斯塔克效應對應於帶電粒子譜線的壓力增寬(斯塔克增寬)。當譜線的分裂或位移在吸收線發生時則稱為逆斯塔克效應(Inverse Stark effect)。
- 塞曼效应
- Autler-Townes效應
- 斯塔克光譜學
- 英格利斯-泰勒方程式
- Classical, semiclassical, and quantum dynamics of lithium in an electric field, M Courtney, N Spellmeyer, H Jiao, D Kleppner, Phys Rev A 51, 3604 (1995).
- See for the early history of the Stark effect: E. Whitaker, A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity, vol. II; The Modern Theories, American Institute of Physics (1987).
- E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley. . Cambridge University Press. 1935. ISBN 0-521-09209-4. (Chapter 17 provides a comprehensive treatment, as of 1935.)
- H. W. Kroto. . Dover, New York. 1992. ISBN 0-486-67259-X. (Stark effect for rotating molecules)
- H. Friedrich. . Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1990. ISBN 0-387-54179-9. (Stark effect for atoms)
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