
用手遮胸的女性模特兒Michele Merkin

手掌胸罩在珍妮特·杰克逊1993年9月《滚石》杂志上的封面照片而名声大噪,在該張照片中,珍妮特·杰克逊上半身半裸,乳房部份被她當時的先生瑞尼·艾力臧多用手掌擋住,此照片后来被称作“史上最受欢迎封面”。[2][3]这个姿势为男性杂志所惯用,例如《FHM》、《Maxim》 及《Zoo Weekly》[4][5]等偏爱穿着暴露B级片女性演員和模特兒的杂志。[6][7][8]
1994年7月,罗纳德·里根之女帕蒂·戴维斯(Patti Davis)由另外一名模特兒为她挡住乳房的照片,成为《花花公子》的封面。摄影師拉斐尔·马左科(Rafael Mazzocc)拍摄了一组由6个女人组成的手胸罩作为2006年《运动画刊》泳装特刊的封面,和一张玛莉莎·米勒用手遮住自己的胸部,以iPod挡住自己的女阴的照片作为2007年泳装特刊的封面。[9]
一个名为「Boobs in Hand Bras」的iPhone程序展示了许多女人摆出手胸罩姿势的照片。[11]
- . 《典藏今藝術》. 2010, (9): 134–135.
- Phil Rosenthal. . Chicago Sun-Times. February 3, 2004 [2007-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-13).
And Jackson, who has a CD coming out, is no stranger to using her breasts to sell her music. Remember the handbra on the cover of Rolling Stone in 1993? Or the nipple ring on the cover of Vibe in 1997? Or the cover for her last album, All For You, in which she was nude, obscured only by a sheet?
- Ogunnaike, Lola. . The New York Times. February 4, 2004 [2007-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-01).
In 1993 she posed topless for the cover of Rolling Stone. Then, her nipples were obscured by a pair of male hands, not a silver broach.
- . Shot Addict. [2007-11-29]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-16).
Recently several popular glamour magazines known as lad mags are reversing the trend by emphasizing glamour while showing less nudity, in favor of implied (covered) nudity or toplessness such as the handbra technique. Examples include FHM (For Him Magazine) and Maxim magazines, which launched in 1994 and 1995, respectively.
- . Press Gazette. (原始内容存档于2011-05-17).
The deal has fallen through over a suggestion she do 'hand bra'.
- Janice Turner. . London: The Guardian. October 22, 2005 [2007-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2007-06-15).
The cover model's breast is partially concealed by her cupped hand. 'We call that shot "hand-bra",' says Paul Merrill, launch editor of Zoo and now in charge of international editions, 'We use that a lot.' He flicks to a cover showing a model whose hair extensions cover her nipples: 'This is hair-bra,' he says.
- . Zoo Weekly. [2007-11-29].
Besides being amazingly bootylicous, the Shire gal loves to watch The Family Guy and drink vodka cranberries... all at the same time. Let's hope she does this like her Janet Jackson style profile pic. Three cheers for hand bra!
- . Zoo Weekly. [2007-11-29].
You can't beat a babe who is happy to sex it up with a hand-bra.
- . SI Cover Search. Time Inc. 2006-02-17 [2008-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2007-01-26).
- . [2007-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2007-04-29).
- . [2010-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-08).
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