希律堡(古希臘語:,阿拉伯语:,希伯來語:,拉丁语:Herodium)是犹太人建立的一個堡垒和城镇,位于现在的約旦河西岸地區(約旦河西岸C區)[1][2],地處耶路撒冷以南12公里,伯利恆东南5公里[3][4]。希律堡的名字來自大希律王,建于公元前23至前15年间[5][6][7]。 希律堡的高度為758米。 [8]
- (PDF). [2023-10-18]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-06-19).
- Jonathan Cook, 'Herod exhibit digs up controversy,' (页面存档备份,存于) 半岛电视台 1 Mar 2013: 'Both the archeological sites at Herodium and Jericho are regulated by the Civil Administration, a body of military officials who oversee Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories.
- Finding King Herod’s Tomb (页面存档备份,存于): "Long an object of scholarly as well as popular fascination, Herodium, also called Herodeion, was first positively identified in 1838 by the American scholar Edward Robinson, who had a knack for locating biblical landmarks."
- Robinson, Edward; Smith, Eli. . Murray. 1841: 173.
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- Nir Hasson. . Haaretz. October 11, 2013 [2023-10-18]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-27).
- Joseph Patrich and Benjamin Arubas. . Palestine Exploration Quarterly. 2015, 147 (4): 299–315. S2CID 162456557. doi:10.1179/1743130114Y.0000000018.
- Isachar Canetti, Hedva; Isachar, Hanan; Hazel Arieli; Moshe Yanai. . Hanan Isachar Photography. 2004: 71. ISBN 9789652800855.
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