
拓荒者广场(Pioneer Square)是美国华盛顿州西雅圖一个街区,位于市中心的西南角。此处曾经是该市的心脏:1855年,西雅图的创建者定居于此。取代在埃利奥特湾(Elliott Bay)那一边只有6个月的居民点Alki Point。街区的早期建筑大多是木结构,几乎全部毁于1889年西雅图大火。到1890年年底,已经建起了数十座砖石建筑物;这些19世纪后期的建筑大多为理查森罗曼式,构成了该街区的建筑特色[2][3]

NRHP编号70000086,78000341,88000739 [1]

这个街区得名于第一大道(First Avenue)和 Yesler Way路口附近的一个三角形的小广场,最初称为Pioneer Place[4]拓荒者广场-滚木路历史区(Pioneer Square-Skid Road Historic District)是包括广场和邻近的街块的历史区,被列入国家史迹名录

拓荒者广场街区缺乏明确的边界,大致西到阿拉斯加路(Alaskan Way),超出部分是埃利奥特湾的码头;南到国王街(King Street),超出部分是SoDo;东到第五大道,超出部分是国际区(International District);北面超过Yesler Way以北一辆个街块,超出部分是市中心其余部分。由于Yesler Way 是两种不同布局的边界,Yesler以北的街道网格与该区的其他街道并不衔接(也不符合指南针),所以该区的北部边界沿着许多街道曲折延伸。

在一些地方,拓荒者广场-滚木路历史区超出了这些边界,包括第四大道以东的联合车站(Union Station),以及国王街以南的几个街块[5]



  1. . National Register Information System / National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 31 December 2007. (原始内容存档于2009年8月29日).
  2. Pioneer Square Preservation District 页面存档备份,存于, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Accessed 29 November 2007.
  3. Jeffrey Karl Ochsner, and Dennis Alan Andersen, Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H. H. Richardson, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 2003. ISBN 0-295-98238-1. passim.
  4. Jones, Nard, , Garden City, New York: Doubleday: 195, 1972, ISBN 0385018754
  5. Map near top of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Administrative History, Chapter 11: Establishing the Seattle Unit 页面存档备份,存于. Accessed online 26 November 2007.


  • Andrews, Mildred Tanner, editor, Pioneer Square: Seattle's Oldest Neighborhood, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London 2005.
  • Buerge, David, Seattle in the 1880s, Historical Society of Seattle and King County, Seattle 1986.
  • Morgan, Murray, Skid Road, Ballantine Books (1960).
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, “After the Fire: The Influence of H. H. Richardson on the Rebuilding of Seattle, 1889-1894,” Columbia 17 (Spring 2003), pages 7–15.
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H.H.Richardson, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London 2003.
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, “Meeting the Danger of Fire: Design and Construction in Seattle after 1889.” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 93 (Summer 2002), pages 115-126.
  • Warren, James R., The Day Seattle Burned: June 6, 1889, Seattle 1989.


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