



  • 基于网页指应用安装于网页服务器上(通常要求MySQL或其他数据库作後段,以及使用PHPPerlPython或者其他网页编程语言以供前段存取程式使用)
  • 中央托管网站
软件 开发者 首次公开发行 最新稳定版本推出日期 最新稳定版本 价钱(美元 是否免費軟件 协议 备注
Aigaion Aigaion 开发者 2005-01 2013-05-08 2.2 免费 GNU GPL 基于网页 (Apache, PHP, MySQL)
Bebop ALaRI研究所 2007-11-08 2009-11-10 1.1 免费 BSD 基于网页 BibTeX 前段 (Apache, PHP, MySQL)
BibBase Christian Fritz 2005 2013-07 v3 免费 专有 中央托管网站,用於頁面出版。
BibDesk BibDesk 开发者 2002-04 2016-07-19 1.6.7 免费 BSD BibTeX前段和版本库
Biblioscape CG Information 1997 2015-06-22 US$79-299[註 1] 专有 ODBC;高级版可以通过网页访问;可选的客户端/服务器端
BibSonomy 卡塞尔大学 2006-01 2016-12-02 3.7.0 免费 AGPL, GPL, LGPL[1] 中央托管网站
Bibus Bibus 开发者 2004-06-03 2009-12-01 1.5.1 免费 GNU GPL
Bookends Sonny Software 1988 (Mac) / 1983 (Apple II+) 2016-01-30 12.6.5 [2] US$60[3] 专有 集成搜索;PDF下载;自动完成
Citavi Swiss Academic Software 2006-02-13 2016-09-22 5.4 US$79-219 / 100个索引以下项目免费[註 2] 专有 data can be saved locally, or, for team access, in an intranet Microsoft SQL Server, or on Windows Azure;[5] search databases from interface[6]
CiteULike Oversity Limited 2004-11 ? 免费 proprietary[註 3] 中央托管网站
colwiz colwiz Ltd 2011 2016-05-09 Free / Online storage free up to 3 GB / Additional storage space available 专有 Desktop (Win, Mac, Linux) & Web components, iOS and Android
Docear 奥托·冯·格里克大学马格德堡分校加州大学伯克利分校 2009-05-11 2015-12-02 1.2 免费 GNU GPL Java编写的BibTeX管理接口的思维导图软件
EndNote 科睿唯安 1988 2017-07-19 X8.0.2 US$299.95[註 1] 专有 有免費的EndNote basic 页面存档备份,存于 (之稱EndNote Web) 网上账号
F1000Workspace F1000/Science Navigation Group 2015-05 Continually updated online Institutional access – varies with size of institute / Personal subscription $9.99/month / Free Trial Version 专有 基于网页, Microsoft Word plug-in (Win, Mac), Google Docs add-on, browser extension(s) Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 11, mobile app available
JabRef JabRef 开发者 2003-11-29 2017-01-29 3.8.2 免费 GNU GPL Java编写的BibTeXBibLaTeX管理器
KBibTeX KBibTeX 开发者 2005-08 2015-08-09 0.6 免费 GNU GPL BibTeX 前段,使用KDE Software Compilation
Mendeley Elsevier 2008-08 2016 1.16.1 Free / Online storage free up to 2 GB / Additional storage space available proprietary (OS API clients exist) 需要戶口,提供桌面及網上部份,有Windows, Linux, OS X, iPhone & iPad, Android的客戶端。
Paperpile Stefan Washietl, Gregorgy Jordan, Andreas Gruber 2013 Continually updated online US$2.99/month for academics, 9.99/month otherwise 专有 web-application, integrates with Google Docs, collaboration & sharing features, currently only on Google Chrome
Papers Labtiva 2007 2016-05-11 3.4.5 US$79[註 1] 专有 基于接口的搜索版本库;支持插件和iOS应用
Pybliographer pybliographer开发者 1998-10-30 (0.2) 2014-11-30 免费 GNU GPL Python/GTK2
Qiqqa Qiqqa 2010-04 2016-09 v79 Free, Freemium and Premium versions 专有 桌面;平板電腦;托管网站;內聯網
ReadCube Labtiva 2011-10 2016-09-20 v2.22.13732 Free desktop & mobile app / Cloud Storage $5/month, $55/year 专有 Desktop (Mac/PC) & Web components, personalized recommendations, private group sharing, integrated web search, enhanced PDF reader, iOS App, Android
refbase refbase开发者 2003-06-03 2014-02-28 0.9.6 免费 GNU GPL 基于网页 for institutional repositories/self-archiving[7]
RefDB refdb开发者 2001-04-25 2007-11-05 0.9.9 免费 GNU GPL 公开网络;XML/SGML目录
RefME RefME 2014 持續於網上更新 免费 专有 有網頁、iOS及Android版本;提供Chrome與Safari的插件
Reference Manager 汤森路透 1984 2010 12.0.3 從2015年12月31日起不再售賣 专有 可用的网络版;自带网页发布工具;不再售賣
Referencer Referencer 开发者 2008-03-15 2014-02-27 1.2.2 免费 GNU GPL BibTeX前端
RefWorks RefWorks / ProQuest 2001 2013 每年US$100 专有 托管网站,以瀏覽器存取,中央統籌程式
SciRef Scientific Programs 2012 2012-11-20 1.0 US$38.90 / Free trial version 专有
Sente Third Street Software, Inc. 2004 2015 6.7.9 US$60–80[註 1] / Free for libraries up to 100 refs 专有 桌面和iPad,中央备份和同步
Wikindx Mark Grimshaw 2004-02 2014-08 4.2.2 免费 GNU GPL 基于网页
WizFolio WizPatent 2008-06 2011-01 Avatara US$25 / 基础版免费 专有 中央托管网站; discontinued, service ends December 2017
Zotero 乔治梅森大学羅伊·羅森茨維格歷史與新媒體中心 2006-10-05 2021-01-11 5.0.95 [8] 免费 / 至多300 MB的免费在线储存空间 / 可获得额外的储存空间 AGPL 提供多平台桌面版本应用,并提供FirefoxChromeSafari版本的连接器。 能在网页端通过 Zotero.org,或是线上同步储存服务(Google Drive、Dropbox等)访问文库。



Software Windows Mac OS X Linux ChromeOS BSD Unix iOS App Android App Windows App
Aigaion ?
Bebop ?
BibBase 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 ? ? ?
BibDesk ? Third-party - PocketBib ? ?
BibSonomy 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 ? ? ?
Bibus 實驗性質 ?
Bookends ? ? ?
CiteULike 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 不適用 ? ? ?
colwiz ?
Docear ? ? ? ?
F1000Workspace 即将到来 即将到来
KBibTeX 實驗性質 實驗性質 ?
(requires Chrome)

(requires Chrome)
Papers [9] ? third party - EZPaperz[10] or Aziz, Lite! [11]
Pybliographer 部份[12] 部份[12] ?
Qiqqa ?
ReadCube ?
refbase ?
RefDB ?
Reference Manager [13] ?
Referencer ? ? ? ?
RefWorks[14] ? ? ? ?
SciRef ? ? ? ?
Sente ? [15] ? ?
WizFolio ? ? ? ?
Zotero ? third party third party - Aziz, Lite![11]



Software BibTeX Endnote/Refer/BibIX Medline MODS XML RIS Other
Aigaion none
Bebop unAPI
BibBase none
BibDesk Endnote XML, user customizable
BibSonomy various
Bibus SQLite
Bookends various user-customizable
Citavi various
CiteULike COinS, Delicious
colwiz EndNote XML, CSL formatted HTML
Docear BibTeXML, DocBook, OpenDocument for OO.o, SQL database, user-customizable
EndNote various[16]
F1000Workspace CSV
JabRef BibTeXML, DocBook, HTML, OpenDocument for OO.o, RTF, SQL database, user-customizable
KBibTeX 依情況[17] PDF, PostScript, HTML, XML, RTF
Mendeley Endnote XML
Paperpile none
Papers Bookends, CSV, Endnote XML, PDF
Pybliographer Ovid
ReadCube none
Qiqqa none
refbase COinS, OpenDocument for OO.o, SRW XML via SRU, unAPI, Word XML
RefDB SRW XML via SRU web service, DocBook, TEI
Reference Manager MEDLARS, TSV, CSV, Reference Manager XML, user-customizable
Referencer none
RefWorks various[18]
SciRef Plain text, RTF
Sente user-customizable
Wikindx COinS, RTF, HTML, ADS, Word BIB
Zotero as of version 4.0[19] RDF, TEI, Wikipedia citation templates, Endnote XML


下表列出了不连接特定数据库即可直接导入进文献管理软件的文件格式。许多文件格式跟对应的数据库同名(如Copac, CSA, ISI, Medline, Ovid, PubMed, 以及 SciFinder)。有关数据库检索(而非从文件导入)引文的功能,请参阅下方的数据库连接表

Software BibTeX Copac CSA Endnote/Refer/BibIX ISI Medline MODS XML Ovid PubMed RIS SciFinder Other
Aigaion none
Bebop none
BibBase none
BibDesk MARC, JSTOR, Reference Miner
Biblioscape  ?
BibSonomy Firefox bookmarks
Bibus none
Bookends various ; user-customizable
Citavi various
CiteULike none
colwiz with built-in browser, bookmarklet
Docear BibTexML, Biblioscape, Biomail, Inspec, JSTOR, MSBib, PDF widh XMP annotations, REPEC (NEP), SilverPlatter, SixPack
EndNote [20] various[21]
F1000Workspace EndNote XML, NBIB from PubMed, Medline, PDF
JabRef BibTexML, Biblioscape, Biomail, Inspec, JSTOR, MSBib, PDF widh XMP annotations, REPEC (NEP), SilverPlatter, SixPack
KBibTeX 依情況[17] none
Mendeley Browser bookmarks
Paperpile PDF
Papers Endnote ENW, Endnote XML, CHM eBook, PDF
Pybliographer none
Qiqqa none
ReadCube none
refbase RefWorks
RefDB [17] [17] [17] [17] MARC, risx
Reference Manager various;[22] user-customizable
Referencer none
RefWorks various[23]
SciRef  ?
Sente Dublin Core, Marc21 SUTRS, JSTOR, SilverPlatter
Wikindx 依情況[17] 依情況[17] 依情況[17] ISI, BibReX LaTeX
WizFolio Internet Browser bookmarks[24]
Zotero[25] [註 4] [註 4] COinS, MARC, RDF, unAPI, Browser bookmarks, Endnote XML


Software APA Chicago/Turabian Harvard MLA Other Extension method
Bebop none none
BibBase none none
BibDesk yes various BibDesk export templates
Biblioscape 2000+ styles GUI style editor
BibSonomy none none
Bibus user-contributed bibus format (through GUI)
Bookends various ?
Citavi Any BibTeX style, plus 8000+ Citavi styles. Styles for journals are created upon request and centrally corrected Citavi format, conditions and programmable components supported (through GUI)
CiteULike various none
colwiz 6750+ styles CSL
Docear any BibTeX style BibTeX
EndNote 6506 styles EndNote format (through GUI)
F1000Workspace 7,500+ styles CSL
JabRef any BibTeX style BibTeX
KBibTeX any BibTeX style BibTeX
Mendeley 6781 styles CSL
Paperpile 6837+ styles CSL
Papers 6390+ styles CSL
Pybliographer none Pybliographer XML
Qiqqa 6390+ styles BibTeX and CSL
ReadCube 6390+ styles BibTeX and CSL
refbase various polar & marine journals PHP
RefDB Various biomedical & law journals XML (citestylex.dtd), interactive script
Reference Manager various Template:GUI style editor
Referencer ? ? ? ? ? ?
RefWorks various RefWorks format through GUI
SciRef various SciRef format through GUI
Sente various Sente format through GUI
Wikindx BMJ, IEEE, Built-in style editor to create your own OSBIB
WizFolio various WizFolio format (through GUI)
Zotero 9100+ styles CSL

Reference list file formats

Software HTML LaTeX[註 5] RTF Plain text RSS Other
Aigaion ?
Bebop unAPI
BibDesk Atom, DOC, PDF, XML,
BibSonomy OpenOffice-CSV
Bookends clipboard
Citavi [註 6] clipboard, DOC, ODT, PDF, HTML
CiteULike PDF
colwiz PDF
Docear ? clipboard
EndNote clipboard, XML
F1000Workspace PDF
JabRef clipboard
Mendeley clipboard, embeddable HTML widget, RSS
Paperpile ? ? ? ? ? ?
Papers ? ? PDF
Pybliographer ?
ReadCube PDF
refbase Markdown, PDF, unAPI
RefDB ? DocBook, TEI
Reference Manager clipboard
Referencer ? ? ? ? ? ?
RefWorks 部份[註 7] DOC, ODT
SciRef Doc, others
Sente clipboard
Wikindx Multiple via BibUtils plug-in
WizFolio clipboard, DOC
Zotero Possible via plugins[27] Possible via plugins[27] clipboard


有些引文管理软件支持在文字处理工具里自动嵌入、排版引文。下面列出了这些软件对Microsoft Word, 苹果 Pages, Apache OpenOffice / LibreOffice Writer, LaTeX 编辑器 KileLyX, 以及 Google Docs的支持情况。 还有些工具能够扫描RTF或者其他格式中插入的占位符,并在随后进行格式化,表格中也列举了这种支持形式。 许多引文管理软件支持粘贴或者拖拽(文本形式的)引文到任何编辑器,但这里讨论的不是此类功能。

Software Word for Windows Word for Mac Pages Apache OpenOffice / LibreOffice Kile/LyX Google Docs RTF scan[28] Other
Aigaion none
Bebop none
BibBase none
BibDesk ? ? ?
Biblioscape ? WordPerfect
BibSonomy none
Bibus ? ? ? none
Bookends ? Mellel, Nisus
Citavi [29] OpenDocument Text scan, LEd, Texmaker, TeXnicCenter, TeXstudio, TeXworks, WinEdt, WinShell
CiteULike none
colwiz ? ? ? NeoOffice , Star Office
Docear ? ? ? Emacs, Vim, WinEdt
F1000Workspace Manuscripts App
JabRef [30] ? ? [31] ? Emacs, LEd, Texmaker, TeXstudio, Vim, WinEdt
KBibTeX ? ? ? none
Mendeley [32] ? NeoOffice
Papers ? ? Mellel, TextEdit; HTML
Pybliographer ? ? ? none
Qiqqa ? ? none
ReadCube ? ? none
refbase ? ? [33] PIRA, MediaWiki, SPIP
RefDB ? ? none
Reference Manager none
Referencer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
RefWorks ? ? none
SciRef ? ? none
Sente ? Mellel, Nisus, TextEdit; HTML and plain text scan
Wikindx ? ? Integrated WYSIWYG word processor (RTF output for Word/OpenOffice)
WizFolio ? ? ? Zoho Writer
Zotero ? ? (with LyZ)[34] NeoOffice


This table lists the academic databases and search engines which reference managers can import from. In some cases, a search and retrieval can be conducted directly in the reference manager. In others, a bookmarklet or Firefox extension will allow a site to be scraped.

Software ArXiv CiteSeer IEEE Xplore PubMed Other
Aigaion none
BibBase DBLP, Zotero, BibSonomy, Mendeley
BibDesk ACM portal, Jstor, DBLP, Google Scholar, Web of Science, any Z39.50 or Entrez, and others
Biblioscape Import from integrated web browser
BibSonomy various[35]
Bibus none
Bookends Web of Science, Amazon, Google Scholar, Z39.50
Citavi WorldCat/OCLC, Ovid, EBSCO, ProQuest, Web of Science, Z39.50 (4800+ online resources), SRU, DOI lookup, ISBN lookup, PubmedID lookup
CiteULike various
colwiz Over 30 repositories, Import from integrated web browser
Docear Google Scholar
EndNote various[36] any Z39.50
F1000Workspace Google scholar, Google Books, Amazon, Web of Science/Web of Knowledge, WorldCat/OCLC, Science Direct, JSTOR, Highwire, PMC Europe, ACMDigitalLibrary, Scopus, Wiley, NIHLibrary, voyager, PrimoLibweb, PubMedID/DOI/ISBN lookup and the majority of journal websites.
JabRef ACM portal, DBLP, DOAJ, DOI, DiVA,[37] GVK,[38] Google Scholar, INSPIRE-HEP, Medline, Springer
KBibTeX BibSonomy, CiteBase, CSB, DBLP, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, INSPIRE-HEP, Z MATH, Z39.50
Mendeley various
Paperpile Google Scholar
Papers ACM, ADS, Google Books, Google Scholar, JSTOR, MathSciNet, Project Muse, Scopus, Web of Science
Pybliographer none
Qiqqa GoogleScholar, JSTOR
ReadCube Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar
refbase DOI lookup
RefDB any Z39.50
Reference Manager various[39]
Referencer ? ? ? ? ?
RefWorks various
Sente Z39.50, SRU, Web of Knowledge
Wikindx via plug-ins
WizFolio various[40]
Zotero various[41]

Password "protection" and network versions

Some reference managers provide network functionality. (N/A means the product has no networking, while "no" indicates it does (but lacks an implemented feature).)

Software Passworded Networking
User-specific permissions[42] Simultaneous write access
Bebop 不適用 不適用
BibBase 不適用 不適用 不適用
Bibus ? ? ?
Bookends ? ? ?
Citavi [43]
Docear 不適用 不適用
EndNote [44] [44]
JabRef 部份
KBibTeX 不適用 不適用
Mendeley [45]
Paperpile [46]
Papers ? ? ?
Pybliographer ? ? ?
Reference Manager
Referencer ? ? ?
RefWorks[47] ?
Zotero [48]


  1. 完整版的建议价格,一般包括實體安裝軟件。同时也有要下載的打折版本和学术版本可用。更加昂贵的工作室、服务器和图书管理员版本也可能可用。
  2. Price depends on affiliation (discounted price for students and members of academic, governmental, and nonprofit organizations), edition (Citavi for Windows for single users and small teams, Citavi for DBServer for larger and large teams), and, in the case of DBServer, on the license type (per seat license vs. concurrent license).[4]
  3. 有开发者工具包可用。社区邀请开发者开发用于数据库的插件。
  4. Zotero can import references directly from the database after which this format is named, although it cannot read the format itself.
  5. This refers to the direct output of raw LaTeX (often in a format similar to the BibTeX-generated .bbl files). Many programs can export BibTeX (see above table), which can then be processed into LaTeX.[26]
  6. Database can be exported as a whole in BibTeX format. Text (ie. thoughts, comments, and quotations) can be exported to a number of TeX editors in LaTeX code or UTF-8.
  7. URLs aren't active links.


  1. . BibSonomy.org. 2016-02-15 [2016-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
  2. . Sonny Software. 2016-01-30 [2016-03-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21).
  3. . [2015年4月21日]. (原始内容存档于2015年4月27日).
  4. . Swiss Academic Softwre. 2015-10-27 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-23).
  5. . Swiss Academic Software. 2015-04-21 [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2015年4月24日).
  6. A centrally-hosted website is available at refbase.net 页面存档备份,存于.
  7. . Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. [2021-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-04).
  8. . Announcing Papers for Windows. (原始内容存档于2012-04-26).
  9. . [2021-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-16).
  10. . [2021-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-01).
  11. The GUI requires gnome-python, which isn't available for Windows or Mac OS X.
  12. Reference Manager is not compatible with word 2010
  13. . [2012-07-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-14).
  14. Support iOS versions 页面存档备份,存于
  15. . EndNote. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-30).
  16. Supported through the bibutils plugin
  17. . RefWorks. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-21).
  18. . Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. [June 19, 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-26).
  19. Endnote cannot import directly BibTex files, but there are various methods to transform these into the refer format, which may be imported
  20. . EndNote. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-05).
  21. . Refman.com. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-13).
  22. . RefWorks. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-21).
  23. https://web.archive.org/web/20091225065458/http://help.wizfolio.com/Contents/AddOns.aspx. [January 15, 2009]. (原始内容存档于December 25, 2009). 缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  24. . Zotero.org. [2014-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-22).
  25. . Swiss Academic Software. 2015-10-27 [2015-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-26).
  26. . Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. [2015-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-10).
  27. Can reformat references in a properly saved RTF document, allowing limited use in OpenOffice.org Writer, StarOffice, FrameMaker, Microsoft Works, WordPad, WordPerfect, Google Docs and others.
  28. Detailed setup guide "Citavi + LyX". Citavi. Retrieved 2014-07-10.
  29. See JabRef FAQ: Field Mapping between MS-Office and JabRef 页面存档备份,存于.
  30. See JabRef FAQ: OpenOffice/LibreOffice integration 页面存档备份,存于.
  31. Will transfer you to the Desktop App to choose a reference.
  32. Refbase can create a spreadsheet for import into an OO.o database to use the native OO.o bibliography tool. Refbase's MySQL database can additionally be used directly by OO.o 页面存档备份,存于.
  33. The LyZ页面存档备份,存于) extension integrates Zotero with Lyx/Kile
  34. . BibSonomy. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-02).
  35. . EndNote. [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-20).
  36. Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet http://www.diva-portal.org页面存档备份,存于)>
  37. Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog <http://gso.gbv.de页面存档备份,存于)>
  38. . Refman.com. 2003-03-11 [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-06).
  39. . Help.wizfolio.com. 2012-06-22 [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23).
  40. . Zotero.org. 2012-03-15 [2012-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-18).
  41. Most databases allow one to create different user accounts to store records. Some further allow you to specify permissions (granting and denying some users the rights to edit or read some or all of your records. This column describes the latter.
  42. Database file can be saved on shared network drive for small teams. Storage of data in Microsoft SQL Server in intranet or in private cloud on Windows Azure for large teams.
  43. via EndNote basic (cloud based)
  44. via Mendeley Web
  45. uses Google Account
  46. 需要下载并安装Write-N-Cite citation tool 页面存档备份,存于
  47. via zotero.org



This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.