 2023-02-12 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-12).
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- Barnes, Jessica. . Warrington Guardian. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
- Holmes, Wesley. . Liverpool Echo. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
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- McMenamin, Lexi. . Teen Vogue. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
Brianna deserved a chance to become a beautiful adult woman, and to live to see a world where trans people are safe and respected.
- Hunte, Ben. . Vice News. 2023-02-14 [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-14).
- James, Liam. . The Independent. 2023-02-14 [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15).
A clip was posted to Brianna's TikTok channel days before she died with the caption: 'Got excluded from school.'", "Let's be frank, she was bullied because of her sexuality. Of course this is a hate crime.
- Ali, Joe. . PinkNews. 2023-02-14 [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-14).
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- Mata, William. . The Independent. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-19).
- Murray, Jessica. . The Guardian. 2023-02-12 [2023-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-12).
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I know that the family have also been overwhelmed by the messages of support, positivity and the compassion across the country and beyond – and the thoughts of everyone at the Constabulary remains firmly with them.
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Alejandra Caraballo wrote: 'Important to note. The gender recognition act that the gender criticals keep fighting, with horrific, demonising language, means that Brianna Ghey's death certificate cannot list her gender as female. As a final insult, the English government will officially misgender her in death.'" "Professor in human rights law, Senthorun Raj, wrote: 'Young trans people deserve to thrive in a world that nurtures their humanity.'
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Ms Forstater is a tax expert and a feminist and is the protagonist in a bitter legal battle about sex, gender and free speech.
- Observer editorial. . Observer. 2021-06-27 [2021-06-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-07).
'Gender-critical' beliefs refer to the view that someone's sex – whether they are male or female – is biological and immutable and cannot be conflated with someone's gender identity, whether they identify as a man or a woman. The belief that the patriarchal oppression of women is grounded partly in their biological sex, not just the social expression of gender, and that women therefore have the right to certain single-sex spaces and to organise on the basis of biological sex if they so wish, represents a long-standing strand of feminist thinking. Other feminists disagree, believing that gender identity supersedes biological sex altogether.
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As announced in 2020, we believe the Gender Recognition Act 2004 is effective, strikes the right balance and allows for those who wish to legally change their sex.
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- Halliday, Josh; corespondent, Josh Halliday North of England. . The Guardian. 2023-02-15 [2023-02-15]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15) (英国英语).
- Barlow, Eleanor. . The Independent. 16 February 2023 [20 February 2023]. (原始内容存档于20 February 2023) (英语).
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- Vinter, Robyn. . The Guardian. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
The loss of her young life has left a massive hole in our family, and we know that the teachers and her friends who were involved in her life will feel the same." "We are shocked and truly devastated to hear of the death of Brianna.
- Jones, Damian. . NME. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
Anyone in the media who is using her deadname trying to erase Brianna's identity should be ashamed of themselves.
- Factora, James. . Them. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-14).
Former Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted that “she was killed because she wanted to be herself,” and added, “My thoughts are with Brianna's family and the trans community fighting for safety, dignity and liberation.”
- . Sky News. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
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- Kelleher, Patrick. . PinkNews. 2023-02-13 [2023-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-13).
A 16-year-old girl has been taken from her friends and family when her life was only just beginning. I cannot fathom the callousness involved in making the editorial decision to violate her dignity in death.
- @trans_safety. (推文). 2023-02-13 –Twitter.
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- Lavietes, Matt. . NBC News. 2023-02-15 [2023-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15) (英语).
The climate in the U.K. has grown increasingly hostile for trans people over the last few years.
- Smith, Raven. . Vogue. 2023-02-14 [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-15).
But there's a near-constant questioning of trans rights that reinforces the idea that trans men and women are trying to fool us, to trick us, that their deeply personal gender identity is an affront to the status quo and how we live.
柴的TikTok账户链接 (失效)