新罗马 (组织)

新罗马英語:直译:New Rome)是一个致力于罗马文化复兴和重建的国际组织[1][2],成立于1998年,后在美国缅因州注册为非营利组织,肩负教育和精神使命。[3] 新罗马宣称要促进“古羅馬宗教文化美德的复兴”和“共同的罗马理想”。[4][5]

Nova Roma
Senátus Populusque Novus Rómánus
坐標55°40′26″N 12°36′09″E
會員 (2019年)
$11.8 k USD
$983.21 USD
支出(2010年)$978.60 USD

据悉,新罗马提供有关罗马文化拉丁语古罗马服饰歷史重演的在线资源,[5][6][7] 但其目标不仅是重演爱好者社区或历史研究小组。基于重建罗马仪式和活动构造精神层面,斯特里姆斯卡[8]、戴维[9]、阿德勒[10]、加拉格尔-阿什克拉夫特[11]和克里斯赛德斯[12]等学者,将其称为“罗马重建主义者”社区。 因为其具有基于古罗马共和国的结构,[13] 拥有元老院行政长官公民议会颁布的法律,[14]并且拥有自己的造币[15][16]同时,新罗马组织自行架设的维基自称为“国家”,所以一些外部观察家[4][16][17][18]将其归类为“私人國家”。


新罗马最主要的目标,是为现代世界中自我认同罗马人的人们,提供一个生活社区,并复兴可以体验和表达真正的罗马身份的传统。[19] 由于罗马人最真实、最传统的文化表达形式之一,是庆祝各种节日、仪式和典礼,因此新罗马采用古羅馬宗教作为其“國教”,[20][21] 同时也保障罗马公民宗教自由。宗教学者迈克尔·约克指出传统的罗马思维方式、罗马哲学,为新罗马人的灵性提供道德准则。[22]

新罗马人尽可能真实地重建国内宗教传统和圣物sacra publica),[23][24] 包括恢复古代祭司学院[25] 例如教皇弗拉门的办公厅,[26]以及全年庆祝罗马假期的完整周期。[27] 根据安大略省宗教宽容顾问的报告,新罗马人在圣诞节期间,庆祝罗马节日的农神节[28][29][30][31]




新罗马举办属于自己的本地和国际聚会,并定期与其附属重演团体[33]参加历史节日和公共活动,例如:保加利亚斯维什托夫的古代遗产节[34]缅因州韦尔斯海港公园的罗马市场日[35][36][37]意大利福尔维夫论坛匈牙利布达佩斯的萨瓦里安竞技(Ludi Savarienses)历史嘉年华和阿昆库姆广场(Aquincum Floralia)春季庆典,[38][39][40] 或是罗马举行的罗马圣日(Natale di Roma),[41] 庆祝新罗马成立二十周年。


新罗马的文化活动中,与各种罗马节日相关的竞赛游戏占有重要地位,其中包括各种各样的节目,从轻松幽默的在线游戏到严肃的艺术竞赛,例如:2005年首次举办的历史小说写作文学竞赛“Certamen Petronianum”(佩特罗尼乌斯奖),[42][43] 评委会由知名人士组成,包括多部罗马题材畅销小说作家柯林·馬嘉露和罗马历史学教授及英國國家學術院前副院长T·P·怀斯曼;第二届比赛的评委是世界奇幻奖获奖作家及诗人舟·沃頓[44] 克里斯托弗·弗洛姆(Kristoffer From)是首届“Certamen Petronianum”比赛的获奖者。[45]


新罗马曾经铸造两枚塞斯特蒂乌斯的硬币,一枚为青铜币,发行于2000年;另一枚为黄铜币,发行于2005年。每枚硬币上均刻有SPQR字母,直径为32毫米,厚度为1.8毫米。如果将这些塞斯特蒂乌斯送回新罗马组织的财库,可以兑换成50美分[46] 因此它们可以在社区成员之间代替真实货币使用。



新罗马组织总部的国际治理政策,[47] 允许每个国家的新罗马社区创立分支组织,称之为省(provincia),并根据当地国家法律规定,组建自己的非营利组织或法人组织。[48] 这使得当地能够得到更好的认可和管理,并合乎当地法律和保险的覆盖范围,例如:澳大拉西亚生活历史联合会(Australasian Living History Federation,ALHF)。[49]





  1. Palacios, Juan José: "Corporate citizenship and social responsibility in a globalized world". Citizenship Studies 8(4):383-402. Routledge, 2004
  2. Danese, Roberto/Bacianini, Andrea/Torino, Alessio: Weni, widi, wici: tra 'volumen" e byte. p. 133. Guaraldi, 2003"
  3. . Maine Department of the Secretary of State, Bureau of Corporations, Elections, and Commissions. [2007-11-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-17).
  4. Dixon, Suzanne: Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, page 64. Routledge, 2007
  5. Trinkle, D. A./Merriman, S. A: The history highway: a 21st century guide to Internet resources, p. 464. M.E. Sharpe, 2006
  6. Burgan, Michael: Empire of Ancient Rome, p. 122. Infobase Publishing, 2004
  7. . Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS), University of Oregon. 13 November 2011 [2011-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-26).
  8. Strmiska, Michael: Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, p. 335-336. ABC-CLIO, 2005
  9. Davy, Barbara Jane page 156, 163, 233
  10. Adler, Margot page 549
  11. Eugene V. Gallagher, W. Michael Ashcraft: Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America: Metaphysical, New Age, and neopagan movements. p. 220. Greenwood Press, 2006
  12. George D. Chryssides, Historical Dictionary of New Religious Movements (2011, 2nd ed.)
  13. Auffarth, Chr./Bernard, J./Mohr, H.: Metzler Lexikon Religion: Gegenwart - Alltag - Medien, pp. 211-12. Metzler, 2002
  14. Danese, Roberto/Bacianini, Andrea/Torino, Alessio: Weni, widi, wici: tra 'volumen" e byte. p. 134. Guaraldi, 2003"
  15. . [2009-03-09]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-22).
  16. American Numismatic Association: The Numismatist, page 19. American Numismatic Association, 2003
  17. Caporaso, Giovanni: Cambiare Identitá.: É possibile, ecco le Prove, Offshore World Inc., 2006
  18. Vobruba, Georg: Grenzsoziologie: die politische Strukturierung des Raumes, p. 210. VS Verlag, 2006
  19. Gallagher, E. V./Willsky-Ciollo, L.: A Day in a Working Life: 300 Trades and Professions Through History, pp. 332-333. ABC-CLIO, 2015
  20. Adler, Margot: Drawing down the moon: witches, Druids, goddess-worshipers, and other pagans in America, p. 549. Penguin Books, 2006
  21. McColman, Carl: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism, pages 71 and 347. Alpha Books, 2002
  22. York, Michael: Pagan Ethics: Paganism as a World Religion, p. 396. Springer, 2015
  23. Gallagher, E. V./Willsky-Ciollo, L.: New Religions: Emerging Faiths and Religious Cultures in the Modern World, p. 430. ABC-CLIO, 2021
  24. Davy, Barbara Jane: Introduction to Pagan Studies, pp. 156, 163, 233. Rowman Altamira, 2007
  25. Strmiska, Michael: Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, p. 335. ABC-CLIO, 2005
  26. . [2018-08-03]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-04).
  27. Joyce Higginbotham, River Higginbotham: ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path, p. 230. Llewellyn Worldwide, 2009
  28. . Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. [2011-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-14).
  29. . Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. [2011-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-28).
  30. . Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. [2011-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-13).
  31. . Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. [2011-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-18).
  32. Adler, Margot. . Penguin Books. 2006: 549 [1979] [2011-12-18]. ISBN 978-0-14-303819-1. [...] Nova Roma is currently raising money to restore a shrine of Magna Mater in Rome.
  33. Vescia, Monique: Battle Reenactments, p. 38. The Rosen Publishing Group, 2015
  34. . Council of Tourism - Svishtov. [2009-09-08]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-22).
  35. . Portland Press Herald. [2002-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23).
  36. . Portland Press Herald. [2003-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23).
  37. . Portland Press Herald. [2004-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23).
  38. . Kultúra az Interneten Alapítvány. [2009-05-01]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-27).
  39. . National Geographic (Hungary). 21 May 2009 [2011-12-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-06).
  40. (PDF). Museum of Aquincum. [2011-12-05]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-04-26).
  41. . Gruppo Storico Romano. [2019-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-25).
  42. . Nova Roma, Inc. [2011-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-09).
  43. . SuperEva. [2011-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
  44. . Nova Roma, Inc. [2019-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-04).
  45. . www.novaroma.org. [2021-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-27).
  46. Sestertius Signum 页面存档备份,存于, novaroma.org, accessed 13 December 2021
  47. . www.novaroma.org. [2020-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-05).
  48. . www.novaroma.org. [2020-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-22).
  49. . www.alhf.org.au. [2020-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-23).
  50. For example: Mommsen, Theodor. . Routledge Key Guides. Barbara Demandt, Alexander Demandt, Thomas E. J. Wiedemann. Routledge. 1999: 381 [2011-12-16]. ISBN 978-0-415-20647-1. (原始内容存档于2016-06-03). The result of Constantinople's founding was the end of a national basis for the Empire [...] Milan and Ravenna had been unable to compete with Rome, though they were court residences, but Nova Roma could.
  51. Note for example Kantorowicz, Ernst Hartwig. 7. Princeton University Press. 1957: 83 [2011-12-16]. ISBN 978-0-691-01704-4. Thus it happened that 'Rome' migrated from incarnation to incarnation, wandering first to Constantinople and later to Moscow, the third Rome, but also to Aachen where Charlemagne built a 'Lateran' and apparently planned to establish the Roma futura. [...] Constantinople and Aachen and others claimed to be each a nova Roma[...]
  52. Neville, Peter. . Historical Biographies Series. Routledge. 2004: 118 [2011-12-16]. ISBN 978-0-415-24989-8. Mussolini made immense efforts to portray an image of Italian greatness, and the memory of Ancient Rome was constantly traded on in the régime's propaganda. Thus the normal handshake [...] was replaced by the 'Roman Salute' and the Mediterranean became 'our sea'. [...] Some streams in Fascism demanded spiritual revival based on the concept of a 'New Rome'.


  • American Religious Identification Survey," by The Graduate Center of the City University of New York 存檔,存档日期2007-03-06. (pdf)
  • Adler, Margot. 2006. Drawing down the Moon, Penguin Books. ISBN 0143038192
  • Caporaso, Giovanni. 2006. Cambiare Identitá.: É possibile, ecco le Prove, Offshore World Inc.. ISBN 0978928342
  • Danese, Roberto/Bacianini, Andrea/Torino, Alessio. 2003. Weni, widi, wici: tra 'volumen" e byte, Guaraldi. ISBN 88-8049-209-8
  • Davy, Barbara Jane. 2006. Introduction to Pagan Studies, Rowman Altamira. ISBN 0-7591-0819-6
  • Dennis A. Trinkle, Scott A. Merriman. M.E. Sharpe, 2002. US history highway, Volume 1. ISBN 0-7656-0907-X
  • Dennis A. Trinkle, Scott A. Merriman. M.E. Sharpe, 2006. The history highway: a 21st-century guide to Internet resources. ISBN 0-7656-1631-9
  • Dixon, Suzanne. 2007. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, Routledge. ISBN 0-415-33148-X
  • Gallagher, E. V./Willsky-Ciollo, L. 2015. A Day in a Working Life: 300 Trades and Professions Through History, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 9781610694032
  • Higginbotham, J./Higginbotham, 2009. ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path, Llewellyn Worldwide. ISBN 1610694023
  • McColman, Carl. 2002. The Complete Idiot's Guide (R) to Paganism, Alpha Books. ISBN 0-02-864266-X
  • Strmiska, Michael. 2005. Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1851096084
  • York, Michael. 2015. Pagan Ethics: Paganism as a World Religion, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-18923-9


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