抗輻射奇異球菌 | |
抗輻射奇異球菌 | |
科学分类 | |
域: | 细菌域 Bacteria |
界: | 细菌界 Bacteria |
门: | 奇异球菌门 Deinococcota |
纲: | 异常球菌纲 Deinococci |
目: | 奇异球菌目 Deinococcales |
科: | 奇异球菌科 Deinococcaceae |
属: | 奇异球菌属 Deinococcus |
种: | 抗輻射奇異球菌 D. radiodurans |
二名法 | |
Deinococcus radiodurans Brooks & Murray, 1981 | |
- Microbe of the Week page from the University of Missouri-Rolla
- Taxonomy of Deinococcus (页面存档备份,存于)
- Microbial Biorealm entry from Kenyon College
- Downloadable D. radiodurans publications
- Deinococcus radiodurans Genome Page
- Meet Conan the Bacterium -- Humble microbe could become -- The Accidental (Space) Tourist
- Deinococcus-Thermus: Adaptations to "nearly out of this world" environments -- Tree of Life project (页面存档备份,存于)
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