





古希腊哲学中,对于技艺的观点是这样的:技艺来源于对自然的摹仿(例如,编织的技艺来源于观看蜘蛛)。古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特德谟克里特支持这样的观点。[1] 亚里士多德在它的著作《物理学》中也同意经常出现摹仿的情况,但是他认为,技艺可以超越自然,完成“自然不能达到的终点”。[4] 亚里士多德还论证,自然(physis)和技艺在本体论上可以区分,因为自然的东西其产生与运动都有内在的原则支配,也有目的论的最终原因。然而,技艺是由外部的原因以及外部的目的造成。[5]自然事物争取某些结果,从而繁衍生息;然而技艺却不会这样。在柏拉图的《蒂邁歐篇》中,世界被描述为是神圣造物主(巨匠造物主)的创造物,用永恒的样式制作,正如巧匠用蓝图制作事物一样。还有,柏拉图认为在法律篇中论证,工匠应当模仿巨匠造物主。



罗马帝国时代和古典时代后期(late antiquity),有很多著作诸如《维特鲁威》的《建筑十书》(前1世纪)、阿格里科拉的《坤舆格致》(1556)等等。中世纪经院哲学普遍支持传统中对于技术的观念,认为是对自然的摹仿。文艺复兴时期,弗兰西斯·培根成为了社会上第一个反映技术影响力的作家。在他的乌托邦著作《新亚特兰蒂斯》(1627)中,培根阐述了他这样一个乐观的世界观,虚构了萨洛门的房子,用自然哲学和技术去扩展人对自然的能力(power),从而构建更好的社会,提高人的生活水平等等。






当代对科技感兴趣的哲学家,还包括:尚·布希亞Albert BorgmannAndrew Feenberg兰登·温纳唐娜·哈拉维Avital RonellBrian HolmesDon Ihde布鲁诺·拉图尔Paul LevinsonErnesto Mayz VallenillaCarl MitchamLeo MarxGilbert Simondon劉易斯·芒福德雅克·埃吕尔贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒保羅·維希留Günter RopohlNicole C. Karafyllis理查·桑內特Álvaro Vieira Pinto,以及George Grant

Technology and neutrality

技术决定论 is the idea that "features of technology [determine] its use and the role of a progressive society was to adapt to [and benefit from] technological change."[8] The alternative perspective would be social determinism which looks upon society being at fault for the "development and deployment"[9] of technologies. Lelia Green used recent gun massacres such as the Port Arthur Massacre and the 鄧伯蘭完全中學校園大屠殺 to selectively show technological determinism and 社會決定論. According to Green, a technology can be thought of as a neutral entity only when the sociocultural context and issues circulating the specific technology are removed. It will be then visible to us that there lies a relationship of social groups and power provided through the possession of technologies.



  1. Franssen, Maarten; Lokhorst, Gert-Jan; van de Poel, Ibo; Zalta, Edward N., Ed. . [[史丹佛哲學百科全書|]]. Spring 2010 [May 15, 2014]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-05).
  2. Marquit, Erwin. . 1995 [25 September 2015]. (原始内容存档于15 October 2015). Section 2, paragraph 10. Published in vol. 13 of the Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (entry “Technology, Philosophy of”), pp. 417–29. VCH Publishers, Weinheim, Germany, 1995.
    • Ernst Kapp: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Technik. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Cultur aus neuen Gesichtspunkten (Braunschweig/Brunswick 1877, Reprint Düsseldorf 1978, Engl. Translation Chicago 1978).
  3. Aristotle, Physics II.8, 199a15
  4. Aristotle, Physics II
    1. The Outdatedness of Human Beings 1. On the Soul in the Era of the Second Industrial Revolution. 1956 # The Outdatedness of Human Beings 2. On the Destruction of Life in the Era of the Third Industrial Revolution.
  5. Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, 1958.
  6. Green, Lelia. . Crows Nest, Australia: Allen & Unwin. 2001: 2.
  7. Green, Lelia. . Crows Nest, Australia: Allen & Unwin. 2001: 3.


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