摩门教大隊(Mormon Battalion)是在美墨戰爭1846-1848年創建的一支美國軍隊,其成員幾乎都是耶穌基督後期聖徒教會(摩門教)的信徒。摩門大隊是美國軍事史上唯一的一支宗教性軍事部隊。該大隊並未參加軍事衝突,主要工作是鋪設道路和修建要塞。大隊的人數約有500多人。一些摩爾門大隊的退伍軍人後來在加州發現金礦,成為加州淘金潮之始[1]。
- The Discovery of Gold in California 的存檔,存档日期2008-07-02., John Sutter, Hutchings’ California Magazine, November 1857: The Mormons did not like to leave my mill unfinished, but they got the gold fever like everybody else. After they had made their piles they left for the Great Salt Lake. So long as these people have been employed by me they hav[sic] behaved very well, and were industrious and faithful laborers, and when settling their accounts there was not one of them who was not contented and satisfied.
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