拿破崙·沙尼翁(Napoleon Alphonseau Chagnon,發音: /ˈʃæɡnən/ SHAG-nən,1938年8月27日—2019年9月21日)[1]生于美国密歇根州奧斯丁港,美國人類學家。
沙尼翁生於密西根州的奧斯丁港,在家中十二個兄弟姊妹當中排行老二。[2]他就讀密西根大學,1961年獲學士學位,1963年獲碩士學位,1966 年在懷特的指導下,取得博士學位。[3]
沙尼翁因著有1968年出版的民族誌《亞諾瑪米人:殘暴的人群》(Yanomamö: The Fierce People)而出名。這本書出版超過五版,經常用在大學部的人類學導論課程的文本,成為長銷不墜的人類學文本。沙尼翁也是視覺人類學領域的先驅。他與民族誌電影導演蒂姆·阿施(Tim Asch)長期合作,並產生了一系列記錄亞諾瑪米人生活的二十多部民族誌影片。
沙尼翁在美國密蘇里大學擔任人類學教授。2000年,帕特里克·蒂爾尼(Patrick Tierney)寫了一本書《黃金國的黑暗面》(Darkness in El Dorado),指責沙尼翁加劇了居住在亞馬孫河流域的亞諾瑪米人(Yanomamo)的麻疹疫情,而且在不顧當地人福祉的情況下進行人體研究等等。《紐約時報》的一位評論員在《紐約時報雜誌》的人物特寫報導中,將蒂爾尼的指控當成事實,將沙尼翁稱為美國“最具爭議的”人類學家。此事發生在沙尼翁當時的最新作品、科學回憶錄《高貴的野蠻人:我在兩個危險部族——亞諾瑪米人和人類學家——之間的生活》(Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes—the Yanomamö and the Anthropologists)出版之前。這些指控毀滅了他的職業生涯,並迫使他提前退休。[2]
- Chagnon, Napoleon A, (unpublished PhD dissertation), Ann Arbor, MI: Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, 1966
- Chagnon, Napoleon A, , 1968.
- ———, , New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974.
- ———, , 1992.
- ———; Cronk, Lee; Irons, William, , 2002.
- ———, , 2013.
- Chagnon, Napoleon A, , FRIED, M (编), , New York: Garden City, 1986
- ———, , Willey & Chichester (编), , Ciba Foundation Symposium, 1995
- ———, , HARRISON, A; BOYCE, A (编), , Oxford, 1972
- ———, , ROMNEY, AK; DEVORE, PL (编), , Cambridge, 1973
- ———, , FRIED, M (编), , New York: Crowell, 1973
- ———, , GROSS, DR (编), , New York: Garden City, 1973
- ———, , GOULD, R (编), , New York: Harper & Row, 1977
- ———, , COPPENHAVER, D (编), , New York: Prager, 1977
- ———, , CHAGNON, N; IRONS, W (编), , North Scituate: Duxbury, 1979
- ———, , CHAGNON, N; IRONS, W (编), , North Scituate: Duxbury, 1979
- ———, , WIEGELE, T (编), , Boulder: Westview, 1982
- ———, , GROUP, KSCS (编), , New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982
- ———; Ayers, M; Neel, JV; Weitkamp, L; Gershowitz, H, , HULSE, FS (编), , New York: Random House, 1975
- ———; Bugos, PE, , CHAGNON, Napoleon A; IRONS, W (编), , North Scituate: Duxbury Press, 1979
- ———; Flinn, MV; Melancon, TF, , CHAGNON, Napoleon; IRONS, W (编), , North Scituate: Duxbury Press, 1979
- Chagnon, Napoleon A, , Natural History LXXVII, 1967a, LXXVII: 22–31
- ———, , Natural History LXXVI, 1967b, LXXVI: 44–48
- ———, , International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 3, 1968a, 3: 249–55
- ———, , Natural History LXXVII, 1968b, LXXVII: 34–41
- ———, , Annual Report of the UCLA Archaeological Survey 12, 1970, 12: 1–25
- ———, , GROSS, DR (编), , New York: Garden City, 1973
- ———, , Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 19, 1975, 19: 95–110
- ———, , National Geographic Magazine 150, 1976, 150: 210–23
- ———, , Working papers on South American Indians 2, 1980, 2: 111–30
- ———, , Contemporary Anthropology, 1981: 11–24
- ———, , Science 239, 1988, 239: 985–92
- ———, , Science 244, 1989, 244: 11
- ———, , Current Anthropology 31, 1990, 31: 49–53
- ———; Ayres, M; Neel, JV; Weitkamp, L; Gershowitz, H, , American Journal of Physical Anthropology 32, 1970, 32: 339–49
- ———; Hames, RB, , Science 203, 1979, 203: 910–13
- ———; Le Quesne, P; Cook, JM, , Current Anthropology 12, 1971, 12: 72–74
- ———; Margolies, L; Gasparini, G; Hames, RB, , Boletin Indigenista Venezolano 21 (VZ), 1982–83, 21: 171–225 (西班牙语)
- The Yanomamo Series, in collaboration with Tim Asch, includes 22 separate films on the Yanomamo culture, such as:
- The Ax Fight (1975)
- Children's Magical Death (1974)
- Magical Death (1988)
- A Man Called Bee: A Study of the Yanomamo (1974)
- Yanomamo Of the Orinoco (1987)
- Yanomamo Filmography list, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 雖然他的姓Chagnon依據法語發音可譯為“沙尼翁”,但他使用美國式的發音。台灣譯本多依據此一理由譯為夏儂。
- Eakin, Emily. . New York Times. 13 February 2013 [19 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-09).
- . Alumni Authors Series. Alumni Association of the University of Michigan. [20 February 2013].
- Silva, Stacey. (PDF). The Daily Nexus. 1988-01-20 [2008-10-23]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-10-31).
- Ritchie, Mark Andrew. "Pulling His Eye Down", Spirit of the Rainforest, Island Lake Press, Chicago, 1996.
- McGee, Jon R. & Warms, Richard L. "Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History", Texas State University, San Marcos, 2008. ISBN 0-07-340522-1
- Official faculty website at UCSB
- Silva, Stacey. "Meeting The Fierce People" (页面存档备份,存于), Daily Nexus, 20 January 1988.
- D'Antonio, Michael. "Napoleon Chagnon's War of Discovery" (页面存档备份,存于), LA Times Magazine, 30 January 2000.
- Grossman, Andrew. "Napoleon Chagnon's Waterloo", The Dartmouth Review, 30 October 2000.
- Wallace, Scott. "Napoleon in Exile", National Geographic Adventure Magazine, April 2002.
- Emily Eakin, "How Napoleon Chagnon became our most Controversial Anthropologist" (页面存档备份,存于), New York Times, 13 February 2013.