廣州大屠殺 (唐代)
黄巢在879年攻陷廣州後,屠殺當地的猶太人、穆斯林、基督徒、拜火教徒,後由於疾病在軍中流行而撤走。受害者主要是外國人和富商。事發後數年,阿拔斯王朝兩個學者Abu Zaid al Hassan of Siraf和马苏第分別估算死亡人數為12萬和20萬,現代學術界認為這兩個數字都誇大了實際死亡數。[2]
- Marshall Broomhall. . Morgan & Scott, Limited. 1910: 31, 50.
- Rossabi, Morris. . John Wiley & Sons. 2013: 198 [2022-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-16).
An Arab account written by Abu Zaid of Siraf within a couple of decades of Huang's rebellion estimated that Huang's forces massacred 120,000 Muslims, Jews, and other foreigners. Arab historian al-Mas'udi, in a text written in the mid tenth century, put the figure at 200,000. Both numbers are inflated, but they nonetheless indicate that the rebels attributed some of China's problems to the exploitation of foreigners, particularly merchants.
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